Registration open: Science in Public (13-15 July 2016, University of Kent)

Registration openScience in Public 2016
University of Kent, Canterbury, 13-15 July 2016 ​

Registration for the Science in Public 2016 conference is now open via this link. The early bird rate is available until 20 May.

A draft timetable for the conference runs from lunchtime on Wednesday 13 July to about 3pm on Friday 15 July. There is a full range of packages with accommodation or day rates available. Thanks to support from the British Society for the History of Science we can offer reduced rates to students, unwaged and freelance attendees.

The call for papers is open until 11 April. See below for more details. 

Call for Papers: deadline 11 April 
The the annual Science in Public conference is an occasion for cross-disciplinary debate and discussion and a forum for sharing all work considering the relationships between science, technology, medicine and their multiple publics. We welcome submissions from scholars of, for example, science communication, history of science, science policy, geography, psychology, literature, social or cultural studies and practitioners of communication, engagement or the arts in relation to science. Papers may relate to science in mass media, museums or online spaces; public engagement and participation; popular science and its histories; science, publics and policy; and science in fictions, art and cinema.

The theme for this year’s conference, hosted by the Centre for the History of the Sciences at the University of Kent, is Science in Public: Past, Present and Future. We therefore particularly welcome papers, panels, projects and sessions that can draw on and speak to questions about science and the public across different time periods or that consider how historical studies might influence current thinking, or vice versa. Opening and closing plenary sessions supporting this theme are from the interdisciplinary projects Constructing Scientific Communities (with Professors Sally Shuttleworth and Chris Lintott) and Unsettling Scientific Stories (with Professor Iwan Morus and Dr Amanda Rees). We will also, on the Thursday, have a strand focusing on comedy and science communication, including: a panel session looking at its history, role and pitfalls; a workshop for those who would like to use comedy in their own communication activities; and a SiP-themed comedy gig.

We welcome traditional papers and panel sessions and innovative formats, including discussion, performance or practice-based workshops. We also welcome expressions of interest from those who would like to perform a set for our comedy gig. 
Abstracts: send abstracts of about 250 words, enquiries and queries to Rebekah Higgitt (