
Mostrando entradas de abril 3, 2016

Science, Technology and Industrialization: Interactions Between Europe and Latin America after the Independence movements (1840–1940)

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  May 10, 2017 to May 11, 2017 Location:  Germany Subject Fields:  Economic History / Studies, European History / Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Latin American and Caribbean History / Studies, World History / Studies Call for Proposals Science, Technology and Industrialization: Interactions Between Europe and Latin America after the Independence movements (1840–1940) May 10 – 11, 2017 Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin Our understanding of the history of knowledge has been considerably increased by recent globalization studies. Research covering different epochs of the history of knowledge related to China, India and the Middle East have uncovered the immense richness of this field. Other geographical regions, however, have not received the same degree of attention. This observation holds true in particular for the investigation of history of knowle...

CFP: WSECS Annual Meeting, Feb. 17-18, 2017, UCSB

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  October 1, 2016 Location:  California, United States Subject Fields:  Art, Art History & Visual Studies, Environmental History / Studies, European History / Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Literature Western Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Annual Meeting:  Feb. 17-18, 2017, UCSB Proposals due: Oct. 1, 2016 wsecs2017.wordpress.com We invite submissions from all disciplines for the 2017  WSECS  Annual Meeting on the theme of “Eighteenth-Century Science(s).” We are interested in papers that address aspects of the formation, development, and representation of the natural, social, experimental, and other sciences in the long eighteenth century, the relationships between literature and science, and the intersections of contemporary scientific methods and humanistic study. Jonathan Kramnick, Maynard Mack Professor of English at Yale University, will...

Folklore and Folktales

Type: Call for Papers Date: June 1, 2016 Location: New Hampshire, United States Subject Fields: Cultural History / Studies, Ethnic History / Studies, Literature, Oral History, Popular Culture Studies Sessions on Folklore and Folktales for the NEPCA conference at Keene State, New Hampshire (Oct. 21 and 22). This area explores the area of folkloric practices, including art, literature, knowledge and practices, as well as the fields that fall under and emerged out of folktales, including myths, legends, fairy tales and fables. Papers may be drawn from past instances as well as present practices – both foreign and domestic. Research may also look at modern reconfigurations of folklore and folktales, such as pilgrimage practices at Graceland, modern fairy tale retellings, new urban legends, etc.  500 word proposals should be submitted via the NEPCA link below by June 1, 2016 Contact Info:  Area chair: Lisa LeBlanc URL:  http...

Deadline for 4th EASPLS extended & ISHPSSB travel grants available for participation

4th European Advanced School in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences (EASPLS) "Function and Malfunction in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences, and the Social Sciences" KLI Klosterneuburg, September 5–9, 2016 Directors: Jean Gayon (Paris) – Alvaro Moreno (San Sebastian) Co-organizing institutions * Centre for the Study of Life Sciences, University of Exeter * IAS-Research Center for Life, Mind & Society, University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian * Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IHPST), Paris-1 Sorbonne * Institute of Philosophy, Leibniz University Hannover * Faculty of Sciences and Department of Philosophy/Faculty of Humanities, University of Geneva * KLI, Klosterneuburg/Vienna ( = VENUE ) Call for abstracts Young scholars (PhD students and early post-doctoral researchers) in the history and philosophy of the life sciences (including medicine) and young social scientists are invited to apply. Ca...

Seventh International Conference on Food Studies

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  December 26, 2016 to September 26, 2017 Location:  Italy Subject Fields:  Public Health, Cultural History / Studies, Anthropology, Ethnic History / Studies, Urban History / Studies CALL FOR PAPERS The Seventh International Conference on Food Studies will be held at Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy, 26-27 October 2017, and hosted in partnership with Gustolab International Institute for Food Studies and Roma Tre University. We invite proposals for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, virtual lightning talks, virtual posters, or colloquia addressing one of the following themes: Theme 1: Food Production and Sustainability  Theme 2: Food, Nutrition, and Health  Theme 3: Food Politics, Policies, and Cultures    CONFERENCE SUBMISSION DEADLINES We welcome the submission of proposals to the conference at any time of the year before the final Late...

Risking the Future: Vulnerability, Resistance, Hope - 12-13 July 2016, Durham University

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  July 12, 2016 to July 13, 2016 Location:  United Kingdom Subject Fields:  Humanities, Philosophy, Political History / Studies, Sexuality Studies, Race Studies RISKING THE FUTURE: VULNERABILITY, RESISTANCE, HOPE An International Conference on the Risk Humanities Durham University, UK 12-13 July 2016 Keynote Speakers: Michaeline Crichlow Professor of African and African American Studies, Duke University Simon During Australian Research Professor, University of Queensland Walter Mignolo William H. Wannamaker Professor of Romance Studies, Duke University Risking the Future exposes a tension at the heart of contemporary thinking around risk and its effects, and in particular the role of risk in either blocking or facilitating access to possible futures. On the one hand, the phrase is cautionary, a reminder that the future is at risk and that risks have to be calculated and managed to avoid...

