
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 15, 2020

Comunicaciones para el III Congreso Internacional Ciencia, Feminismo y Masculinidades

Nos complace enormemente comunicarle que la tercera edición del   Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Feminismo y Masculinidades  #CICFEM2021 se celebrará un año más el 5 y 6 de marzo de 2021, en esta ocasión en modalidad ONLINE y con el impulso del Instituto de la Mujer. Las presentación de comunicaciones está abierta y la fecha límite de entrega será el 10 de enero. Las comunicaciones podrán tener la modalidad de abstract o simposio, e irán adheridas a alguna de las líneas de investigación propuestas conforme a los ODS establecidos por las Naciones Unidas, desde un enfoque de la igualdad de género y superación de la violencia. Les animamos a presentar las investigaciones que a nivel organizativo o a título personal estén llevando a cabo, desde cualquier disciplina científica y área del conocimiento. En nuestra web,  cicfem.org , puede encontrar todas las orientaciones e información actualizada.

CfP: SIEF2021 – The politics of human vulnerability: tracing intersections of care, nature and the state

  We welcome proposals for the panel:  The politics of human vulnerability: tracing intersections of care, nature and the state   (see abstract below), which will take place at   SIEF2021: Breaking the Rules? Power, Participation, Transgression   (online congress 21-24 June 2021 –   https://www.siefhome.org/congresses/sief2021/index.shtml ). Propose a paper :  https://www.siefhome.org/congresses/sief2021/panels#9627 Deadline for submissions:  26 November 2020 Panel:  The politics of human vulnerability: tracing intersections of care, nature and the state Convenors:  Patrícia Alves de Matos (CRIA/Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa), Gerhild Perl (University of Bern), Antonio Maria Pusceddu (CRIA/Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa) Short Abstract This panel brings together historical and ethnographic perspectives on the politics of human vulnerability focusing on how different ideologies of care and ‘natu...

Call for abstracts: Science Diplomacy on Display: Mobile Atomic Exhibitions in the Cold War

  Call for contributions to the edited volume: Science Diplomacy on Display: Mobile Atomic Exhibitions in the Cold War   Deadline for abstract submission: December 14, 2020.  Maria Rentetzi (TU Berlin) and Donatella Germanese (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science)   This collective volume moves beyond the bipolar Cold War history that portrays nuclear propagandist exhibitions as one-way communication for promoting the advantages and virtues of the two major and conflicting political powers. Instead,  Science Diplomacy on Display   follows mobile atomic exhibitions as they move across national borders and around the world functioning as spaces for diplomatic encounters that move within political and scientific networks of exchange and circulation. This volume seeks to trace the multiple and often contradictory meanings that mobile exhibitions took on for various actors. For the countries or even international organizations that designed and c...

Call for thematic dossiers: HoST – Journal of History of Science and Technology (2022)

HoST- Journal of History of Science and Technology  is an open access, on-line peer-reviewed international journal devoted to the History of Science and Technology, published in English by a group of Portuguese research institutions and De Gruyter/Sciendo. HoST encourages submissions of original historical research exploring the cultural, social and political dimensions of science, technology, and medicine (STM), both from a local and a global perspective. Past thematic issues have dealt with topics as diverse as circulation, science communication or the relation between science and politics. Future issues might deal with both established and emerging areas of scholarship.  The editors of  HoST  are looking for proposals for two thematic dossiers to be published in 2022  ( HoST  volume 16, issues 1 and 2). Each thematic dossier should be prepared by the guest editor(s) and include four research papers along with an introduction.   Proposals should incl...

Call for contributions: Special Issue "From the Acquisition of Knowledge to the Promotion of Wisdom"

  “The world is currently beset with global problems that threaten our future: the climate crisis; destruction of the natural world, loss of wild life, mass extinctions; pollution of earth, sea and air; lethal modern war; the menace of nuclear weapons; deranged politics assisted by the internet; and the pandemic (spread by modern travel). Some hold that all these global problems have been made possible by the extraordinarily successful pursuit of modern science and technology dissociated from a more fundamental concern to help humanity resolve conflicts and problems of living in more cooperatively rational ways, so that we may begin to make progress towards a better, wiser world. Are universities today, devoted as they are to the acquisition of knowledge, doing all that they might to help humanity solve our grave global problems? Or, do universities need to change, perhaps quite radically? If so, what changes need to be made, and how would these changes help? Do universities need t...

