2015 Oral History Society Conference - Oral histories of Science, Technology and Medicine

The 2015 Annual Conference of the Oral History Society in conjunction with Royal Holloway University of London and the Oral History of British Science at the British Library, with support from the Wellcome Trust

Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, UK

From: 10th July 2015
To: 11th July 2015

Conference Scope
What can oral history and life story methodologies bring to the study of the history of science, technology and medicine? How have historians of science, technology and medicine made use of personal memory and narratives in their research?
This conference will explore the theoretical and practical challenges of using oral history-based techniques in the broad areas of the histories of science, mathematics, engineering, technology and medicine, and welcomes contributions which use oral history to:
  • Understand change in medicine and science
  • Consider the links between organisational history and memory
  • Juxtapose oral history with other historical sources
  • Review the cultural interface between history, memory and technology
  • Uncover personal reflections on technological and medical innovation and change
  • Examine ways in which memory can be used to interpret and engage with wider public audiences about current scientific issues in, for example, biomedicine, the environment and lifestyle choices
The conference will bring into dialogue oral historians, historians of science, technology and medicine, medical sociologists, technologists, archivists, the scientific humanities, and heritage professionals working in museums, higher education, broadcasting and other media.

Full programme and registration available at