
Mostrando entradas de junio 19, 2022

CfP: Cine-Zoonosis

Cine-zoonosis: screening human/animal pollinations and contaminations During the COVID-19 pandemic, epidemiologists and ecologists have repeatedly warned that, as climate change continues to decimate wildlife and their habitats, global pandemics resulting from animal-spread disease will inevitably become more common. A “zoonotic disease” is one that has the capacity to “jump” back and forth between human and animal populations. As is now abundantly clear, such diseases have the potential to dramatically disrupt society, kill hundreds of thousands of people, exacerbate existing social conflicts, and set the political agenda for years to come. Consequently, zoonosis is a pivotal site in the ecopolitics of our current moment—a space where the pressing issues of rapid species extinction, national borders and migration, land management and conservation all intersect. In this anthology, we conjoin zoonosis and cinema, asking how they mutually define and illuminate each other—historically, th...

Convocatoria plaza Ayudante Doctor área de Hª de la Ciencia

La Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche ha convocado una plaza de Ayudante Doctor del área de Hª de la Ciencia.  Toda la docencia a impartir es en Grados de Ciencias de la Salud (Facultad de Medicina). https://dogv.gva.es/datos/2022/06/14/pdf/2022_5427.pdf

CfP: Routledge Handbook of Translation Technology and Society

EDITORS:  Stefan Baumgarten, University of Graz, Austria |  Michael Tieber, University of Graz, Austria SUMMARY OVERVIEW The Handbook of Translation Technology and Society aims to contribute to a better understanding both on the increasing digitalisation of our globalising societies as well as the largely unexplored spaces across translation technology, culture, society and the economy. The handbook will showcase new interdisciplinary cross-sections, critical theoretical avenues and methodological approaches that explore the impact of translation technology on society and vice versa. We welcome contributions from established scholars, up and coming researchers, practitioners and activists affiliated with Translation Studies or other pertinent areas in the Humanities and Social Sciences. The handbook also aims to gather a critical mass of contributors from the Philosophy and Sociology of Technology as well as from Science, Technology and Society Studies (STS). We encourage indi...

CfP: Resisting Nature: European Imperial Projects and the Limits of Environmental Knowledge

Panel Resisting Nature: European Imperial Projects and the Limits of Environmental Knowledge This panel explores the limits of colonial projects, whose plans and propositions often ran up against environmental realities and human resistance. By definition, colonial environments were contested epistemological and material sites whose ecologies were the fault line of conflict and violence. All colonial empires shared the goal of transforming natural environments to fit their own economic interests and cultural imaginaries. Yet they also triggered processes of reckoning and resistance. Colonial societies confronted the colonizers with their own epistemic regimes and material knowledge. Non-human actors, ranging from animals to epidemic diseases, escaped Europeans’ control and sabotaged their enterprises. Foreign climates remained a shifting and unpredictable challenge for any project of environmental management by colonial states. This confrontation produced migrations, epidemics, ep...

3 Research Fellow and 1 Senior Research Fellow

3 Research Fellow and 1 Senior Research Fellow positions within the ERC Project “CAPASIA: The Asian Origins of Global Capitalism”.  These positions are open to researchers who have already completed their PhD or are close to completion: https://www.eui.eu/About/JobOpportunities/Open-competitions-for-academic-posts#ResearchFellowVacancies

CfP: 'Time and Machines, 1700-1850' -- University of Neuchâtel

As of the eighteenth century, machines became central to the process of technological innovation. The ‘mechanical arts’ then encompassed a large spectrum of disciplines and practices, whose commonality – as Jean d’Alembert stressed in the article ‘Machine’ of the Encyclopédie (vol. 9, 1765, p. 794b) – lied in the endeavor to regulate a given force, and maximize its action. Artisans were most often in charge of the creation of machines and of the elaboration of knowledge linked to their functioning, although natural philosophers also got engaged with technological innovation. In this respect, one might consider the importance of providing expertise on machines for the learned societies of the time, in France (the Paris Academy of Sciences) as well as in Britain (the Royal Society of London and the Society of Arts). In the creation of machines and their assessment, a key role was played by the concept of ‘economy’. This notion had multiple meanings: the economy afforded by machines could...

CfP: philosophia naturalis. Making Sense of Relations and Realities.

The various recent approaches to quantum worlds appear to be reaching a consensus: that spacetime is quantized, relational, and emergent out of a fundamentally new, pre-geometric order that exists “before” and “below.” Conventional reality, then, emerges as an explicate order from more fundamental, relational pre-geometric and pre-quantum implicate order(s), which exist beyond conventional science and philosophy. This pre-geometric implicate order has the potential to answer the two most fundamental questions in all of the philosophia naturalis: what is the origin of spacetime and the fields within it, and ultimately, why is there something rather than nothing? Hence, the sub-Planckian order promises profound consequences, not just for foundational (meta)physics, but also for cosmic evolution in quantum cosmology and human knowledge of it. Many scholars have explored these ideas, most notably the physicists David Bohm and Carlo Rovelli, and within the tradition of relational and proces...