
Mostrando entradas de julio 9, 2017

Novedad bibliográfica: Educación, comunicación y salud

Se ha publicado el volumen  EDUCACIÓN, COMUNICACIÓN Y SALUD Perspectivas desde las ciencias humanas y sociales Josep M. Comelles & Enrique Perdiguero-Gi, eds.  Tarragona: Publicacions URV, 2017 http://publicacions.urv.cat/ llibres-digitals/antropologia- medica/11-antropologia-medica/ 678-educaci%C3%B3n,- comunicaci%C3%B3n-y-salud Descarga gratuita en:  http://llibres.urv.cat/ index.php/purv/catalog/book/ 264 SUMARIO Presentación,  Enrique Perdiguero-Gil, Josep M. Comelles Primera parte. Educación, popularización y salud Una perspectiva histórica De los errores del pasado a las preocupaciones del ahora. Clínica, etnografía y educación sanitaria,  Josep M. Comelles La intervención de la inspección de enseñanza primaria en la educación sanitaria escolar: la perspectiva crítica de A. Maíllo,  Aida Terrón Bañuelos La psiquiatría franquista y la educación para la salud mental,  Enric J. Novella La popularización médic...

XIII Jornades Història Farmàcia

Barcelona, 24, 25 i 26 de novembre de 2017 Facultat de Farmàcia i Ciències de l'Alimentació (Universitat de Barcelona) Url:  https://sites.google.com/site/schf2017bcn/ Les Jornades d'Història de la Farmàcia se celebren cada dos anys, des de 1993, amb dos objectius fonamentals: fomentar la relació personal entre els historiadors de la Farmàcia i oferir un marc per a ponències, comunicacions històriques i taules rodones sobre temes històrico-farmacèutics. Enguany, per primera vegada, la Facultat de Farmàcia i Ciències de l’Alimentació de la Universitat de Barcelona acull la seu de les Jornades en la XIIIena edició, que dedica el tema central a la història de la formació dels farmacèutics. Tant els historiadors, com els professors i investigadors de les diverses ciències farmacèutiques, com els estudiants, com els professionals tenen una ocasió única d’aportar noves dades, debats i reflexions sobre com s’han format les diverses generacions d’apotecaris al llarg del t...

Manifiesto de asociaciones españolas de Historia sobre los horarios de atención al público en archivos estatales

Copia del escrito dirigido al Secretario de Estado de Cultura. Madrid, 13 de julio de 2017 Sr. Secretario de Estado de Cultura: La Coordinadora de Asociaciones Españolas de Historia desea manifestar su malestar por la supresión desde el pasado 15 de junio de la atención al público por la tarde en el Archivo Histórico Nacional (Madrid). Junto con el Centro Documental de la Memoria Histórica (Salamanca), eran los dos únicos gestionados directamente por el MECD donde se mantenía la consulta en horario de tarde. Según nos explican sus responsables, la situación es debida a la carencia de recursos humanos para atender el horario habitual (8:30-18.00h). Por ello, debemos manifestar nuestra más enérgica disconformidad con un recorte inesperado, sin que se anuncie fecha de regreso al horario que habitualmente se ha venido aplicando.  La disminución del tiempo de trabajo se ha ejecutado en un momento muy próximo a la época de mayor concurrencia de investigado...

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in the History of Modern American Medicine, Harvard University

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in the History of Modern American Medicine   The Department of the History of Science at Harvard University seeks to appoint a tenure-track assistant professor in the history of modern American (twentieth century) medicine. We are especially interested in candidates with comparative or global perspectives. A Ph.D. is required by the expected start date. The Department is especially interested in candidates who show exceptional promise as scholars, teachers, and mentors, and who can offer broad courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels that will complement those of the current faculty. The appointment is expected to begin on July 1, 2018.   Applications should include a curriculum vitae, an outline of present scholarly projects and future plans, a statement of teaching experience and approach, and a writing sample. All materials should be submitted directly to the Harvard academic positions site at http://academi...

