
Mostrando entradas de abril 30, 2017

Acceso abierto a La prisión y las instituciones punitivas en la investigación histórica

Pedro Oliver Olmo ,  Jesús Carlos Urda Lozano (Coords.) Url:  http://publicaciones.uclm.es/la-prision-y-las-instituciones-punitivas-en-la-investigacion-historica/ Enlace directo:  https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=1gqYBAAAQBAJ Resumen: La Historia Social de las Instituciones Punitivas está necesitada en España de encuentro y debate, de confrontación y colaboración entre investigadores e investigadoras. Solo así logrará hacerse visible e inteligible como tendencia historiográfica y sobre todo como apuesta teórico-metodológica, porque de hecho ya es más que creíble como práctica historiográfica. Aquí, en este libro, junto a los logros también se perfilan las carencias y los retos más acuciantes. Lejos de buscar una autonomía extemporánea, la Historia Social de las Instituciones Punitivas quiere buscar su propia viabilidad a base de intersecciones y buenas mezclas. Esos objetivos se planteaba el Grupo de Estudio sobre la Historia de la...

Exposición: Investigadoras en la luz y en las tecnologías de la luz

Ver catálogo en PDF A lo largo de la Historia de la Ciencia han existido mujeres valientes y brillantes que, pese a la prohibición explícita y negación continuada de su vocación, han sabido abrirse camino y nos han iluminado con sus descubrimientos sobre la luz. Con el objetivo de “promocionar el empoderamiento de la mujer en la ciencia” y “fomentar vocaciones científicas en el ámbito de la luz y de sus aplicaciones”, el Grupo de Mujeres en Física de la Real Sociedad Española de Física (RSEF) y a la Sociedad Española de Óptica (SEDOPTICA) han desarrollado esta exposición para visibilizar a estas investigadoras. Comisariado Sociedad Española Óptica y Grupo de “Mujeres en Física” de la Real Sociedad Española de Física; colabora el Catedrático Augusto Beléndez   Calendario Del 10 de mayo al 8 de junio de 2017 Inauguración: 10 de mayo a las 20:00 h. Sala Juana Francés. Universidad de Alicante Url:  https://web.ua.es/es/sedealicante/programa-de...

Becas JAE de introducción a la investigación para estudiantes universitarios

El día 9 de mayo acaba el plazo para que estudiantes universitarios de último año o matriculados en un máster realicen sus solicitudes de becas JAE-Intro., de introducción a la investigación durante dos meses entre septiembre y noviembre de este año, becas dotadas con 2000 euros cada una. El Link del CSIC donde se encuentra toda la información detallada es: https://sede.csic.gob.es/ intro2017 Y la aplicación telemática para los solicitantes:   https://www.convocatorias. csic.es/convoca/

Forthcoming CRASSH Exhibition: 'Photography, Alterity and Epidemics.' 11 May - 30 June 2017

The Visual Representations of the Third Plague Pandemic project at CRASSH, University of Cambridge, is delighted to share news of a forthcoming photographic exhibition; ‘ Photography, Alterity and Epidemics .’  This exhibition will be graciously hosted by the Royal Anthropological Institute , London, from 11 May until 30 June 2017. Please join us for the opening night, from 5.30pm, at which Visual Plague project researchers will deliver short discussions about the images displayed in this exhibition.  Based in the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) at the University of Cambridge, the project Visual Representations of the Third Plague Pandemic has been collecting and analysing photographs of the third plague pandemic, which broke out in 1855 in Southwest China (Yunnan) and raged...

CfP Funding bodies and late modern science

Utrecht University, Cultural History Research Group and Descartes Centre, 30 November – 1 December 2017 In his The Scientific Life. A Late Modern Vocation Steven Shapin addresses the status of the late modern scientist. On the one hand, we have an image of modernized and rationalized science: there is an impersonal, universal scientific method that has made science an object of planning as much as any other domain of modern society: “The full expression of the rule of rule over spontaneity is found in the confidence that the production of truth can be not just rationally organized but effectively planned.” (p.10) In this image of science it is of no importance who the scientist is: s/he is just an executor who is ‘morally equivalent’. At the same time, however, Shapin shows us that in late modern technoscience supposedly “premodern resources” like personal virtue, familiarity, and charisma have become all the more important in the production and spread of scientific ...

CfP: Joint Atlantic Seminar for the History of Medicine

Url:  https://jashistofmed.wordpress.com/call-for-papers/ Johns Hopkins University The Johns Hopkins University Institute for the History of Medicine is pleased to host the 15th Joint Atlantic Seminar for the History of Medicine, October 13-14, 2017 in Baltimore. JASMed is convened annually for the presentation of research by young scholars working on the history of medicine and public health. The meeting was founded in 2002 to foster a collegial intellectual community that provides a forum for sharing and critiquing graduate research. We welcome student presentations on any topic and time period and especially hope to receive submissions that speak to this year’s theme, “Truth, Power, and Objectivity in the History of Medicine.” As Bruno Latour cautioned in his 2004 essay “Why has critique run out of steam? From matters of fact to matters of concern,” by demonstrating the lack of scientific certainty and socially constructed nature of facts in their work, his...

