10th International Conference on the History of Chemistry, Aveiro, Portugal - programme online

Dear Colleagues

The full programme of the 10th International Conference on the History of Chemistry (10th ICHC) : 9-12 September 2015, University of Aveiro, Portugal is now online on the conference website, http://10ichc-2015.web.ua.pt, and the deadline for early bird registration has been postponed accordingly.

Theme of this meeting is ‘Chemical Biography in the 21st Century' and key-note speakers are Prof Jorge Calada (Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon) – ‘Ghost Science’
Prof Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent (Université Paris 1 Panthéon- Sorbonne)
- ‘Towards a Biography of Carbon at the Intersection between Nature and Culture’
Prof Michael Gordin (Princeton University) - ‘Who Doesn’t Get a Biography in the History of Chemistry?’

For any information, visit the webiste or contact the conference organisers : FIS-10ICHC@ua.pt.

Brigitte Van Tiggelen, chair of the WP on the History of Chemistry