
Mostrando entradas de marzo 26, 2017

Recurso: Singular y común. Límites e interpretaciones del electroencefalograma en México, 1940-1950

Nou vídeo de la conferència de Nuria Valverde: Singular y común. Límites e interpretaciones del electroencefalograma en México, 1940-1950 Com s'utilitzen els instruments? Quines implicacions té la seua circulació? Quines són las conseqüències polítiques de la transferència de tecnologies mèdiques subjectes a una interpretació incerta? Revisant la història dels usos dels electroencefalogrames a Mèxic durant la dècada de la seua introducció, de 1940 a 1950, Nuria Valverde tracta aquestes qüestions

CfP: Congreso Internacional Ciencia y Exilio

Url:  http://www.hamaikabide.eus/2017/02/11/ciencia-y-exilio-nuestro-congreso-para-2017/ Primera Circular: Título: Congreso Internacional Ciencia y Exilio (1936-1960) Fechas: Del 7 al 11 de Noviembre de 2017 Lugar: Donostia-San Sebastián (País Vasco). Salón de Actos de la Biblioteca Carlos Santamaría, Universidad del País Vasco. Salón del Trono de la Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa Temática: El Congreso se centrará en la labor desarrollada por el exilio republicano en los  campos de las ciencias puras y experimentales: medicina, psiquiatría, veterinaria, biología,  matemáticas, física, química, ingenierías. Asimismo, de modo un tanto  excepcional, se  admitirán aportaciones en el campo de la economía y de la arquitectura. Contenidos: Las ponencias se podrán centrar en biografías y trabajos de científicos exiliados. Cabe por tanto hablar de aspectos biográficos (siempre que sean novedosos), aportaciones,  avances de los exiliados y exiliadas de la república

CfP: XV Jornada sobre la Història de la Ciència i l'Ensenyament "Antoni Quintana Marí"

Hem començat a treballar en l'organització de la XV Jornada sobre la Història de la Ciència i l'Ensenyament "Antoni Quintana Marí" de la Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica que tindrà lloc els propers 18 i 19 de Novembre de 2017. L’experiència de les jornades anteriors ens ha dut a proposar les següents àrees temàtiques per les comunicacions: La immersió de la història de la ciència a l’aula. L’acoblament de la història de la ciència en el currículum educatiu. La cultura material de la ciència en l’ensenyament. Les TIC en la incorporació de la història de la ciència a l’ensenyament. La història de la ciència en la formació del professorat Com l’any passat ens agradaria afegir sessions temàtiques noves, per aquest motiu fem una crida a fi que qui vulgui coordinar una nova sessió amb 4 comunicacions ens ho comuniqui (tema i resums) abans del 31 de juny. Pode

CfP: ESSHC 2018 Panel: Midwives and midwifery at the nexus between state interest, women’s health, and the decline in infant mortality

Considering the instrumental role midwives played during birth, even after the gradual and piecemeal process of medicalization began to firmly assert itself in this realm, they have not received the consistent attention of social historians, demographers, or family historians. Snippets of the great narrative of birth in pre-twentieth century Europe have sometimes allowed glimpses into midwives’ activity, their training, and the expectations that society and couples lay out for them. Historians dealing with the development of medicine as a state-driven initiative during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries have sometimes noted their existence, generally contrasting them to the increasingly visible body of formally-trained physicians that spread out from universities and academies into towns and villages. Midwives increasingly fell victim to the same historiographic desuetude that surrounded their practice, relegated to the field of ethnographic observation. Nevert

CfP: Disability and Popular Culture

Call for Papers: Disability and Popular Culture -- 2017 Midwest Popular Culture Association/Midwest American Culture Association Conference CONFERENCE LOCATION: The MPCA/MACA Wednesday-Sunday, 18-22 October, 2017 Hyatt Regency St. Louis at the Arch  315 Chestnut St, St. Louis, MO 63102  Phone: 314-655-1234 The Disability and Popular Culture Area of The Midwest Popular Culture Association/Midwest American Culture Association is now accepting proposals for its upcoming Conference in October 2017. Proposals will be accepted from any area relating to disability and popular culture. Potential topics could include, but are not limited to: Disability in TV & Film Disability in Literature Disability and Social Media Disability and Society Disability and the News Please upload 250 word abstract proposals on any aspect of disability and popular culture to the Disability and Popular Culture area at http://submissions.mpcaaca.org/  DEADLINE: April 30, 2017.

