
Mostrando entradas de febrero 28, 2021

XXIV Bienal Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural: La huella Humana en la Naturaleza

En este año en curso, 2021, se celebra el 150 aniversario de la creación de la RSEHN, por tal motivo la XXIV bienal conmemorará este acontecimiento que tendrá lugar nuevamente, en la ciudad de Valencia después de 41 años. La XXIV Bienal será organizada por la Universitat de València a través del Museo de Historia Natural y el Jardí Botànic, así como algunos de los departamentos adscritos a la Facultat de Ciències Biològiques y la propia Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural. Las Ciencias Naturales son la base de la comprensión y gestión de los recursos naturales disponibles, por lo que la difusión de estos conocimientos, no solamente compete al ámbito de la educación, sino que también lo hace en el aspecto de su sostenibilidad. Además, se generará a corto y medio plazo unos resultados que favorecerán una mayor accesibilidad, eficiencia y calidad en la formación de las futuras generaciones de estudiantes que necesitan ver cómo los estudios de las Ciencias Naturales son especialment...

Call for Chapters: Springer book on the historiography of science

  A new book in the Springer Series on the Historiographies of Science seeks proposals for chapters. Title:  Handbook of the Historiography of Science Guest Editors: Mauro L. Condé (Federal University of Minas Gerais), Marlon Salomon (Federal University of Goiás)  Springer Book Series:  https://www.springer.com/ series/15837      The Historiography of Science   Throughout the twentieth century, philosophers, historians, sociologists, anthropologists, journalists, and scientists themselves have produced histories of science with varied forms of analysis. This historiography gives us a “transversal” view of scientific knowledge, analyzing both the epistemological conditions intrinsic to the production of science as well as its social, cultural, and political impacts. In short, with this rich historiography, we gained a much more diversified and complex idea of scientific activity.   These historiographic analyses built on the idea that science ...

Novedad bibliográfica: «L’enfit» o empacho. Una enfermedad popular en la Comunidad Valenciana

Autor: Roberto Campos Navarro. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Adquirir libro en:   descarga directa pdf ,   descarga directa epub Descripción breve:  El empacho (l ́enfit o empatx en lengua valenciana/catalana) es una enfermedad digestiva común y habitual en toda Iberoamérica. El diagnóstico y el tratamiento se efectúan en el ámbito familiar y comunitario con múltiples remedios caseros, pero destaca uno en especial que —casi exclusivamente— se realiza en los territorios de la Comunitat Valenciana: medir con la cinta o passar la llista para trencar l ́enfit y así curar la parà o detención del tránsito gastrointestinal. Se trata de una práctica ritual heredada por generaciones, mayoritariamente entre mujeres, acompañada de una oración secreta que se transmite en fechas religiosas católicas significativas (Semana Santa o Navidad), y que apela a la intervención de la Sagrada Familia. Es una costumbre centenaria reconocida y practicada por la Comunitat Valenciana...

CfA: Special Issue “(New) Histories of Science, in and beyond Modern Europe”

  Journal:   Histories Special Issue Title: (New) Histories of Science, in and beyond Modern Europe Special Issue Editors: Volker Remmert, Dania Achermann, Cécile Stephanie Stehrenberger, Fabian Link Deadline for abstracts of possible contributions: 30 April 2021 Deadline for final contributions: 28 February 2022 Link:  https://www.mdpi.com/journal/ histories/special_issues/ histories_of_science Over the past few decades, a wide array of research has been categorized as “history of science”, rendering it an extremely dynamic and diversified field. Scholars have explored a wide range of topics beyond the classical fields of the histories of the natural sciences and mathematics, including the human and social sciences as well as the humanities. They have developed and applied various methods and theoretical approaches that have emerged from a great variety of institutional settings and disciplinary contexts across the globe. In what follows, we refer to this gamut of histor...

CfP: Scales, Norms, and Limit Values in Times of (Digital) Change

Technical Museum Vienna | University of Vienna, 17.-19. September 2021 Scales, norms and limit values regulate procedures within production lines and transnational infrastructures; they pervade hospital wards and university lectures; they fill scientific journals and bureaucratic regulations. Scales occur in science, medicine and technology alike, and have become ubiquitous in everyday life. Scale readings help to control devices and machines. They are often the interface that users rely on. Norms, for the most part, are based on combined scales, for example technical measures and medical indicators. This is true regardless in which format a standard was defined (DIN, ISO, TGL or the ГОСТ-formats of the former USSR). Limit values are legal and technical specifications; they play an important role in long-term planning, but also in risk communication and the regulation of public life. Not least, the format of this planned conference depends crucially on the R-value in late summer. Limit...

Fully funded PhD: Conceptual approaches to cancer

  Fully funded PhD position on conceptual approaches to cancer University of Bordeaux, France Supervisor:   Thomas Pradeu   (Research Director at CNRS, PI   Conceptual Biology & Medicine Team ,   ImmunoConcept , CNRS & Univ. Bordeaux) Start date:   October 1st, 2021.   Duration: 3 years. Application deadline:   April 1, 2021 . Funding:  SIRIC-Brio and Region Nouvelle Aquitaine Open to:  scientists and MDs interested in conceptual approaches to cancer; philosophers interested in daily and intensive interactions with biologists and/or MDs. All details available here :  https://www.philinbiomed.org/ job/phd-conceptual-cancer/