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS ASK Conference “Environmental Approaches in Pre-Modern Middle Eastern Studies”

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  June 15, 2016 Location:  Germany Subject Fields:  Arabic History / Studies, Environmental History / Studies, Islamic History / Studies International Conference “Environmental Approaches in Pre-Modern Middle Eastern Studies” Sponsor: Annemarie Schimmel Kolleg, University of Bonn Venue: Bristol Hotel, Bonn Date: 5-7 December 2016 Defined in as many different ways as there are disciplines in the humanities, environmental history is the study of relations between people and their natural environment through time. On one level, it offers perspectives on the impact of climatic and other environmental changes on society, and on another it is a window on the varied ways people make use of, understand, control, and maintain their natural resources. Rejecting the outdated models of environmental determinism, environmental historians tend to either study the environment as a very powerful actor in socio-cultur...

Call for Encyclopedia Contributions--History of Astrology

Type:  Call for Publications Location:  United States Subject Fields:  History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Intellectual History, World History / Studies, Cultural History / Studies, Popular Culture Studies I am editing an Encyclopedia of the History of Astrology for ABC-Clio and am currently recruiting contributors with a background in the field.  This will be the first work of its kind in English and I hope that it will set a high standard for the field.  If interested, please send a CV to williameburns@verizon.net to receive further information and a list of available articles.

Tobin Siebers Prize for Disability Studies in the Humanities 2016

Type:  Prize Subject Fields:  Humanities, Composition & Rhetoric, Cultural History / Studies, Literature, Sexuality Studies The University of Michigan Press and the University of Michigan Department of English Language and Literature announce the second annual Tobin Siebers Prize for Disability Studies in the Humanities. Reflecting the work of the scholar the prize commemorates, the competition invites submissions on a wide range of topics, from literary and cultural studies, to trans-historical research, to contributions to disability theory such as work in crip/queer studies.   Guidelines for Submissions for the 2016 Prize: Eligible submissions are complete book-length monographic manuscripts not under consideration by another publisher. Manuscripts should be submitted by  September 16, 2016  in digital format using the web form at  umlib.us/siebers , along with: a description of the manuscript a statem...

Registration open: Science in Public (13-15 July 2016, University of Kent)

Registration open :  Science in Public 2016 University of Kent, Canterbury, 13-15 July 2016 ​ Registration for the Science in Public 2016  conference is now open via this link . The early bird rate is available until  20 May . A draft timetable for the conference runs from lunchtime on Wednesday 13 July to about 3pm on Friday 15 July. There is a full range of packages with accommodation or day rates available. Thanks to support from the British Society for the History of Science we can offer reduced rates to students, unwaged and freelance attendees. The call for papers is open until  11 April . See below for more details.  Call for Papers: deadline 11 April  The  the  annual  Science in Public conference is an occasion for cross-disciplinary debate and discussion and a forum for sharing all work considering the relationships between science, technology, medicine and th...

Book Reviews at the British Journal for the History of Science

Every quarter the British Journal for the History of Science posts a new list of books received on the journal’s website. This can be accessed, along with achieved lists from previous quarters, at http://journals.cambridge.org/ action/displaySpecialPage? pageId=7272 The journal is interested in commissioning reviews from established academics, emeriti, doctoral students and independent scholars. Prospective reviewers are encouraged to browse the books received list and contact the reviews editor. The reviews editor is also open to suggestions for reviews of books either not on the list, or forthcoming, provided they have been published within the past two calendar years. All enquiries should be directed to reviews.editor@BSHS.ORG.UK . Books received for March 2016 Adam, Alison, A History of Forensic Science: British Beginnings in the Twentieth Century. Abingdon: Routledge, 2016. Pp. 236. ISBN 978-0-415-85642-3. £90.00 (hardback). Alexander, Amir, Infinites...

Call for Papers for symposium at ICHST 2017 -- Science and Empire: New localities - New circulations

Call for Papers for symposium at ICHST 2017 -- Science and Empire: New localities - New circulations. Venue: 25th International Congress of History of Science and Technology (ICHST) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 23-29 July 2017. Symposium organizers: Dr. Niklas Thode Jensen, Danish National Archives, Copenhagen (vice-president of SCIEMP) Dr. Jahnavi Phalkey, The India Institute, King’s College London (president of SCIEMP) Deadline for submission of abstracts: 30 June 2016. The Science and Empire Commission (SCIEMP) of the Division of History of Science and Technology (DHST) hereby issue a Call for Papers for a symposium at the ICHST 2017 in Rio. The symposium will consist of two sessions with connected themes but different formats: 1.      The first session will be a thematic panel of 3 papers focusing on localities and circulations of scientific knowledge in the colonial world, c. 1450-1950 (see description below). 2.      The...

