
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 28, 2014

Blog de la Sociedad Española Historia de la Psicología

Publicaciones y más noticias en: http://sehp.org/wordpress/ Boletín SEHP Año 2014 (52) EDITORIAL ARTÍCULOS Marino Pérez-Álvarez. “La historia como sistema, también en psicopatología.” Antonio Rodríguez-Morini. “La locura de Don Quijote.” En Revista Frenopática Española,  año III, núm. 29 (mayo de 1905), pp. 137-144. CRÓNICAS DE LA SEHP Ana María Talak. XXVII Symposium (Madrid, mayo de 2014). RESEÑAS CRÍTICAS Libros Iván Sánchez Moreno. Bencivelli, Silvia (2011). Por qué nos gusta la música. Oído, emoción, evolución . Trad.: Jorge Rizzo. Barcelona: Roca Editorial. Belén Jiménez. Guillaume, Fabrice; Tiberghien, Guy; Baudouin, Jean-Yves (2013). Le cerveau n’est pas ce que vous pensez. Images et mirages du cerveau . Grenoble: PUG. Necrológicas Juan José Fernández Teijeiro. “Tras las huellas de Eugene Taylor (1946-2013)”. Tesis doctorales Edgar Cabanas Díaz. “La felicidad como imperativo moral. Origen y difusióndel individualis...

Environment(s) in Public? workshop announcement

Environment(s) in Public?’ Workshop, University of East Anglia, 2-3rd November 2014 Co-organised by the Science in Public Network; 3S research group; and Broads Authority Researchers studying the interactions between science and society argue that rather than thinking about ‘the public’, models of multiple ‘publics’ interacting with specific, situated scientific ideas offers a better way of understanding scientific communication, public engagement and policy impact. However, this risks losing sight of broader concepts such as public debate, the public interest, or what it means to say or do something in public. In turn, we can ask what does it mean to talk about ‘the environment’? Given that many passionately engaged environmental debates have been focused on and in particular places, would it help to abandon this abstraction and instead talk about places: particular ‘environments’ and how they are changing? Could it be more productive to ground environmental debates in mo...

Upcoming conference: MICE - Mistakes, Ignorance, Contingency and Error in Science and Technology, Fürstenfeldbruck

Hello everyone, We have an upcoming international conference at TUM (Technical University Munich). I am sorry to say that our deadline for applications is already over. However, if you are interested in the topic and our projects, please feel free to contact us at mice@mzwtg.mwn.de . Greetings from Munich, Elsbeth Here is our outline: International Conference MICE Mistakes, Ignorance, Contingency and Error in Science and Technology Fürstenfeldbruck, October 2-4, 2014 Mistakes, Ignorance, Contingency, and Error are companions to all human work. There is no zero risk and, all best efforts notwithstanding, never will be. Since all techno-scientific activity will increase complexity, it permanently erodes the foundations of scientifically guided search for security. More science cannot solve this problem; at best it can elevate it to a higher level of complexity. Old problems don‘t just disappear; they are being replaced by new problems. MICE can only be eradicate...

STS Job, York, Ontario, Canada

Science and Technology Studies, Faculty of Science York University The Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS), Faculty of Science, York University invites applications for a tenure track appointment in Technology Studies at the Assistant or Associate Professor level, to commence July 1, 2015. The position will focus on contemporary issues related to technology, and will complement the Department’s existing strengths in history of science and technology. Areas of specialization may include: law and regulatory practices, political economy, sociology of technology, anthropology of technology, or cognate fields in STS. Candidates must have a PhD in Science and Technology Studies, or in a related field, and should show excellence or promise of excellence in teaching and in scholarly research and publication. The successful candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in STS, in addition to teaching in the Natural Science general education curricul...

Recent dissertations

You can view the latest batch of recent doctoral dissertations harvested from the issues 75-04 A and B of Dissertation Abstracts pertaining to the history of science and  medicine at the following URL:  http://www.hsls.pitt.edu/histmed/dissertations ProQuest has altered how they put out their individual issues.  No longer do they correlate to one month, so the dating is more random.  Thus titles will range from 2015-yes they have some 2015 dates-back into the late 1990’s. Please share this information with your colleagues and students. As always your comments and corrections are always welcome. Jonathon Erlen, Ph.D. History of Medicine Librarian Health Sciences Library System University of Pittsburgh 412-6488927