
Mostrando entradas de junio 21, 2015

Premi Joan Oró

Hola a tothom, Us passo un enllaç on trobareu tota la informació sobre el  Premi Joan Oró a la divulgació de la recerca científica   i que premiarà amb  1000 euros  al treball guanyador. El  termini  per enviar treballs és el  7 de setembre . http://www.accc.cat/index/ixpremijoanoro

10th International Conference on the History of Chemistry, Aveiro, Portugal - programme online

Dear Colleagues The full programme of the 10th International Conference on the History of Chemistry (10th ICHC) : 9-12 September 2015, University of Aveiro, Portugal is now online on the conference website, http://10ichc-2015.web.ua.pt , and the deadline for early bird registration has been postponed accordingly. Theme of this meeting is ‘Chemical Biography in the 21st Century' and key-note speakers are Prof Jorge Calada (Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon) – ‘Ghost Science’ Prof Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent (Université Paris 1 Panthéon- Sorbonne) - ‘Towards a Biography of Carbon at the Intersection between Nature and Culture’ Prof Michael Gordin (Princeton University) - ‘Who Doesn’t Get a Biography in the History of Chemistry?’ For any information, visit the webiste or contact the conference organisers : FIS-10ICHC@ua.pt . Brigitte Van Tiggelen, chair of the WP on the History of Chemistry

Coloquio "Technical Knowledge in Europe"

Se adjunta, con el ruego de su difusión, el enlace a la web del Coloquio TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE IN EUROPE, organizado por la Universidad de Córdoba, que se celebrará del 17 al 19 de septiembre de 2015. http://www.tke2015.es

Assistant Professorship at the University of Pennsylvania (Period and Topic Open)

The University of Pennsylvania’s Department of History and Sociology of Science invites applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level in the history of science, to begin July 1, 2016. In addition to contributing to the graduate program, the successful candidate will play a crucial role in the Science, Technology, and Society Program, a thriving undergraduate major administered through the department. Interested candidates should submit a letter of application, CV, statement of research, and the contact information for three individuals who have agreed to provide a letter of recommendation at  http://facultysearches.provost.upenn.edu/postings/602 . Recommenders will be contacted by the University with instructions on how to submit a letter to the website. Review of applications will begin October 1, 2015, and continue until the position is filled. For additional information, contact Susan Lindee, chair of history of science search committee, Depa...

Call for Nominations: 2015 Diane Forsythe Prize

The Diana Forsythe Prize was created in 1998 to celebrate the best book or series of pu blished articles in the spirit of Diana Forsythe’s feminist anthropological research on work, science, and/or technology, including biomedicine. The Prize is awarded annually at the meeting of the American Anthropological Association by a committee consisting of one representative from the Society for the Anthropology of Work (SAW) and two from the Committee on the Anthropology of Science, Technology, and Computing (CASTAC) . It is supported by the General Anthropology Division (GAD) and Bern Shen. Click on this link for a list of previous award holders Self-nominations are welcomed. To be eligible, books must have been published in the last five years (copyright 2009 or later). The current submission deadline is July 31, 2015 (early nominations appreciated) and nominations should be sent via email to the Selection Committee Chair, João Biehl, at < jbiehl@princeton.edu >. Pub...

CfP: Cities, Science and Satire - Satirical Representations of Urban Modernity and Scientific and Technological Innovation in the Public Space

Paper proposals are invited for Session  S25: Cities, Science and Satire: Satirical Representations of Urban Modernity and Scientific and Technological Innovation in the Public Space 13 th  Conference of the European Association for Urban History, Helsinki, August 24-27, 2016 Deadline: October 31, 2015 Session Chairs: Markian Prokopovych ( markian.prokopovych@univie.ac.at ) and Katalin Straner ( stranerk@ceu.edu ) European urban spaces underwent fundamental transformation due to unprecedented scientific and technological modernisation as well as the emergence of the urban press from the eighteenth century onwards. In the course of just a few decades, modern roads and transportation connected previously distant cities as well as city districts to each other and to the city centre; street lightning made evenings safer and easier to navigate; and the provision of fresh water and canalisation prevented the spread of previously devastating epidemics and changed ap...