
Mostrando entradas de enero 17, 2021

Novedad bibliográfica: Conversaciones nocturnas sobre la enseñanza de la medicina

 A lo largo de su ejercicio como profesor de Historia de la medicina, y más recientemente de Humanidades médicas, el autor ha tenido la fortuna de que algunos de sus alumnos le hayan confiado sus dudas, zozobras, temores y críticas acerca de su experiencia formativa, comunicación que en no pocos casos se ha mantenido durante mucho tiempo y hasta el presente. Esta relación, a menudo a distancia debido a las circunstancias de cada cual, desembocó no hace mucho en el proyecto de dar forma a las conversaciones nocturnas que, a través del correo electrónico, los más noveles y los más veteranos sostenían con él relativas a la enseñanza de la medicina. La demanda inicial podría formularse como: “¿Cuál fue, Luis, tu experiencia como estudiante? ¿Cómo y por qué te decidiste por la docencia en tu especialidad?” Pero lo realmente valioso de aquella iniciativa, y seguramente de este libro, es que, de forma poco habitual, la palabra de los estudiantes presentes y pasados comenzó a fluir al recl...

Nueva publicación: ¡Madre y patria!

¡Madre y patria!   puede entenderse como una continuación, muy mejorada y aplicada a un estudio de caso –el de Argentina desde finales del siglo XIX hasta hoy–, de la sexta entrega proyectada por Foucault para la redacción de una genealogía de la sexualidad en Occidente. Lo que este pretendía exponer de manera compartimentada, separando a las mujeres de los niños, de los hombres adultos y de las parejas, aparece tratado en el presente libro de una manera transversal, aunando la historia de las racionalidades biopolíticas, los estudios de género y el análisis acerca de la construcción de las identidades nacionales. Marisa Miranda, autora de un sinnúmero de trabajos fundamentales de historia de la eugenesia, del cuerpo, del darwinismo social o de la sexualidad en Argentina, pone este trasfondo al servicio de una reconstrucción genealógica de la figura de la madre y de la maternidad, afrontada como garantía del vigor y de la supervivencia de una gran nación. Nacida en Ensenada,  ...

Special issue: A mixed model of hospital services: Catalonia, 1870s-2010s

Url:  https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/JESB/issue/view/2443   A mixed model of hospital services: Catalonia, 1870s-2010s Guests editors: Paloma Fernández and Alfons Zarzoso Table of Contents Introduction. A mixed model of hospital services: Catalonia, 1870s-2010s Paloma Fernández Pérez, Alfons Zarzoso The historical roots of the creation of the Catalan private-public hospital model: c. 1870-1935 Jerònia Pons-Pons, Margarita Vilar-Rodríguez Private surgery clinics in an open medical market: Barcelona, 1880s-1936 Alfons Zarzoso Innovation and entrepreneurship in Catalan private laboratories: origins and rise of Grifols Lab (1880-1955) Cristina Sans-Ponseti, Paloma Fernández-Pérez Historical roots of hospital centrism in Catalonia (1917-1980) Josep Barceló-Prats, Deborah Bekele How to evaluate the capacity of hospital systems in a very long term international comparative perspective? Hospital beds per inhabitant in Catalonia 1900s-2010s Paloma Fe...

CFP: Journal Women and Careers

Recent public debates concerning women’s relationships at work have become more heated than ever. The Me Too movement, whose intensity has created global waves of dispute, involving  personalities from all over the world and various domains and challenging more or less notorious people from all walks of life to take a stand, is only one of the major events that have questioned the actual professional status of women in contemporary society. The rattle of local or international media, more than once anecdotal however with a considerable impact upon mentalities, has reflected in an explicit or implicit manner, the mutations that the perception of the connection between women and jobs has suffered. ‟Was Meghan Markle right to take her royal husband out of England so as to be able to preserve, in her way, her contact (and contracts) with the world of movie-making?”, ‟Do you know that women in Russia got the legal right to drive underground trains in January 2021?”,...

Seminarios Internacionales del CDT

 El Colegio Doctoral Tordesillas de Salud Pública e Historia de la Ciencia, en colaboración con el Instituto Interuniversitario López Piñero, ha organizado el ciclo de Seminarios Internacionales titulado “Covid-19: Reflexiones desde la Historia y la Salud Pública” al que os invita a participar.  El programa de los seminarios, así como la información detallada de los mismos, se encuentra en los carteles adjuntos. Los seminarios se trasmitirán en directo, tanto por la aplicación Google Meet, como por  el canal de youtube de la UMH en la dirección youtube.umh.es. Cada seminario contará con dos ponentes invitados expertos en el tema, junto con otra persona que lo moderará. Después de la presentación de cada ponente habrá un debate que tendrá una duración total de 20 minutos. Os invitamos a dirigir preguntas a los ponentes a través del chat de la aplicación Meet. Esperamos que este nuevo ciclo de actividades sea de su interés.

