
Mostrando entradas de diciembre 4, 2011

Celestino Mutis. El viaje de un botánico entre dos mundos

CELESTINO MUTIS. EL VIAJE DE UN BOTÁNICO ENTRE DOS MUNDOS. Edición coordinada por Cándido Martín. Fundación Provincial de Cultura (Diputación de Cádiz). Cádiz, 2011. ISBN: 978-84-92717-27-9 ESTA OBRA CONTIENE LOS SIGUIENTES CAPÍTULOS: - Aspectos institucionales de la ciencia española en la ilustración , por E. Ausejo. - Medicina y cirugía en la época de José Celestino Mutis (1732-1808) , por F. Herrera. - Las matemáticas en España en el siglo XVIII , por JM Cobos. - La ciencia en la época de Mutis , por MS de Mora. - Ciencia y milicia entre dos siglos , por MA Velamazán. - Astronomía y navegación en el Cádiz del siglo XVIII , por FJ González. - El científico y sus viajes, a camino entre dos mundos , M. Frías. - Resultados científicos de Celestino Mutis , por A. Gomis. - De la astronomía teórica a la astronomía práctica: Celestino Mutis , por C. Martín. - José Celestino Mutis y sus relaciones con Linné y Humboldt , por MA Puig-Samper. El libro contiene también un DVD dedi...

Specialist, Medieval and Early Modern Medicine

Job Title: Specialist, Medieval and Early Modern Medicine Location: London Closing Date: 21/12/2011 Salary: £35,000 Job Details Specialist, Medieval and Early Modern Medicine. We are a global charitable foundation dedicated to achieving extraordinary improvements in health by supporting the brightest minds. The Wellcome Library provides insight and information to anyone seeking to understand medicine and its role in society, past and present. We are one of the world's major resources for the study of medical history and we also provide access to a growing collection of contemporary biomedical information resources relating to consumer health, popular science, biomedical ethics and the public understanding of science. The role of Specialist, Medieval and Early Modern Medicine is key to the future development of the Library's role as one of the world's premier locations for research in the history of early medicine and science. With digitisation plans for the collections ...

History of Medicine Finding Aids Consortium updated

The History of Medicine Division ( http://www.nlm.nih.gov/hmd ) of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) is pleased to announce the latest release of its History of Medicine Finding Aids Consortium ( http://www.nlm.nih.gov/hmd/consortium/index.html ), a search-and-discovery tool for archival resources in the health sciences that are described by finding aids and held by various institutions throughout the United States. As with the initial release the new content crawled consists of finding aids delivered as EAD, PDF and HTML from a diverse institutional cohort. NLM is the world’s largest medical library and a component of the National Institutes of Health. The site now indexes over 3,000 finding aids from 20 institutions. The new content contributors are: The College of Physicians of Philadelphia Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library McGill University Osler Library Archives Mount Sinai Medical Center New York Academy of Medicine New York-Pr...

2012 MAP Prize in history of Earth Sciences

The "Société de Physique et d’Histoire Naturelle (SPHN)", in Geneva (Switzerland), invites applications for its 2012 history of science award entitled: "The Marc-Auguste Pictet Prize" This Prize, in principle intended for a young researcher, rewards every second year a significant contribution to the history of science, which is as yet unpublished or has only recently appeared. The 2012 Prize is endowed with an amount of CHF 10’000, and may be shared. The Prize is open to both Swiss and foreign scholars. The applications should be sent before February 29th, 2012 to the following address: Président de la SPHN Muséum d’Histoire naturelle Case postale 6434 CH-1211 GENEVE 6 SWITZERLAND The work should be submitted in two copies and include a summary and a curriculum vitae. It may be written in French, German, Italian or English. In the last three cases, the summary should be translated into French and be approximately 12 pages in length, i.e. 4,000 words or about...

Cultures of Anatomical Collections

Cultures of Anatomical Collections International conference, Leiden University, 15 – 17 February 2012 The conference ‘Cultures of Anatomical Collections’ will explore anatomical preparations and collections (preparations of human material as well as wax and other models) as important parts of cultural heritage. This means that we treat them in a similar way as we would examine other historical artifacts stored in today’s museum. Although the history of anatomy and anatomical illustrations has been a popular topic in the history of medicine during the last decade, the history of its material remains has been somewhat neglected. And yet, in particular when taking into account recent historiographies of materiality and medical practices, it offers challenging interdisciplinary questions on the history of anatomy as a whole. The conference addresses questions such as: How do the technical details of anatomical preparations tell us about the ideas of their maker; how do ideas on beauty...