Novedad bibliográfica: Disertación sobre la historia de la Náutica

El marino e historiador Martín Fernández de Navarrete (1765-1844) fue reuniendo durante décadas la documentación necesaria para poder abordar la presente obra, con la que quiso reivindicar el papel de los españoles en el desarrollo de la Náutica, desde los primeros balbuceos de la brújula, o los primitivos ensayos de la artillería naval, hasta las últimas innovaciones del siglo ilustrado. Su amplia experiencia naval (que le llevó a combatir en numerosas campañas durante su juventud) le dio la necesaria perspectiva práctica que completó con el trabajo de muchos años de reflexión  y recopilación bibliográfica y documental que se refleja en estas páginas. Ilustre cervantista, bibliógrafo y, ante todo, marino,  Martín Fernández de Navarrete  (1765-1844) ejemplifica como pocos al historiador que recoge la mejor tradición de la historiografía ilustrada del siglo XVIII y la abre a la renovación metodológica que eclosionaría ya en el XIX. Infatigable recopilador de fuentes, graci...

CfP: Technology and Language

  Technology and Language/ is a new peer-reviewed, open-access, professionally produced online journal. It invites interdisciplinary  explorations at the interface of technology and language. The launch  issue will appear in December 2020 with programmatic contributions from  philosophy of technology, linguistics, engineering, cultural and museum  studies, history of technology, art history, literature and theatre  studies: < https://soctech.spbstu.ru > This is a call for papers for the special themes of the 2021-issues. Contributed papers in English or Russian on any topic within the scope of the journal are also welcome. In the Beginning was the Word - The Word as a Technical Artefact (Deadline: January 10th, 2021): The word is a technical object in a variety of ways, most famously perhaps as the „redeeming word“ known from fairy-tales, transformative spells, and magical thinking. Its current incarnation is the password or encryption key which opens...

CfA: Bergson and Vitalism(s): An Online Workshop – April 29-30, 2021 | University of Ghent

  Workshop Organizers: Emily Herring (University of Ghent) and Mathilde Tahar (Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès) In his 1907 bestseller  Creative Evolution , the French philosopher Henri Bergson, weighed in on one of the burning issues of the day: biological evolution. He used an “image”, the  élan vital  (vital impetus) to describe the unpredictability, unity and branching nature of the history of life. The book earned Bergson international fame but also cemented the association between his name and a controversial label with a complex history: vitalism. In the words of philosophers Daniel Nicholson and Richard Gawne, nowadays, “to publicly accuse someone of harbouring vitalist views amounts to condemning them to the scorching fires of scientific hell”. This partially explains why current (in particular anglophone) historians and philosophers often ignore or disregard Bergson’s contribution to the history and philosophy of biology. As a result, the importance of Berg...

CfP: “The Applied Arts of Alchemy” Virtual Symposium, 20–21 May 2021

  Center for Historical Research, Science History Institute The historiography of alchemy has significantly expanded over the last decade, demonstrating that its theoretical and practical applications underpinned diverse medical and scientific advances in the early modern period. Alchemy was more than a scholarly, hermetic art: it was a dynamic, entrepreneurial pursuit that supported the rise of the early chemical and medical industries. While attempts to discover the philosophers’ stone were certainly a part of philosophical knowledge, alchemy and its outputs were embedded into European society, from dye-making and distilling to the development of new drugs. This virtual symposium will explore alchemy’s practical and applied uses and their lasting impact on chemistry, technology, medicine, experimentation, and the marketplace. Through explorations of entrepreneurship, patronage, and commerce, we will examine the place of alchemical knowledge, ingredients, and products in a proto-i...

CfP: Boston University Graduate Student Philosophy Conference

Date: April 22-23, 2021 All sessions will be held over Zoom Keynote Speaker: Sabina Leonelli (University of Exeter) The graduate students at Boston University are soliciting submissions for our annual graduate student conference in any area of philosophy of science, including philosophy of any of the specific sciences (biology, chemistry, physics, etc.). Submissions concerning the philosophy of data, especially relating to the work of our keynote speaker, are strongly encouraged. Topics may include (but are not limited to):   Metaphysics of data Databases, data storage, data journeys, or data processing Theory- or value-ladenness of data, compared to “raw” data Data ethics Big data Information for submissions: 

Novedad editorial: La medicina rural en la posguerra

Autoría: Ana Castañer, Anuska P. Castañer Juan P. Castañer, Reyes y Guillermo Pobo Bellido-Castañer El objetivo del libro es plasmar la labor de los médicos rurales, es un libro testimonial que recoge una documentación legada y en la que se aprecia la actividad y los medios con los que contaba un médico rural en la posguerra. La documentación por lo curiosa y singular proyecta a lo largo de las páginas del libro la actividad y las circunstancias de vida no solo del médico sino también de los habitantes del pueblo en un medio marcado por la escasez.