Call for Papers: Varieties of Digital Humanities Experience: Avoiding Silos while Maintaining Uniqueness

The Digital HPS Consortium is holding its annual conference from Friday morning August 26, through Sunday morning August 28, 2016 at the University of Oklahoma in Norman. Conference title: "Varieties of Digital Humanities Experience: Avoiding Silos while Maintaining Uniqueness."  The Digital HPS Consortium has been devoted to bringing scholars together who are creating complex digital projects. During the meetings they are able to discuss their work, share experiences, and make new connections.  Papers dealing with all types of digital projects in the history and philosophy of science are welcome. The theme of the meeting encourages authors to focus on the question of how individual projects can be interlinked within networks and on the difficulties of creating resources that are not siloed. The meeting will conclude with a focused, practical discussion for building a general framework for cooperation. All meetings will take place in Bizze...

Call for Papers -- Evolving Bibliography: Scholarly Tools for Sharing Knowledge in the Digital Era

The Commission on Bibliography and Documentation is hosting a symposium at the 25th International Congress of History of Science, and Technology (which will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, next year--the dates are 23 to 29 July 2017). The title of our symposium will be “Evolving Bibliography: Scholarly Tools for Sharing Knowledge in the Digital Era.” It will be a two-session symposium, composed of 8-10 papers. We would like to know if you are interested in participating in this symposium. Please contact Stephen Weldon at  stephenpweldon@gmail.com   by   April 20 with your ideas about a paper topic and title. The abstract of the symposium is as follows: At the turn of the twentieth century, bibliography of history of science was a major enterprise and several large and distinguished projects were begun at that time. The drive to create bibliography was closely tied to the rise of the discipline of history of science, technology, and medicine. O...

2017 Neu-Whitrow Prize

The 2017 Neu-Whitrow Prize is awarded every four years to the scholar who has created the most innovative research tool for managing, documenting and analyzing sources in the history of science and technology. The prize is awarded by the Commission on Bibliography and Documentation (CBD) of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology/Division of History of Science and Technology (IUHPST/DHST). The CBD invites submissions for the second Neu-Whitrow Prize. The primary goal is to encourage the development of innovative research tools which includes bibliographies, archival finding aids and other scholarly resource discovery tools. The award will be announced at a ceremony to be held at the 25th ICHST conference in Rio de Janeiro. The winner receives a prize of US$500 and a certificate. The winner will also be invited to be a member of the Advisory Board of the CBD. The entries will be judged on their content, usability, and precision. The...

Call for Posters: Edinburgh Science Studies Unit 50th Anniversary: Workshop on Practising the Reflexivity Tenet

DEADLINE 30.04.2016 Submit here:  POSTERAPPLICATION One motto of the SSU50 Workshop is to provide an open and energetic space for all participants to talk about ‘our STSs’. Yes, in plural! In addition to the interpretative flexibility of the past of STS, there is also no set answer determining the present and future of STS. The present and future is ongoing, in the making, and up to our endeavours. Therefore, we sincerely invite you to share your research with us. Why not bring along a creative poster with you to the workshop? We guarantee you plenty of time, coffee and biscuits to chat on it!   SSU50 Workshop welcomes all kinds of STS topics and approaches, no matter it’s an initial idea, work-in-progress, or close to finishing up. We particularly welcome posters which clearly relate your work top the wider development of the field. Posters will be set up as the centerpiece of the workshop venue for the duration of the event, and will have dedicated time to ...

JOB POSTING: 4 PhD positions in philosophy of science, Hannover/Bielefeld

Please feel free to circulate widely! 4 fully funded positions for doctoral candidates in philosophy of science and/or ethics of science Starting Date: October 1st, 2016 Within the research group "Integrating Ethics and Epistemology of Science" (jointly organized by the philosophy departments of Leibniz Universität Hannover and Bielefeld University, Germany) 2 positions at Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2 at Bielefeld University Net salaries roughly between 1460 and 1580 € per month, plus benefits such as health insurance Appointment for three years Working language English, no command of German required Application Deadline: June 5th, 2016 More details under http://grk2073.org/apply For further inquiries, please contact rafael.ugarte.chacon@philos. uni-hannover.de

JOB: Assistant Professor, Philosophy of Science, Tilburg University

The philosophy department at Tilburg University (The Netherlands) seeks   to appoint an outstanding candidate in philosophy of science, starting   August 1, 2016. The successful candidate will hold a PhD in philosophy   with a research specialization in philosophy of science. He/she will   have a track record of publications in leading international journals or   show the capability of developing such a record early in his or her   career. The successful candidate is expected to apply regularly for   external research funding. Experience of teaching at university level is necessary. An ability to   teach other subjects besides philosophy of science, such as logic and   history of modern philosophy, is highly desirable. A significant   proportion of the courses to teach is service teaching in the Tilburg   School of Economics and Management, and the Tilburg School of Social and   Behavioral Sciences. The candid...