
Mostrando entradas de junio 18, 2017

CfP: Biographies in the History of Physics: Actors, Objects, and Institutions

Call for Papers from Nachwuchs (Graduate Students, Post-Docs, and Assistant Professors) Biographies in the History of Physics: Actors, Objects, and Institutions: A Workshop for Young Academics from the German Physical Society’s Section for History of Physics May 22-25, 2018 Physics Center, Bad Honnef, Germany Accommodation will be provided by the Physics Center. Travel expenses will be reimbursed up to 1,000 Euro for scholars based in the United States, and up to 500 Euro for scholars based in European countries outside of Germany. Speakers will be asked to submit manuscripts of their talks ahead of time. Each talk will be followed by a prepared commentary by a senior colleague who has read the manuscript. The language of the workshop will be English. The goal of this workshop is to support younger scholars in the history of physics, both inside and outside of Germany. Please send a paper title and abstract to: Dr. Christian Forstner fors...

Recordatorio CfP: Congreso Internacional "Ciencia y Exilio (1936-1960)"

Fechas : Del 7 al 11 de Noviembre de 2017 Lugar : Donostia-San Sebastián (País Vasco). Salón de Actos de la Biblioteca Carlos Santamaría  de la Universidad del País Vasco. Salón del Trono de la Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa Temática : El Congreso se centrará en la labor desarrollada por el exilio republicano en los campos de las ciencias puras y experimentales: medicina, psiquiatría, veterinaria, biología, matemáticas, física, química, ingenierías, economía y arquitectura. Contenidos : Las ponencias se podrán centrar en biografías y trabajos de científicos exiliados.  Cabe por tanto hablar de aspectos biográficos (siempre que sean novedosos), aportaciones,  avances de los exiliados y exiliadas de la república. Propuestas : El plazo para presentarlas será el 1 de julio de 2017. Constarán de un título provisional y un breve resumen de los que serán sus contenidos (de 20 a 30 líneas). La propuesta irá acompañada de una breve presentación de la persona a...

VIII ENCONTRO DE ARQUIVOS CIENTÍFICOS De 12 a 14 de setembro de 2017

Url:  http://site.mast.br/encontro_arquivos_cientificos_2017/inicio.html Temas do evento: Tema 1 - Organização de arquivos de instituições de pesquisa e ensino Ementa - Organizar os arquivos implica na identificação do produtor e no cumprimento dos princípios arquivísticos da proveniência, da ordem original e do respeito aos fundos. Todos os passos que são tomados após a aquisição de um acervo por uma instituição, não importando por qual forma de aquisição, deveriam levar ao cumprimento desses princípios em busca da representação do produtor. No entanto, as circunstâncias dos cenários institucionais muitas vezes se impõem desafiando de alguma forma o processo de organização dos arquivos. Essa plenária pretende levantar questões em torno das fases da organização dos arquivos e coleções de arquivo, tais como: os documentos provenientes das pesquisas e dos laboratórios estão sendo contemplados nos programas de gestão de documentos? Estes chegam aos arquivos ...

CfP: Chemistry in Europe, Oxford Maison Française, September 30, 2017

The Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry invites contributions for a one-day workshop to be held at the Maison Française in Oxford on Saturday 30 September, 2017, on the theme of “Chemistry in Europe”. Abstracts of no more than 300 words for presentations lasting twenty-five minutes should be sent to the organizer, Dr. Simon Werrett, at the following email address:  s.werrett@ucl.ac.uk   no later than July 21, 2017. Abstracts will be considered on the basis of how well they examine chemistry in a European, rather than a national, context. Papers on any period will be considered.

CfA: Metaphysics after the 'Scientific Revolution'

Metaphysics after the ‘Scientific Revolution’ (1687-1781) October 2-3, 2017 University of Bucharest, Institute for Research in the Humanities and the Faculty of Philosophy   Submission deadline: August 1, 2017 Confirmed keynote speakers: Paola Basso (University of Bucharest) Andrew Janiak (Duke University) Anne-Lise Rey (University of Lille) (further speakers to be announced shortly)   Organized by: Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet (University of Bucharest) and Grigore Vida (University of Bucharest)   The purpose of this conference is to investigate the redefinition of metaphysics in the period from Newton’s Principia , marking the apex of the so-called ‘Scientific Revolution’, to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason . During this time metaphysics underwent significant transformations in response to the radical challenges posed by the new physics and empiricism. The Newtonian paradigm became dominant, but there was growing dissatisfaction with what was reg...

Job opportunity: 2-year post-doc, history of astronomy, Paris

Call for Applications: 2-year post-doctoral position in the history of Alfonsine astronomy in Europe Application deadline: 14 September 2017 Start date: 1 January 2018 https://alfa.hypotheses.org/ job-opportunities/alfa-first- post-doctoral-call   ALFA is an ERC funded project (2017-2022, 60 month, Consolidator grant 2016 agreement 723085) dedicated to the study of Alfonsine astronomy which flourished in Europe from the second half of the 13th to the mid-16th century.  Employing approaches from the history of astronomy, history of mathematics, and history of manuscript cultures to study astronomical tables, instruments, theoretical and mathematical texts, ALFA’s main objectives are to: Retrace the development of the corpus of Alfonsine texts from its origin in the second half of the 13th century to the end of the 15th century by following, on the manuscript level, the milieus producing and using these codices; Analyse Alfonsine astronomers’ prac...