CfP: Congreso Internacional «Eppur si muove: la Ciencia en la Literatura Española (siglos XVI-XIX)

  Les hago llegar la convocatoria del Congreso Internacional  « Eppur si muove : la Ciencia en la Literatura Española (Siglos XVI-XIX) »  organizado conjuntamente por la Universidad de Cádiz y la Universidad de Sevilla. Dadas las anómalas circunstancias que todavía nos afectan, está previsto que se celebre de manera virtual los días 15, 16 y 17 septiembre de 2021. Las líneas de investigación propuestas son las siguientes:  Astronomía, astrología y matemáticas Discurso médico Ciencias de la naturaleza La doble cara del progreso: utopías y distopías científicas Ciencia y sujeto literario   Encontrarán aclaraciones más precisas en la página web:  https://cienciayliteratura2021.wordpress.com/

CfP: Faith, Medicine and Religion (online conference,7-10 September 2021)

The European Association for the History of Medicine and Health (EAHMH) invites submissions for its biennial meeting, to be held as an online conference from 7 to 10 September 2021.   The Association welcomes abstracts for individual papers, panels, roundtables and other short presentations on the general theme “Faith, Medicine and Religion”. For more information, please have a look at the Call for Papers:  https://kuleuvencongres.be/ eahmh2021/call-for-papers      The deadline for all proposals is 30 January 2021. Questions about the conference may be addressed to:  eahmhleuven2021@kuleuven.be

CfP: SHAC postgraduate Workshop

The Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry invites submissions for the 12th Annual Postgraduate Workshop This year’s theme is “Secrets of Matter, Matters of Secrecy: Concealing (al)chemical Knowledge from Ciphers to the Military Industrial Complex” Two-day virtual workshop, June 3 – 4, 2021 SHAC’s annual series of workshops fosters interdisciplinary exchange among graduate students and early career scholars from any field whose work engages with the history of alchemy and chemistry. We invite proposals for short, 10-minute virtual presentations related to secrecy in the history of alchemy and chemistry. Proposals representing any geographic region and time period are welcome. We especially encourage projects pertaining to alchemical ciphers, information networks, trade secrecy, intellectual property, toxicology, agnotology, and the military industrial complex. The virtual workshop will be held on June 3-4, 2021, 10am – 2pm EST. Presentations will be grouped thematically and f...

CfP: Building National Character: science, politics, and citizenship in 19th and 20th century Europe, 21 May 2021

  This is a call for participation to contribute to a one-day workshop exploring the relationship between science and politics in the construction of national identities and citizenship in 19th and 20th century Europe. Participation will include a combination of: (a) pre-circulation of papers, (b) video presentations, (c) engagement in live panel discussions, and (d) discussion of other papers in the workshop. Papers prepared for this workshop may be included in an anthology on the subject the organisers plan to propose to UCL Press. We encourage proposals from scholars at all stages of their careers. We especially encourage proposals on topics including: practical and political use of science in the construction of national identity; nationalism and internationalism in science; political significance of science communication; interaction between scientific and political ideas in museum exhibitions and popular science; and the use science in the household. We envision most proposal...

CfA: Philosophy and Methodology of Medicine, June 1-3 2021 online at LMU Munich

The claims of medicine have been supported by a wide variety of different methods, ranging from randomized controlled trials to expert judgement and mechanism-based reasoning. Miriam Solomon has therefore aptly characterized medicine in terms of a =E2=80=9Cdeveloping, untidy, methodological pluralism. But can philosophers help with this development? In recent years, philosophers of science have become increasingly interested in assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the various methods employed in medicine. Some have defended the methodological superiority of randomized controlled trials, or at least meta-analyses of such trials. Others have challenged this superiority by on the one hand stressing the weaknesses of such methods in terms of their internal or external validity, and on the other hand emphasising the strengths of alternative methods, including methods involving expert judgement and mechanistic evidence. This online conference will bring together philosophers of science ...

CfP: Special Issue Perturbations of Private and Public under COVID-19

Various pandemic measures have been taken all over the world to stop the spread of COVID-19; these measures have transformed many aspects of everyday life, including familiar practices, as well as the concepts of private and public. The distinction between private/public is one of the basic social distinctions that underlies many others. The changes in this dichotomy reflect upon the very foundations of contemporary societies, and the COVID-19 pandemic is challenging the established ways of drawing this distinction. On the one hand, we are witnessing the transformation of private as a result of changed conditions and the balance between work and leisure. A large number of people found themselves staying in their homes for a longer time than ever before, and were forced to use various forms of online communication which gave various outsiders access to their previously-closed home environment. As people turned their homes into workplaces for remote work—with the prospect of a signific...

