
Mostrando entradas de abril 1, 2012

Conference: Activating Stilled Lives

ACTIVATING STILLED LIVES The Aesthetics and Politics of Specimens on Display AHRC Research Network “The Culture of Preservation” Petra Lange-Berndt and Mechthild Fend Department of History of Art, University College of London 17-18 May 2012 The past twenty years saw an explosion of exhibitions fathoming the relations between art and science as well as numerous refurbishments of natural history or former colonial museums. Many of these displays and gallery transformations mobilised specimens, be it taxidermied animals or preserved human body parts. Objects were put into new contexts opening up their meanings, others disappeared in storage or travelled back to the countries where they were once collected. The conference will address the challenges institutions face when dealing with formerly living entities and consider the aesthetics and politics of their display. The idea is to discuss the use of specimens in temporary exhibitions, museums or university collections and the role c...


Termini de presentació: 31 de maig de 2012 Adreceu-los a: Institut d’Estudis Catalans-SCHCT (Carme, 47, 08001 Barcelona) Premi:500 €. El Lliurament del premi tindrà lloc durant el quart trimestre del 2012 i el veredicte es farà públic prèviament. BASES. La Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica (SCHCT) amb la intenció de despertar l’interès per l’estudi i la recerca de la història de la ciència i de la tècnica entre els estudiants de batxillerat, convoca l’Onzè Premi Antoni Quintana i Marí amb les bases següents: 1.     Poden participar-hi tots els alumnes dels centres de Batxillerat dels Països Catalans. Els originals hauran d’estar redactats en llengua catalana. 2.     Les obres que es presentin a concurs han de ser fruit del treball de recerca individual o col·lectiva, tutelada, que els estudiants de Batxillerat duen a terme com a part del seu currículum. 3.     Els treballs han de versar sobre aspectes de la hist...

Postdoctoral Fellowship

The Philadelphia Area Center for History of Science invites applications for a two-year Postdoctoral Fellowship in the history of science, technology and medicine, broadly construed. The Center offers a vibrant, challenging and collegial community. Our fellows participate in many public and scholarly events , as well as informal reading and writing groups , held at the Center and throughout the region. The Center is a consortium of educational and cultural institutions promoting scholarly and public understanding of the history of science, technology and medicine. Consortium institutions offer rich opportunities for research, with a combined total of more than 17 million scientific specimens, 20 million manuscript items, 2.5 million images, and rare books dating back to the 15th century. Look on our website at www.pachs.net for further information, an online application form and a list of current and past fellows . The website also features: information about the fellowship prog...

Program for Universeum 2012, 14-16 June

Program for the XIII Universeum network meeting, 14-16 June 2012, Trondheim, Norway. Please find the preliminary program for the XIII Universeum network meeting posted on the Universeum homepage: http://www.universeum.it/meetings.html Online registration will become available on the conference website ( http://www.ntnu.edu/universeum2012 ) after Easter. There will be no conference fee. Roland Wittje on behalf of the Program Committee ------------------------------------------ Roland Wittje History of Science Unit University of Regensburg D-93040 Regensburg Germany Phone: +49-941-943-3642 e-mail: roland.wittje@psk.uni-regensburg.de If your mail bounces back at this address you can also write to me at: roland.wittje@gmail.com

Science Studies Dissertation Reviews: New reviews online

Dear colleagues, The following reviews have been posted this month on Science Studies Dissertation Reviews: - CHRISTINE AICARDI, "Harnessing Non-Modernity: A Case Study in Artificial Life", reviewed by Sophia Roosth - MELANIE KEENE, "Object Lessons: Sensory Science Education, 1830-1870", reviewed by Michal Meyer And coming up: - DANIEL ROOD, "Plantation Technocrats: A Social History of Knowledge in the Slaveholding Atlantic World", reviewed by David Singerman - JEFF SKOPEK, "Shaping Science with the Past: Textbooks, History, and the Disciplining of Genetics", reviewed by Joy Rankin Please visit us at http://dissertationreviews.org/archives/category/science-studies To contribute a review, or to have your dissertation reviewed, please email dissertationreviews@gmail.com With best wishes, Leon Rocha (University of Cambridge) Tom Mullaney (Stanford University) -- Dr Leon Antonio Rocha Research Fellow Emmanuel College...