
Mostrando entradas de julio 2, 2017

CfP: Pain and its Paradoxes

BMJ Medical Humanities will host a special issue on PAIN in June 2018. Title: Pain and its Paradoxes Abstract Deadline: August 1, 2017 Final Submission Deadline: October 1, 2017 (publication date June 2018) Pain is almost certainly the most common illness experience on the planet.  Yet, it is frequently treated poorly, and those who experience pain often endure skepticism, doubt, and stigma for their condition.  In most places around the world, pain closely tracks social power structures, which means that marginalized groups are both more likely to experience pain, and are more likely to have it regarded dubiously and treated inadequately. Moreover, while pain is a near-universal part of the human condition, it remains difficult to define and conceptualize.  As Emily Dickinson famously noted, pain has an element of blank.  And while pain and suffering are often experienced together, they remain distinct phenomena: some people in p...

Scholar-in-Residence Program

Url:  http://www.deutsches-museum.de/en/research/scholar-in-residence/ The Deutsches Museum in Munich has several attractive scholarships to offer research scholars interested in working for six or 12 months on projects involving the museum`s vast and heterogeneous collections. The scholarship programme is international and interdisciplinary in scope. There are myriad opportunities at the Deutsches Museum for innovative research into scientific processes and the changing cultures of technology. Founded in 1903, the museum's holdings comprise some 100,000 objects; an archive of 4,500 shelf metres including an extensive collection of scientific photographs, technical illustrations, trade literature and private papers; and a specialist research library with 875,000 volumes, 5,000 journals, and an extensive collection of rare books on te history of science and technology. The museum's collections have evolved over the years, absorbing the instruments, book...

CfP: XX Congrés de metges i biòlegs de llengua catalana

Data: 20 i 21 d’octubre de 2017 Lloc: Manresa, Teatre Kursaal (Passeig de Pere III, 35) Per a més informació poden consultar la pàgina web del congrés   XX CMBLC Al llarg de la història, els Congressos de Metges i Biòlegs de Llengua Catalana han tingut una gran rellevància en la recuperació de la llengua catalana com a eina vehicular en els diferents àmbits de la societat i, sobretot, en l’àmbit de la salut, perquè han estat útils per fixar, definir i compartir noves idees i nous conceptes. S’adrecen a professionals i estudiosos de totes les ciències de la vida i de la salut i d’altres disciplines que hi estan relacionades, de forma directa o indirecta, sigui quina sigui la seva titulació; tots hi tenen cabuda. L’àmbit dels congressos són els territoris de parla catalana: el Principat, Andorra, la Catalunya Nord, la Franja, el País Valencià, les Illes i l’Alguer. Avui, la defensa de la llengua catalana continua essent necessària per a afrontar nous r...

CfP: 'Making Biological Minds', University of Leeds, 21st-22nd September, 2017

Deadline for abstract submission : 31 st July 2017 Organised by Sean Dyde, in cooperation with the University of Leeds and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. The neurosciences are flourishing, while the relationship between the neurosciences and the humanities is not. Whereas some scholars have welcomed closer collaboration, much work attempting to bring the two together can seem off-puttingly imperial or else preparatory to a larger engagement. These deficiencies in turn have generated widespread doubt that either side has anything to learn from the other. In this two-day conference, we will argue differently. We explore ways in which the broad range of practices, methods and theories within the neurosciences and the humanities may offer cooperation, while the disciplines still retain their professional identities. Both fields working towards a common goal to describe, however tantalisingly, what it means to be human. We welcome...

Metascience new issue

Publication of Volume 26, Issue 2 of the journal Metascience. Editors: K. Brad Wray and Luciano Boschiero https://link.springer.com/jour nal/11016/26/2/page/1 In this issue: 1.  Editorial Metascience is on the move K. Brad Wray, Luciano Boschiero Pages 173-174 2.  Review Essay Hunter’s multifaceted Boyle J. J. MacIntosh Pages 175-181 3.  Book Review Copernicus: paving the way for Kepler Christopher M. Graney Pages 183-185 4.  Book Review The spread of the telescope Marvin Bolt Pages 187-189 5.  Book Review Kepler in a witch’s world Adam Richter Pages 191-193 6.  Book Review Fly me to the moon/let me play among the stars Nick Wilding Pages 195-197