CfP: BSHS PG Virtual Conference 2021 Call for Papers

  School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science, University of Leeds The call for papers for the 2021 British Society for the History of Science Postgraduate Conference is now open. Given the ongoing situation in the UK and abroad related to Covid-19, we have chosen to hold a virtual conference which will take place from Monday 12 April to Friday 16 April 2021. We welcome papers from graduate students working in the history of science, technology and medicine, related to any period of history and to any geographical area. We are committed to providing a truly international forum for scholarly discussion and exchange and encourage graduate students, from any nationality, to apply. Papers should be 10 - 12 minutes long (up to 12 minutes). Papers will be delivered in the format of a pre-recorded video but will be followed by a live discussion with panel speakers and audience members. Joint submissions for three-person panels are also welcome. We invite you to submit a title an...

CfA: 3rd Scientific Understanding and Representation (SURe) annual workshop

We invite authors to submit abstracts  (300-500 words)  prepared for blind review for the upcoming 3 rd  annual workshop  Scientific Understanding and Representation (SURe) . Please, provide also information about your affiliation and contact details in the submission form. Submit your abstract via  EasyChair .   Submission deadline:  15 February, 2021 Notification of acceptance :  01 March, 2021. Conference dates:  April 15-17, 2021   Keynote speakers -         Mary Morgan (London School of Economics) -         Soazig Le Bihan   (University of Montana) -         Klaas Landsman (Radboud University)   Special Panel: Idealizations, Understanding and the Success of Science​ -         Collin Rice (Bryn Mawr College)  -         Emily Sulliva...

PhD studentship: Imperial Information Cultures 1880-1950 (at StAndrews)

Applications for a fully-funded (fees + stipend) PhD studentship in the Schools of English and History at the University of St Andrews, on the theme ‘Information cultures of the British Empire, 1880-1950’.   Closing date: 15 February 2021 Further details can be found here:   https://www.st-andrews. ac.uk/study/fees-and-funding/ postgraduate/scholarships/ world-leading-imperial- information-cultures/ The studentship is funded by St Leonard’s Postgraduate College, at the University of St Andrews, to support an exceptional student undertaking interdisciplinary doctoral research on the intersections between literary and informational culture in the later part of Britain’s imperial era. The precise focus and methods of the project will be determined by the research interests of the successful applicant (and applicants should use their research proposals to indicate their approach to the general theme). Applicants may have backgrounds in English, History or History of Science. Appli...

CfP: for ALA 2021--Crisis, Catastrophe, and Contagion in the Works of Langston Hughes and His Contemporaries

We celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the founding of the Langston Hughes Society, although we mark this anniversary following the grim year of 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic that has led to multiple crises, not least of which has occurred in the arts and higher education. Despite the use of tools for virtual interaction, quarantines and travel restrictions across the globe have impacted social engagement and personal connections. Langston Hughes, who traveled extensively both domestically and internationally, might have found these closures a hindrance to his ability to take his poetry to the people, although he would have been very attuned to the suffering of the “low down folk,” as he put it in “The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain.” Hughes was no stranger to crises and catastrophes both acute and chronic, such as the Great Depression and long-standing racial discrimination that manifested itself not only in outright violence but also in housing and employment discrimination....

Call for applications: Johann-Lorenz-Bausch-Fellowship 2021

C all for applications for the   Johann-Lorenz-Bausch- Fellowship 2021 . Please note that a complete application in time is necessary. Deadline is the  31st of January 2021.   In general, the Leopoldina-Centre for Science Studies in Halle (Saale) is the place of residence during the fellowship. Due to the worldwide Corona-pandemic there are individual coordinations concerning the stay possible.   The Leopoldina Akademie Freundeskreis e.V. announces the “Johann-Lorenz-Bausch Fellowship” for 2021. Johann Lorenz Bausch (1605-1665) founded the Academia naturae curiosorum, the Leopoldina, on 1 January 1652 in Schweinfurt together with four other physicians. This makes it the oldest continuously existing academy of medicine and the natural sciences in the world. The Leopoldina was appointed as the German National Academy of Sciences on 14 July 2008. It addresses key issues of particular significance for the future of society from a scientific perspective and independently ...

Santorio Fellowship 2021

The  Santorio Fellowship for Medical Humanities and Science  is designed to support young scholars willing to join CSMBR events and is named after the Italian physician  Santorio Santori (1561-1636 ), who introduced the quantitative method to medicine and is considered the father of quantitative experimental physiology. Aims The scheme offers travel grants to attend CSMBR events. It aims at encouraging cooperation amongst scholars across Europe and is awarded every two years to students (BA, MA) and early career researchers (PhDs and Postdocs within 3 years from their viva) whose interests in the field of History of Medicine and Medical Humanities (Medicine and History of Medicine, Biology and History of Biology, History and Philosophy of Science, History of Ideas, Classics) are strong. Edition 2021 For the academic year 2020-21, the Santorio Fellowship will support participants to the International Summer School " Latitudes of the Body". Human-Based Measurement and its C...