
Mostrando entradas de junio 28, 2020

Nueva publicación: El astrólogo y su gabinete. Autoría, ciencia y representación en los almanaques del siglo XVIII

Autor:  Joaquín Álvarez Barrientos RESUMEN En estas páginas se estudian los almanaques desde su perspectiva textual e iconográfica, se atiende al marco científico de la época, al público; al sentido y valor de los instrumentos que aparecen en los frontispicios y a su tipología; a las formas de componer los pronósticos, es decir, a las estrategias y a la conciencia autoral que muestran; al papel que la melancolía desempeña en el retrato de los autores, y, finalmente, se centran en el espacio del astrólogo, su gabinete al aire libre, entendido como lugar simbólico de estudio, representación y autoridad. TITLE Almanac figures. Authorship, science and representation of the astrologer in the forecasts of the eighteenth century ABSTRACT The almanacs are studied in these pages from their textual and iconographic perspective. The scientific framework of the time, the public; the meaning and value of the instruments that appear in the frontispieces and their typology; the way

CfA: Negotiating radiation protection

Conveners:  Prof. Angela Creager, Princeton University  Prof. Kenji Ito, SOKENDAI  Prof. Susan Lindee, University of Pennsylvania Prof. Maria Rentetzi, Technical University Berlin/Max Planck Institute for History of Science   The history of radiation protection is more than just a story of scientific standard-setting and regulatory control both within and among nations. The subject calls for a broader conception of international relations, science diplomacy, and circulation of knowledge, materials, and expertise. Over time, radiation protection involved experts in fields ranging from physics to ecology, engineering to political science, and even sociology, public health, and psychology. These experts competed and cooperated to exert their authority through international organizations and regulatory bodies.  This webinar explores the kind of organizational structures, material resources, knowledge systems, and diplomatic practices that allowed the social and p

COVID-19 grants for history in the public interest

The  Albert Lepage Center for History in the Public Interest  at Villanova University is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity to support historical projects related to the Covid-19 pandemic that advance the public interest. The Center will fund up to 10 projects that creatively engage with the broad range of questions, concerns, policies and practices raised by the study of how past pandemics have affected the course of history and how historical study can further public understanding of the current Covid-19 crisis. The Center is particularly interested in proposals that adopt a global approach and highlight issues of race, gender, power and structural inequality. We strongly encourage BIPOC and members of minority and underrepresented populations to apply. ABOUT THE GRANTS Up to 10 grants will be awarded to projects that promote historical research, scholarship, teaching and public dialogue on global histories of pandemics and their effects on society,

CfP: Developments in physics teaching and learning in HE, online, November

Monday 9 – Tuesday 10 November 2020 Organised by the Institute of Physics (IOP) Higher Education Group and the IOP History of Physics Group The way that students learn, and the way we teach, has changed a lot during the last 100 years partly due to evolutions in physics itself, partly due to changes in technology and partly due to better understanding of what is effective. Students’ learning, and the concept of "active learning", have many dimensions which have changed over time. The purpose of physics education (both for students and teachers) is often neglected as a crucial factor as is the need for an internal focus in the student's mind. This meeting, jointly organised by the IOP Higher Education and History of Physics groups, will be an excellent opportunity to discuss the developments in Physics teaching in Higher Education over the last 100 years, what we ca

CfP: Hopos Special Issue "Building Universe(s)"

The ERC project Paradoxes and Metaphors of Time in Early Universe(s) (PROTEUS) is delighted to invite submissions for the special issue titled “ Building Universe(s). The philosophical and mathematical underpinnings of cosmology (18th-20th century) ”.   Editors: Silvia De Bianchi, Autonomous University of Barcelona,  Federico Viglione, Autonomous University of Barcelona.   This special issue is devoted to the history of the philosophical and mathematical foundations of cosmology (18th-20th century). It takes into account the period ranging from the great revolution in observational cosmology introduced by William Herschel up to the 20th century, including the observation of the CMB radiation. The development of both theoretical and observational cosmology disclosed with unprecedented precision and depth the structure of our universe and they had been and still are inextricably based on mathematical and philosophical underpinnings. In this special issue both are inve

CfP: The Adult Learner, 2021

The Impact of COVID-19 on Adult, Community and Further Education The Adult Learner was founded in 1985. This valuable resource documents the growth and development of adult learning policy and practice. It provides a forum for critical reflection on the practices of teaching and learning, giving priority to subject matter that addresses disadvantage, social exclusion, equality, workplace learning and the study of the teacher and student relationship. The Focus of the Journal The 2021 edition of The Adult Learner will explore the impact of COVID-19 on adult, community and further education. The purpose is to provide a space to reflect on what the COVID-19 crisis has meant to the sector. How has it changed the educational landscape? How has adult, further and community education responded to the crisis?Journal contributions can take 3 forms. All abstracts must identify the type of submission being made and clearly link the submission to the Journal’s theme. Abstra

Premi de recerca Ricart i Giralt

Url:  https://www.mmb.cat/blog/recerca/xxi-premi-de-recerca-ricart-i-giralt/ Un any més l’Institut Ramon Muntaner i el Museu Marítim de Barcelona us animen a presentar projectes de recerca a desenvolupar al llarg d’un any, en l’estudi del patrimoni i la cultura marítimes en el camp de les ciències socials, i en l’àmbit del territori de parla catalana. El termini finalitza el 10 de juliol. En aquesta convocatòria la documentació és podrà presentar telemàticament a la web del MMB, a través de la seu electrònica (E-tram), amb la instància genèrica, o com en altres edicions presencialment al registre general del MMB, prèvia cita a informacio@mmb.cat . Trobareu tota la informació a la convocatòria i les bases . El premi està dotat amb 6000 €, i el resultat final serà publicat pel MMB en la Col·lecció Estudis.

Postdoctoral Fellowship at the ASC/MCMP (LMU Munich)

The Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics (ASC) and the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP) at LMU Munich seek applications for a 1-year postdoctoral position. The successful applicant is expected to collaborate with Prof. Stephan Hartmann and Dr. Daniele Oriti on the FQXi-funded project “ The Epistemic Nature of Physical Laws: From Intelligent Agents to Quantum Gravity and Cosmology ”.We are especially interested in candidates with research interest in philosophy of science, epistemology or foundations of physics. Application deadline: July 9 2020 For more information and details see: https://www.mcmp.philosophie.uni-muenchen.de/news/post_doc_asc_2020/index.html