
Mostrando entradas de febrero 26, 2023

Actes d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica -- Revista de la SCHCT: Recepción de originales

El año pasado (2022), la revista  Actes d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica , órgano de expresión y comunicación de la Sociedad Catalana de Historia de la Ciencia y la Técnica (filial del Institut d'Estudis Catalans), publicó su volumen núm. 15 en el marco de The Open Journal Systems (OJS), un hecho que demuestra su solidez y también su apertura a la sociedad, más allá del mundo académico.   Además del  editorial , en que se plantean los desafíos actuales, y del artículo de reflexión  (“ Pluralidad y ¿ansiedad?: la historia de la medicina hoy ? ”)  de Enrique Perdiguero (Universidad Miguel Hernández), el volumen 15 contiene cinco artículos de investigación, una entrevista a un personaje relevante, más de una docena de reseñas de libros y de exhibiciones, tres crónicas de actividades, etc.   El consejo editorial de la revista invita a los miembros del SCHCT, y también a todas las personas interesadas, a participar en el próximo volumen (2023) a través d...

Call for Chapters: History of Pregnancy and Childbirth

Chapter proposals are invited for  A Cultural History of Pregnancy and Childbirth: The Age of Enlightenment and the Atlantic System (1765 – 1860),  under contract with Bloomsbury for their Cultural History Series. We seek authors for the following four thematic chapters: Legal and Political Contexts, Science and Medicine, Fertility Control, Meanings and Representations The particular focus of each chapter within the general themes outlined above is up to the individual author, but topics covered may include fertility (including attempts to promote fertility, infertility, and fertility control), pregnancy and birth, the post-partum period, and/or infant care and feeding. Each chapter will provide an overview for readers of the key issues, problems, questions, methodologies, and debates in the field. If/when appropriate, each chapter also will survey the available primary sources and discuss a sample of these sources. This volume focuses on the century fr...

CfP: 5.º Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de História da Medicina Tropical (5LBMHTM)

O  5.º Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de História da Medicina Tropical  (5LBMHTM) será realizado em Lisboa, entre os dias 14 e 16 de junho de 2023, e entre os dias 19 e 20 de junho de 2023, em Braga. Será organizado pelo Centro Interuniversitário de História das Ciências e da Tecnologia (CIUHCT), Laboratório de Paisagens, Património e Território (Lab2PT/IN2PAST – Universidade do Minho), Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Casa de Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas Interdisciplinares sobre Emergências em Saúde Pública (NIESP/Fiocruz) e Museu Histórico/Departamento de Medicina Preventiva, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo.  As propostas de simpósios ou comunicações individuais, resultantes de investigação original e ainda não publicada, deverão ser submetidas eletronicamente em português e em inglês . O congresso é gratuito, mas requer inscrição obrigatória. Url:  https://5congressolusobras...

CfP: Crisis of the Traditional Structure of Knowledge

CONFERENCE:  The Crisis of the Traditional Structure of Knowledge: Teaching and Learning Mathematical Sciences in the long 18th Century VENICE, Ca' Foscari University; 21-22 June 2023.   Organizers : Davide Crippa (Ca' Foscari University of Venice), Marco Sgarbi (Ca' Foscari University of Venice). Deadline for submissions: 28 March 2023 In addition to the invited speakers, there are a few slots reserved for scholars presenting work that, broadly speaking, is in line with the goal of the workshop.  Abstracts should not exceed 250 words,  and should be written in English (conference language).    Please send your submission and inquiries to  Davide Crippa.   CONFERENCE DESCRIPTION Even though historians agree that physical and mathematical sciences became academic disciplines from the early 19th century, it was during the previous century that these sciences moved to the center of European culture. A veritable "rev...

Call for Chapters: Gender Equity for Women in STEM

This book offers an analysis of the global gender gap in STEM. The volume also focuses on the advancement of women in STEM fields and the importance of managing the gender gap and training more women in STEM, including the rapidly increasing data science field, to “tackle the gender gap that might arise in the future.” (Patterson, Damodharan & Beena, 2021) According to the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS), women comprise 48 percent of the U.S. workforce but only 24 percent of STEM workers, with less than 10% being women of color (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2021; Noonan, 2017b). Men are more likely than women to have a STEM job regardless of educational attainment (U.S. Department of Commerce Economics and Statistics Administration). Although more women than men are represented in college, women often remain excluded from STEM jobs. Although Black women comprise 14.1% of the female workforce and have historically maintained the highest level of female workforce parti...