CfP: Buildings Talk - Hospital Histories

George Marshall Medical Museum - Annual Evening of Talks Thursday 13th July, 2017 at the Charles Hastings Education Centre Papers are invited which will engage our audience with the broad theme of the history of medicine and healthcare buildings with a specific focus on how their design may have impacted upon patients and their treatment. Papers relating to the West Midlands (and Worcestershire) are particularly welcome. This is the fourth annual lecture evening at the George Marshall Medical Museum,  with previous speakers including Professor Jonathan Reinarz, Dr. Frank Crompton and the late Dr. Chris Upton. Abstracts of no more than 300 words for talks of 30 minutes should be sent electronically to louise.price10@nhs.net by 5pm 28th April, 2017. For further details, telephone the Curator on 01905 760738.  www.medicalmuseum.org. uk

CfP: Colors in Technology – Technology of Colors

Call for Papers: 40th History of Technology Conference 17 and 18 November 2017 in Schlatt, Switzerland The 40th History of Technology Conference will be held at the Klostergut Paradies in Schlatt near Schaffhausen, Switzerland on 17 and 18 November 2017. The Conference has served as an outstanding platform for the exchange of ideas between research, teaching and industry since 1978. The speakers and the invited guests come from universities, libraries, collections and museums or contribute their business and industrial experience. The conferences are renowned for the breadth and topicality of the papers presented. You can find information on previous conferences at: www.eisenbibliothek.ch . This international and interdisciplinary event is organized by the Iron Library (Eisenbibliothek), Foundation of Georg Fischer Ltd. Responsibility for the content of the conference is in the hands of a scientific advisory board consisting of Dr. Gisela Hürlimann (ETH Zurich

Funded PhD project: Health and Healing at the Hanoverian Court

Url:  http://www.kcl.ac.uk/ study/postgraduate/fees-and- funding/student-funding/ postgraduate-research-funding/ richard-trainor-scholarships. aspx   The Professor Sir Richard Trainor PhD Scholarships 2017-18 Project Title: Beyond the Madness of King George: Health and Healing at the Hanoverian Court Partner Organisations: Royal Library and Royal Archives, Historic Royal Palaces, Royal College of Surgeons, Science Museum King’s is now inviting applications for one of the Professor Sir Richard Trainor PhD Scholarships in the Department of History at King’s College London in collaboration with the Royal Library and Royal Archives, Historic Royal Palaces, the Royal College of Surgeons and the Science Museum. The scholarship will commence from October 2017 onwards and is open to new incoming PhD students only. Project Description: While historians and medical experts have long debated the nature of George III’s illness, other important aspects of medicine a

Durham CfP: Molecules and Models: Seeing Structures

Molecules and Models: Seeing Structures Organised by the Centre for Visual Arts and Culture(CVAC) as part of the Institute of Advanced Study Theme  for 2017-18 Structure November 21 st and 22 nd 2017 Kenworthy Hall, St Mary’s College, Durham University The workshop will run from early afternoon on 21 st until lunchtime on 22 nd . Call for Papers We invite proposals for short papers to be given at this workshop.  If you would like to present to it, please email Ludmilla.jordanova@durham.ac. uk AND cvac@durham.ac.uk with an abstract of no more than 250 words and a short CV.  The closing date for submissions is July 3 rd .   Decisions will be made within two weeks.  We welcome proposals from early career researchers.  Papers should be interdisciplinary, accessible to non-specialists and have a focus on visual culture. It is hoped to present a proposal for a special issue to the Science Museum Group Journal  (a peer-reviewed e-journal) following the meeting. Molecu