
Mostrando entradas de marzo 31, 2019

Transnational knowledge during the Cold War

Url:  http://www.revistahcsm.coc.fiocruz.br/english/transnational-knowledge-during-the-cold-war/?fbclid=IwAR366qKsUfMzMC4f3oARVKvsfM2FFMAeHZBM58qygiiuECC2ta9OHMx1Hzo Our current issue is now available online! This edition ( vol.26 no.1 Jan./Mar. 2019 ) features a dossier on the transnational knowledge during the Cold War , edited by Ana Barahona, Professor of the Department of Evolutionary Biology at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). The Cold War affected not only science and technology related to the military and space races, but also research in biomedicine and other fields. The idea for this dossier arose during the symposium “Transnational Knowledge during the Cold War. The case of the life and medical sciences,” held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in July 2017, at the International Congress of the History of Science and Technology. This transnational approach present in the four articles of this dossier abandons the idea of nation as a unit in ord...

CfP: Material Culture of Health Activism

THURSDAY 20 JUNE 2019, SCIENCE MUSEUM, LONDON A workshop at the Science Museum, London, organised by Imogen Clarke, Assistant Curator of Medicine. Health activism has arisen in response to a range of issues including NHS funding cuts, abortion law reform, the provision of mental health care and abolishing the so-called ‘tampon tax’. Campaigning and protesting for and against these issues and others have proliferated a wide variety of material and visual culture including AIDS quilts, pro-choice badges, placards at junior doctor strikes and contemporary artworks. This interdisciplinary conference will explore the histories and strategies of health activism along with the material and visual culture of this activity. We will additionally consider the politics and practices of collecting, curating and interpreting health activism in museums and other institutions. The day will include a keynote lecture by Manon Parry and a short ceremony involving the lotus unfold...

Exposició "Tòxics (IN) Visibles"

“TÒXICS (IN) VISIBLES” Sala José Puche. Palau de Cerveró. Institut Interuniversitari López Piñero. Vivim en un món tòxic, ho sabem, però seria molt difícil posar-se d’acord sobre quins són els tòxics més perillosos, quina és la seua toxicitat, quins riscs representen per a les persones o per al medi o quines serien les mesures que s’haurien d’adoptar per evitar els danys i minimitzar els riscs futurs. Tòxics (in)visibles és una invitació a reflexionar sobre la complexitat dels processos que intervenen en l’establiment de la toxicitat d’una substància. A través del mercuri, l’amiant, els plaguicides i els fums contaminants l’exposició indaga en el caràcter contingent i socialment construït de la toxicitat per revelar alguns dels mecanismes a través dels quals els diversos protagonistes, sota la pressió de forts interessos polítics, econòmics i acadèmics, interaccionen per visibilitzar la toxicitat d’una substància o, al contrari, per invisibilitzarla, mitjançant la ...

Contratación de Investigador/a: Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas de la UNAM

Url:  http://www.filosoficas.unam.mx/sitio/contratacion-de-investigador-a-epistemologia           El Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas de la UNAM está interesado en contratar a un/a investigador/a con especialización en el área de epistemología , para ocupar una plaza de Investigador Asociado C de Tiempo Completo.   Los interesados deberán contar con el grado de doctor u obtenerlo al menos dos meses antes del inicio de su contrato.   Se otorgará preferencia a quienes sean capaces de impartir clases en español al momento de la contratación. En caso de que la persona seleccionada no pueda impartir clases en español, será condición necesaria para su recontratación el que al cabo de un año esté en condiciones de hacerlo.   El Instituto está especialmente interesado en recibir expedientes de candidatos con las siguientes áreas de competencia: filosofí...

Assistant professor in history of information- Maastricht University

Assistant professor in history of information, computing, and digitality at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Department of History, Maastricht University 1.0fte 6-year tenure-track position https://www.academictransfer. com/nl/53819/assistant- professor-in-history-of- information-computing-and- digitality-at-the-faculty-of- arts-and-social-sciences- department-of-history- maastricht-university-10fte-6- year-tenure-track-position/ FASoS is seeking an assistant professor with demonstrated excellence in teaching and research in the history of science and technology. A focus on the history of information, computing, and digitality broadly construed and a strong interdisciplinary are assets. We are particularly looking for applicants who can link historical perspectives to Science and Technology Studies. Experience in digital humanities and/or digital historical methods would be welcome. Research that stresses ...

Call for Contributors: Cultures of Oral Health, 1750-present

The Oral Health Humanities and Social Science Network are seeking contributors for an edited collection of essays titled 'Cultures of Oral Health, 1750-present: Discourse, Theory and Practice' (proposed publisher is Routledge, Medical Humanities Series).  Edited by Dr Claire Jones (University of Kent, History) and Professor Barry Gibson (University of Sheffield, Dental Sociology), the volume seeks contributions that explore the relationships between oral health, dentistry and society drawing on a range of disciplinary perspectives including history, history of STM, applied ethics, sociology, social gerontology, politics, historical epidemiology and philosophy. By producing a vibrant volume, our goal is to expand the inter-disciplinary conversation on oral health. The volume will demonstrate how a wide range of disciplines can promote a multidisciplinary understanding of oral care discourses, practices and theory.  We therefore welcome a range of initial c...

Job [Copenhagen]: postdoc on time, metabolism, and the body

Medical Museion at the University of Copenhagen is advertising a 3 year position as part of a new international postdoc program at the NNF Center for Basic Metabolic Research (CBMR): www.museion.ku.dk/2019/03/body -time-postdoc LOCATION: Medical Museion is a combined university museum and interdisciplinary research unit, and hosts CBMR's Program for Metabolic Science in Culture. The Program aims to situate metabolic science in its cultural, historical, and philosophical context, through both research and public engagement. PROJECT: The project ‘Body Time: Metabolism, Multicyclic Being, and Temporal Environments’ will investigate the experiences, scientific understandings, and philosophical implications of being a body that is highly sensitive to time and light; from the daily circadian clocks running inside our cells to monthly, seasonal, and generational cycles. The precise focus and methods of the postdoc research are open to the interests and skills of the ...

CfP: Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry's 10th Annual Post-grad Workshop

SHAC’s annual series of workshops fosters interdisciplinary exchange among graduate students and early career scholars from any field whose work engages with the history of alchemy and chemistry. We welcome abstracts that deal with this year’s topic within any historical period and geographical region. Projects pertaining to the social construction of knowledge, the intellectual history of alchemy and chemistry, cultural shifts in scientific ideology over time, natural philosophical knowledge networks, and other creative interpretations of this year’s theme are encouraged. Please be prepared to give a short presentation of your work and participate in discussion. There will be two keynote presentations from Dr. Marieke Hendriksen (Utrecht University) and Dr. Simon Werrett (University College London), as well as a guided tour of the special texts and objects housed at the Ritman Library led by Head of the Ritman Research Institute, Dr. Peter Forshaw. Please send...