CfP: Invisible Labor in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 7th Biennial Kathleen A. Zar Symposium, 14-16 Sept., University of Chicago

To coincide with the installation of our exhibit on “The Untold History of Women at Yerkes Observatory, 1900–1930,” the  Capturing the Stars  Research Group at the University of Chicago is organizing an interdisciplinary conference on Invisible Labor in Astronomy and Astrophysics.   We define invisible labor broadly and welcome contributions that engage with this theme in any period or geographic region from scholars in all fields, including but not limited to astronomers, historians of science and/or photography, librarians, archivists, and scholars of science and technology studies. Contributions are especially encouraged from graduate students, early career researchers, and independent scholars.  We are soliciting proposals for individual presentations, organized panels, and workshops.  Possible topics include but are not limited to: The ways in which invisible labor contributes to the advancement of knowledge How and why certain forms ...

CfP Special Issue: Indentured Bodies / Embodiments of Indenture (Journal of Indentureship and its Legacies)

Systems of indentureship have included a variety of social actors such as indentured labourers, recruiters and planters. The specific conditions of the recruitment process, the transportation of labourers to their assigned work sites, the labour itself and its social and environmental conditions affected not only the lives and socio-cultural traditions of the people involved, but also impacted their bodies and the ways embodiment was understood, experienced and negotiated in crucial ways.  The body is a complicated category, especially in contexts where human beings are reduced to their labouring bodies in settler-colonial extractive systems such as the plantation complex – the space in which many indentured workers found themselves. Questions of fungibility, replaceability and exploitation necessarily cling to the body, as do notions of permeability, porousness and relationality. As Tao Leigh Goffe has argued, the mutilation of flesh can be understood ‘as foundational to contend...

Manchester (UK) - PhD studentship history of science and medicine

The University of Manchester’s Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine ( CHSTM ) and  John Rylands Research Institute  invite applications to undertake a fully funded 3 year doctoral studentship researching the social and cultural history of neurology, neurosurgery and the brain sciences in Britain across the twentieth century.   This studentship has been made possible by the generous donation of Dr. David Shreeve.   The Project -  David Shreeve Doctoral Studentship in the History of Medicine   This studentship will develop a comprehensive understanding of the history of neurology in  Britain  across the twentieth century. Research will examine the work of Sir Geoffrey Jefferson (1886-1961), pioneering neurosurgeon and professor at the university and his collaborators, including Dorothy Davison (1890-1984), an important figure in the art of medical illustration. Jefferson published many important works such as those on fractures...

CfP: 9th Norwegian Conference on the History of Science in Trondheim

9th Norwegian Conference on the History of Science November 29 – December 2, 2023 Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway  Short Years, Long Years, and Round Years: Anniversaries in the History of Science The organizers invite papers on any aspect of the history of science, technology or medicine and particularly welcome papers engaging with the issue of anniversaries, broadly defined.  Historians can be ambivalent about anniversaries. On one hand, they offer an opportunity to reassess and mobilize interest in topics that otherwise would not receive widespread attention. Anniversaries are an occasion to reflect on the enduring importance of history to the contemporary world and are frequently used to argue for funding specific projects. On the other hand, not all topics of historical interest have anniversaries; anniversaries may isolate topics from their historical context or facilitate an arbitrary juxtaposition of past and present; and th...

6 PhD positions in History of Science, Philosophy of Science, or Sociology of Science

6 PhD positions in History of Science, Philosophy of Science, or Sociology of Science  for 3,5 years at the University of Wuppertal (Germany), starting in Oct. 2023. The PhD students will be part of the interdisciplinary Research Training Group (Graduiertenkolleg, GRK 2696) "Transformations of Science and Technology since 1800: Topics, processes, institutions", funded by the German Research Foundation. The doctoral candidates will be starting their employment with a postgraduate scholarship (six months) which is followed by three years as research assistant at 65% of standard working hours (paygrade: E 13 TV-L). The Graduate Program (GRK) is a joint project of the research groups of history, philosophy and sociology within the Interdisciplinary Centre for Science and Technology Studies (IZWT). It includes the history of science and technology, history of mathematics, philosophy of science, philosophy of physics, as well as sociology of science and organizations. It focuses on...