Job [Copenhagen]: postdoc on time, metabolism, and the body

Medical Museion at the University of Copenhagen is advertising a 3 year position as part of a new international postdoc program at the NNF Center for Basic Metabolic Research (CBMR):

LOCATION: Medical Museion is a combined university museum and interdisciplinary research unit, and hosts CBMR's Program for Metabolic Science in Culture. The Program aims to situate metabolic science in its cultural, historical, and philosophical context, through both research and public engagement.

PROJECT: The project ‘Body Time: Metabolism, Multicyclic Being, and Temporal Environments’ will investigate the experiences, scientific understandings, and philosophical implications of being a body that is highly sensitive to time and light; from the daily circadian clocks running inside our cells to monthly, seasonal, and generational cycles. The precise focus and methods of the postdoc research are open to the interests and skills of the successful candidate, and the project will be informed by collaboration with Center scientists working on circadian biology. The postdoc will also contribute to the development of public engagement projects at Medical Museion that take up the themes and outcomes of the research. 

More information and the application portal can be found on the University job portal here: Do get in touch with me if you have any questions,