CfA: Bridging the Gap: Scientific Imagination meets Aesthetic Imagination

Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science London School of Economics and Political Science Organisers: Fiora Salis (LSE) and Michael T. Stuart (LSE) Sponsored by the British Society of Aesthetics, the Mind Association, the Aristotelian Society , and Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant No 654034. Why, how, and when do scientists imagine, and what epistemological roles does the imagination play in scientific progress? Over the past few years, many philosophical accounts have emerged that are relevant to these questions. Roman Frigg, Arnon Levy, and Adam Toon have developed theories of scientific models that place imagination at the heart of modelling practice. And James R. Brown, Tamar Gendler, James McAllister, Letitia Meynell, and Nancy Nersessian have developed theories that recognize the indispensable role of the imagination in the performance of thought experiments. On the other hand, philosophers like Michael Weisberg dismiss imagination-ba...

CfP: Leeds: "Get real!", 19-20 September

"Get real!: Realism as a goal for the sciences and for HPS" A conference celebrating 60 years of HPS at Leeds 19-20 September 2017 University of Leeds Scientists tend to want to discover the truth about nature beyond its appearances.  They want to get nature right (“scientific realism”).  Historians and philosophers generally try to understand what the sciences are really like, undistorted by the views of science’s propagandists and critics.  They want to get science right.  This two-day conference, in commemoration of 60 years of integrated History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) at the University of Leeds, invites papers looking at these two goals – getting nature right and getting science right – and the links between them. One aim is to use the issue of realism to take stock of developments in the field since the classic writings of Stephen Toulmin (who founded Leeds HPS), Mary Hesse (who figured in its prehistory), Thomas Kuhn and...

SSHM Gazette Call for Contributions

Every issue of the journal Social History of Medicine sent out to members is accompanied by The Gazette—the newsletter for Society Members. If you have any contributions/announcements/ events broadly related to medical history, which you think might be of interest to our membership, please send them by email to anne.hanley@new.ox.ac.uk NEXT DEADLINE: Friday 14 July (for the July Issue) Contributions might include, but are not limited to: •  CFPs •  Conference and Workshop invites & announcements •  Workshop/conference reports (max. 900 words) •  Blog info •  News from HSTM/HPS centres, museums, libraries, archives and galleries (300 words) •  News about large projects, online resources, digitisation (300 words) •  Award, Grant & Scholarship Deadlines •  Art and Museum Exhibitions •  Lectures / Events / seminar series announcements Please ensure that contributions are formatted using UK spelling, gra...

Medical History - July 2017 Issue

Further information is available via Medical History's website:  https://www.cambridge.org/ core/journals/medical-history/ latest-issue *‘A ‘Suitable Soil’: Plague’s Urban Breeding Grounds at the Dawn of the Third Pandemic’ (Christos Lynteris) *‘Lives in the Asylum Record, 1864 to 1910: Utilising Large Data Collection for Histories of Psychiatry and Mental Health’ (Angela McCarthy, Catharine Coleborne, Maree O’Connor, Elspeth Knewstubb) *‘Politics and Health at the WHO Regional Office for South East Asia: The Case of Portuguese India, 1949–61’ (Monica Saavedra) *‘War on Two Fronts: The Fight against Parasites in Korea and Vietnam’ (Mark Harrison, Sung Vin Yim) *‘Medical Experts and Agnotology in the Fumes Controversy of the Huelva Copper Mines (1888–1890)’ (Ximo Guillem-Llobat)

CfP: Kenelm Digby and the Canon

Navigating the Old and the New. Sir Kenelm Digby and the Canon A successful diplomat, privateer and natural philosopher, Sir Kenelm Digby was one of the most intriguing of early modern philosophers. Today, he is perhaps best known for his attempt at reconciling Aristotelian tradition and Cartesian thought, in order to have the best of both. Yet, his contribution to early modern thought still remains to be explored in detail. On January 26–27, 2018, the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Groningen will host a workshop on Digby’s work. The aim of this workshop is to explore his contributions to the philosophical and scientific developments of his time, as well as to open up a conversation about his place in the canon of early modern philosophy. We welcome papers on specific topics within Digby’s philosophical or scientific work, on his correspondence, or on the context and reception of his thought. Abstracts of ca. 500 words should be sent to  h.t....