CfP: International Network for the History of Hospitals: Beauty and the Hospital in History

Url:  https://sshm.org/2016/04/28/cfp-international-network-for-the-history-of-hospitals-beauty-and-the-hospital-in-history/ Hosted by the Mediterranean Institute at the University of Malta, and the University of Warwick Beauty, and its perceived absence or loss, has been a part of hospital experiences, therapies, and planning throughout history. This conference aims to shed new light onto the history of beauty and health by exploring the subjective concepts of beauty, ‘normality’, and their opposites within and around the hospital. This eleventh INHH conference will consider the relationship between beauty and the hospital in history through an examination of five key themes. These themes and questions are by no means exhaustive, however, and we encourage the submission of abstracts that discuss other aspects of beauty and the hospital in history in innovative ways. Key Themes and Questions to be Explored: 1. The Arts and the Hospital. 2. Landscape and Envir...

Food, Foodways and Culture Call for Papers - NEPCA 2017

The Food, Foodways and Culture area of the Northeastern Popular/American Culture Association is inviting paper submissions for its Fall 2017 conference at University of Massachusetts Amherst in Amherst, MA from October 27-28, 2017. This area explores intersections among food, eating, and popular culture. Possible topics of interest include the following: The history of food and dining Depictions of food and dining in popular culture Connections among food, eating and identity The history and culture of restaurants Food festivals and cooking competitions Cookbooks as popular culture The Food Network and celebrity chefs Works of fiction and memoirs will not be considered unless they are part of a broader, analytical presentation. Proposals for both individual papers and full panels are invited.  Papers should appeal to a broad audience. The deadline for submission of paper proposals is June 1, 2017 . Information on submitting proposals can be found on t...

Novedad editorial: Globalización, nacionalización y liberalización de la industria del gas en la Europa latina (siglos XIX-XXI)

Isabel Bartolomé Rodríguez, Mercedes Fernández Paradas y Jesús Mirás Araujo Madrid, Marcial Pons, Ediciones Jurídicas y Sociales, 2017 ISBN: 9788491232513 Precio: 32,30 € 323 páginas Prólogo de Martí Solà Sugrañes. Sinopsis : El libro Globalización, nacionalización y liberalización de la industria del gas en la Europa latina (siglos xix-xxi) analiza la historia de un sector, el del gas, que, como otras actividades económicas incluidas dentro de lo que comúnmente se denominan servicios o industrias en red, presenta un carácter poliédrico. Por ello, se ha elegido para esta obra un enfoque multidisciplinar y una perspectiva comparativa. La evolución de la industria del gas viene determinada por su fisonomía productiva, la de su distribución y comercialización, pero también por las elecciones tecnológicas adoptadas, sus sistemas de gestión y por las sucesivas oleadas en la m...

CfP: Stories of Illness / Disability in Literature and Comics. Intersections of the Medical, the Personal, and the Cultural

URL:  http://www.fsgs.fu-berlin.de/pathographics From October 27-28, 2017 , this two-day academic conference at the Berlin Museum of Medical History at the Charité examines the ways in which knowledge and experience of illness and disability circulate within the realms of medicine, art, the personal and the cultural. We invite papers that address this question from a variety of different perspectives, including literary scholarship, comics studies, media studies, disability studies, and health humanities/ sociology/ geography. Keynote speaker: Leigh Gilmore (Wellesley College), Author of The Limits of Autobiography: Trauma and Testimony (2001) and Tainted Witness: Why we doubt what women say about their lives (2017). The PathoGraphics research project at Freie Universität Berlin invites as yet unpublished papers on comics and/ or literary texts (both fictional and auto­biographical) addressing one (or more) of the following questions : Shared Spaces: ...

Research Associate post, University of Bristol ('Towards a Sensory History of the Modern Hospital')

Can sensory history provide new insights into spaces of physical illness and recovery? How have cultural, individual and medical concerns historically shaped experiences of sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touch in hospital environments? This project will explore these questions, focusing on modern British hospitals. It will examine how emerging research on the senses fed into healthcare design and hospital life, and how patients/staff/visitors experienced and gave meaning to these design decisions. In 2017-18 the Principal Investigator (Dr Victoria Bates) will conduct research on the theory, practice and lived experience of sensory ‘design for health’ in hospitals since 1945. During this time the PI, with the support of the person appointed as Research Associate, will also explore future directions for the project with particular attention to methodological innovation, geographical scope and/or time frame, and public engagement opportunities. Overall, the project wil...