CfP: PEERE International Conference on Peer Review, 7-9 March 2018, CNR (National Research Council) Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro, Italy

Url:  http://www.peere.org/conference/ PEERE International Conference on Peer Review, 7-9 March 2018, CNR (National Research Council) Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro, Italy The TD1306 COST Action PEERE  organises an interdisciplinary conference on peer review. The conference aims to provide a forum for scholars, practitioners and science stakeholders to share evidence on peer review in different fields, e.g., medicine, computer science, social sciences and humanities. It aims to stimulate the use of evidence-based research in the design and implementation of peer review in a variety of fields and encourage more systematic research. The conference welcomes any contribution (e.g., original research, position papers, literature reviews) that uses any method (e.g., quantitative, experimental or qualitative) to investigate peer review in a variety of scientific domains (e.g., scholarly journals, funding agencies, research assessment). Interdisciplinary research is espe...

Two PhD fellowships at Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen

PhD fellowships at Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen Two 3-year PhD fellowships are available at Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen, starting on 1 December 2017 or as soon as possible thereafter.   The position    Medical Museion is seeking two new PhD candidates to join an innovative and exciting house where research, museum work and public engagement are brought together at the intersection of medicine, culture and society. Medical Museion is a university research department as well as a public museum and we believe it makes a difference to do research within a public environment, where new ideas and understandings can be brought to light. Our exhibitions and events are often approached as a kind of laboratory for research, and we are keen to push the boundaries of what research might be, and what it can lead to.     We are fundamentally concerned with the place of medicine within social and cultural contexts and welc...

Recurso: Lancement de la base "Philosophie clandestine"

Chères et chers ami(e)s, nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer le lancement de la base de données "Philosophie cl@andestine" que vous pouvez maintenant consulter à l'adresse:                                                                         philosophie-clandestine.huma- num.fr Conçue comme un véritable outil numérique de recherche exploitant les dernières fonctionnalités du web (SPARQL, base de données NOSQL, Node.js/Nginx, HTML5/CSS3/JS, avec Angular 4), la base Philosophie Cl@ndestine donne accès à la liste complète des manuscrits philosophiques clandestins mise à jour, ainsi qu...

Reviewers of History of Medicine Books

Doody Enterprises (publisher of Doody's Review Service and Doody's Core Titles) is seeking to fill the position of Editorial Review Group Chair in History of Medicine/Nursing History. If interested, please contact Anne Hennessy ( anne@doody.com ).

Pharmaceutical Historian - online and open access

We're thrilled to announce that, in its 50th anniversary year, the British Society for the History of Pharmacy’s journal Pharmaceutical Historian is now available as an open access online international publication!   In collaboration with the International Society for the History of Pharmacy, quarterly editions will be available online, starting with this year's March and June numbers.  http:// www.ingentaconnect.com/ content/bshp/ ph;jsessionid= 1qss9701bn0ss .x-ic-live-03 Instructions for contributors to future editions are given in each edition.  Any queries or proposals for future submissions can be directed to the Pharmaceutical Historian ’s editor, Dr Stuart Anderson editor@bshp.org

PhD Scholarship “Patient Experiences with the Socialist Healthcare System of Czechoslovakia or Poland or Hungary after 1945”

PhD Scholarship Social History of Medicine/History of Patients Location: Stuttgart Institute: Institute for the History of Medicine at the Robert Bosch Foundation Duration: 01/10/2017 – 30/09/2020 Deadline for Applicants: 15/09/2017 The Robert Bosch Foundation is one of the biggest foundations in Germany that is affiliated with a company. With the Institute of the History of Medicine, the foundation funds the only extramural research institute in this field in Germany. The current main research interests of the institute are the social history of medicine and the history of homeopathy. The Institute for the History of Medicine at the Robert Bosch Foundation Stuttgart offers a PhD scholarship that should commence by 1 st October 2017. PROJECT The project offered focuses on the history of patients, and aims to investigate “Patient Experiences with the Socialist Healthcare System of Czechoslovakia OR Poland OR Hungary”. The proposed research should be n...