CfP: Colloquium: "What is a physical entity?" (Lisbon, Portugal)

Centro de Filosofia das Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (CFCUL) Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa (CFUL) - Linha de Pensamento Fenomenológico Scientific board José Croca Pedro Alves Rui Moreira Call for Papers   For understanding Nature, modern science has turned to mathematical and physical models that dramatically simplified the complexity of natural phenomena and processes. This was the very key for its long-lasting success. Nevertheless, as Husserl wrote regarding Galileo, this move was simultaneously a discovering and a concealing one. In a sense, the modern understanding of Nature was caught in mathematical formulae. Galileo's geometrization of Physics, and then the grow of analytical and linear methods in mathematical techniques, set the stage where Nature should be addressed from now on: a realm of idealized material essences, like mass points, perfect trajectories, exact positions, and so on, suitable fo...

EPSA Fellowships

The European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA) announces 12 EPSA Fellowships for junior philosophers working in Central and Eastern Europe to visit a leading research institution in Western Europe. The fellowship covers travel, accommodation and living expenses for approximately one month (details can be found on the website ) in the academic year 2017/18 . During their visit, successful candidates will be members of the host institution and take part in its research activities. ...

Latest issue of Theoria

THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science has just published its latest issue. We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit our web site to review articles and items of interest. http://www.ehu.eus/ojs/index. php/THEORIA/issue/view/1544 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLES On a logical argument against the naturalizability of reference Andrea Bianchi 145-160 Pluralistic Mechanism Abel Wajnerman Paz 161-175 Conventionality in Einstein's practical geometry Mario Bacelar Valente 177-190 La metodología de la abducción en el caso del descubrimiento del megaterio Antonio Duarte Calvo 191-209 Socioeconomic processes as open-ended results. Beyond invariance knowledge for interventionist purposes Leonardo Ivarola 211-229 Molyneux’s Question in Berkeley’s Theory of Vision Juan R. Loaiza 231-247

Postdoctoral Fellowshipship in the History of Knowledge

Lund University was founded in 1666 and is repeatedly ranked among the world’s top 100 universities. The University has 42 000 students and 7 400 staff based in Lund, Helsingborg and Malmö. We are united in our efforts to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition. The Department of History at Lund University is a large institution with two sections, History and Human Rights Studies. There are about 50 permanent teachers and researchers. The Department of History hosts the National Graduate School in Historical Studies. At the moment (2017) the department has 28 Ph.D. students employed. Human Rights Studies is a multidisciplinary research environment focusing on the historical writing of human rights in the early modern period, and on rights in political philosophy, religious affairs, military and humanitarian interventions, nationalism and women’s movements around the world. A common denominator in the research at the section of Histo...

3 Post-Docs and 1 Research Fellow - Narrative Science

Post-Doc Positions on a Narrative Science Project Applications are invited for 3 Post-Docs (Research Officers) and 1 Research Fellow to work on the EU-funded project Narrative Science under the direction of the principal investigator, Professor Mary S. Morgan at the London School of Economics.  This team project will investigate how, when, and why scientists use narratives to explain their work within their own communities.  Each Postdoc researcher will develop their own case materials within the overall project, working - by agreement with the project leader - on particular topics and fields of science past and present.  The Research Fellow will help to manage the project, and to curate a web-based ‘library’ of case studies in narrative science. It is expected that candidates for the postdoc positions ...

CfP: SI First Principles in Science

Call for Papers – Special Issue for  Synthese FIRST PRINCIPLES IN SCIENCE: THEIR EPISTEMIC STATUS AND JUSTIFICATION Guest Editors: Catherine Herfeld (University of Zurich), Milena Ivanova (University of Queensland) Special Issue Description: What is the epistemic status of first principles in science and how do scientists justify them accordingly? This special issue aims at renewing the existing discussions on the status and justification of first principles by considering an interdisciplinary perspective. The aim is to improve our understanding of the role and justification of first principles in the natural sciences, the life sciences, and social sciences, and to address more generally questions concerning the way in which knowledge is produced in those disciplines with or without such principles. Appropriate topics for submission include, among others: Constitutive principles in space-time theories and beyond Principles as relativized a priori elements ...

CfA: BSHS Communications Officer

The British Society for the History of Science ( www.bshs.co.uk ) is looking for a part-time BSHS Communications Officer.  The role holder will work closely with members of BSHS Council on a range of short-, medium-, and long-term projects that will help advance the strategic aims of the Society, notably in developing closer links with science educators and in raising the profile of professional history of science. This is an excellent opportunity for a graduate student or post-doc to be paid for developing transferable skills, establishing contacts in the field and gaining work experience. The role will involve up to four hours’ work per week, and be paid at £10 per hour, with the role holder paid on a self-employed basis.  Applicants should have, or be studying for, a postgraduate qualification in the history of science, technology and/or medicine.  Website and social media skills are essential, as well as a willingness to work collaboratively and...