
Mostrando entradas de mayo 24, 2015

Convocatoria a trabajos de investigación | Eä - Revista de Humanidades Médicas & Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología

Estimados/as colegas, Está abierta la convocatoria para enviar trabajos con solicitud de publicación para los próximos números de Eä - Revista de Humanidades Médicas & Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología (Eä Journal). El próximo cierre de recepción de originales será 15 de junio de 2015. Ver información para autores: http://www.ea-journal.com/es/informacion-para-autores. Consultas: submit@ea-journal.com .:: Eä – Revista de Humanidades Médicas & Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología (Eä Journal, ISSN 1852-4680) es una revista académica periódica con referato en formato electrónico y de acceso abierto. La revista está disponible en www.ea-journal.com y se encuentra registrada en diversos índices de publicaciones periódicas. Leer más » http://bit.ly/17YLGKz .:: Último número: Vol. 5 N° 2. Índice de contenidos: Los contenidos del último número, Vol. 5 N° 2 se encuentran accesibles para leer y descargar en http://bit.ly/1bPJo8t ..:: Premio a las Humanidades Dig...

Collected Papers of Albert Einstein available on Open Access site

Princeton University Press has made the Collected Works of Albert Einstein digitally available on an Open Access site: https://ejournalscambridge.wordpress.com/2015/05/29/the-collected-papers-of-albert-einstein/

2015 Oral History Society Conference - Oral histories of Science, Technology and Medicine

The 2015 Annual Conference of the Oral History Society in conjunction with Royal Holloway University of London and the Oral History of British Science at the British Library, with support from the Wellcome Trust Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, UK From: 10th July 2015 To: 11th July 2015 Conference Scope What can oral history and life story methodologies bring to the study of the history of science, technology and medicine? How have historians of science, technology and medicine made use of personal memory and narratives in their research? This conference will explore the theoretical and practical challenges of using oral history-based techniques in the broad areas of the histories of science, mathematics, engineering, technology and medicine, and welcomes contributions which use oral history to: Understand change in medicine and science Consider the links between organisational history and memory Juxtapose oral history...

αnalytica, a new open-access e-journal for the philosophy of science

We are pleased to announce that αnalytica, the new open-access journal for the philosophy of science, has now published its first set of papers:  ‘Maxwell's Paradox: the Metaphysics of Classical Electrodynamics and its Time-Reversal Invariance’ by Valia Allori (Northern Illinois University) ‘How to Learn Concepts, Consequences, and Conditionals’ by Franz Huber (University of Toronto) The papers can be freely accessed via the journal’s website: http://www.analytica.phs.uoa.gr/ The editors of αnalytica Stavros Ioannidis & Elina Pechlivanidi, Editors-in-Chief | Demetra Christopoulou | Haris Hatziioannou | Vassilios Livanios | Antigone Nounou | Vassilis Sakellariou | Chrysovalantis Stergiou

Doctoral dissertations on the history of medicine

Colleagues: You can view the latest batch of recent doctoral dissertations on the history of medicine at the following URL:  http://www.hsls.pitt.edu/histmed/dissertations            ProQuest has altered how they put out their individual issues.  No longer do they correlate to one month, so the dating is more random.  Thus titles will range from 2015-yes they have some 2015 dates-back into the late 1990’s. There is one additional aspect to point out about this latest batch of dissertations that make it unique.  The University of Southern California downloaded the past 75+ years of its dissertations into the current issues-thus you will find titles dating back into the 1920”s.  While there are no abstracts for these earlier works you can pull up the full text of these dissertations.  John Erlen University of Pittsburgh

Call for papers: “Astronomy and astronautics under dictatorial regimes”

ASTRONOMY AND ASTRONAUTICS UNDER DICTATORIAL REGIMES 24–25 September 2015 Instituto de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia López Piñero University of Valencia, Valencia (Spain) Submissions are invited for the conference/workshop “Astronomy and astronautics under dictatorial regimes” on topics related to the development of astronomy, astrophysics and astronautics during twentieth-century dictatorships and totalitarian regimes. During the last decades, historians have shown an increasing interest in the study of the relations between science, politics and power under such regimes. While the cases of physics and life sciences have been thoroughly investigated, the science of the universe has so far received little attention. In this sense, the workshop aims at exploring to what extent astronomy and astronautics have contributed to shape and define twentieth-century dictatorships and totalitarian regimes. Submissions are invited on (but not limited to) the following to...

Conference: Modernizers. Changing Science and Society in the Middle East and North Africa (1870s-1930s) [discussion]

T he Laboratoire SPHERE, CNRS-Université Paris Diderot is pleased to announce an international workshop on 24-25 June 2015 with the title          MODERNIZERS. CHANGING SCIENCE AND SOCIETY IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA (1870s-1930s). This event is funded by the Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships Programme, European Union (FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IEF Grant agreement nº 329548). Assistance is open to everyone interested. Programme, date and place of the workshop Mercredi 24 & jeudi 25 juin 2015  9:00–17:00, Salle Mondrian, 646A Batiment Condorcet                                                                                                                 ...