
Mostrando entradas de junio 26, 2016

IUHPST Essay Prize in History and Philosophy of Science

Submission deadline: 30 November 2016 The International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IUHPST) invites submissions for the first IUHPST Essay Prize in History and Philosophy of Science. This prize competition, planned to continue on a biennial basis, seeks to encourage fresh methodological thinking on the history and philosophy of science as an integrated discipline. Entries in the form of an essay of 5,000–10,000 words in English are invited, addressing this year’s prize question: “What is the value of philosophy of science for history of science?” All entries should contain original work that has not previously been published. For entries written originally in another language, an English translation should be submitted with an indication of the translator. Entries will be judged on the following criteria, in addition to general academic quality: a direct engagement with this year’s prize question, an effective integration of historical and ...

Call for case studies: Public-Private interactions in nutrition-related non-communicable diseases

Type: Call for Papers Date: July 16, 2016 Subject Fields: Health and Health Care, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology The International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research - Institute of Population and Public Health (IPPH), and the UK Health Forum (UKHF) are calling for cases detailing experiences of public-private interactions that seek to prevent nutrition-related non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The resulting Casebook will be an edited collection of approximately twelve articles with accompanying commissioned commentaries. The Casebook’s aim is to support the strenghtening of the governance processes of these public-private interactions (e.g. decision-making) and prevent conflicts of interest. Cases may be submitted from other risk factor areas, such as alcohol control, where it can be demonstrated that they offer transferable lessons for the prevention of nutrition-related NCDs. If you are interested in contributing ...

Call for Authors: Issues & Controversies in History

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  June 29, 2016 CALL FOR AUTHORS Issues & Controversies in History Facts On File is hiring historians and writers on a freelance basis to contribute articles to Issues & Controversies in History , a database in world history targeted to high school and college students. Each article will focus on a specific question encapsulating a debate or conflict in global history. MANY TOPICS ARE STILL AVAILABLE, including Revolution, Slavery, Colonialism, Empires, War, and Technology. Overview Issues & Controversies in History places students at the center of the great debates and conflicts in global history. It brings history to life not as a mere recitation of names and dates but as a set of turning points where the future hung in the balance and opinions raged on all sides. By exploring the issues as the key players saw them, or, in some cases, as historians have interpreted them, the database will build a dee...

Convocatòria RecerCaixa 2016

Convocatòria d'ajuts a la recerca RecerCaixa : 2016 Entitat convocant:  Associació Catalana d'Universitats Públiques (ACUP) Programa:  Programa RecerCaixa Àrea temàtica:  Ciències Socials i Jurídiques,  Arts i Humanitats,  Biociències,  Ciències de la Salut,  Tipus d'ajut Destinataris:  Investigadors,  PDI Requeriments Es podrà presentar a la convocatòria qualsevol equip de recerca liderat per un/a investigador/a doctor/a, amb contracte estable amb una universitat o centre de recerca, públic o privat, radicat a Catalunya. En el marc d'aquesta convocatòria, s'entén per contracte estable aquells contractes amb data de finalització posterior a la data de finalització del projecte presentat. S'anima a presentar propostes interinstitucionals, presentades conjuntament per investigadors/es pertanyents a diferents institucions. Tots els investigadors principals hauran de complir els requisits individuals per presentar-se a la...

Cfp: International Conference “Translation in Science, Science in Translation”

International Conference “Translation in Science, Science in Translation”  30-31 March 2017 Justus Liebig University Giessen Deadline for applications: 31 July 2016 Invited speakers: Dr Doris Bachmann-Medick (Giessen), Dr Maeve Olohan (Manchester), Dr Benedikt Perak (Rijeka) In recent years, considerable scholarly attention has been drawn to interdisciplinary research between the fields of Translation Studies and History of Science, which has shed light on, for instance, the workings of scientific communities, the dissemination of knowledge across languages and cultures, and the transformation in the process of that knowledge and of the scientific communities involved. Translators are brought to the fore, and if they were once treated as anecdotal actors in scientific exchanges, they are now understood as key agents. The Translation in Science, Science in Translation conference precisely engages in all these questions suggested by the conversation between Tr...

Professorship in Material Cultures of Knowledge: Göttingen

The University of Göttingen strives to foster the study of cultures of  knowledge and the history of academic collections as well as scientific  communication and aims at connecting research in the field of cultural  sciences with structures and measures which are designed to ensure the  maintenance of the academic collections and to improve their use for  research, study and scientific communication. Against this background, the University of Göttingen invites applications for a Professorship in “Material Cultures of Knowledge” at level W-3 The principal task of the successful candidate will be research and teaching in the field of cultures of knowledge with particular reference to material aspects, represented by Göttingen’s academic collections. This will include the study of provenance. S/he will also be expected to build up and lead a research team in these areas, serving as anchor for future projects in the domain of cultures of knowledge. Thi...

Prof of Hist of Sci: TU Berlin

The Max Planck Society and the Technische Universität Berlin (Faculty I, Institute of the History of Philosophy, Literatur and Technology) invite applications for a joint  Max Planck Research Group Leader position/ University professorship (employment) - remuneration in line with salary grade W2  for the field of History of Science  at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) and the TU Berlin.  Reference number: I-260/16 (starting at the earliest possible/for 5 years)  Working field: The successful applicant will serve as a Max Planck Research Group Leader at the MPIWG. She or he will be required to cover the area named above in research and teaching (with a reduced teaching load of one course per semester) at the Technische Universität Berlin. She or he will contribute to the organization of the MA Programme “Geschichte und Kultur von Wissenschaft und Technik” and the BA Programme “Kultur und Technik mit Schwerp...

Call for Papers LUCAS Graduate Conference ‘Landscape: Interpretations, Relations, and Representations'

On 26 and 27 January 2017, the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society will be hosting an international graduate conference entitled ‘Landscape: Interpretations, Relations, and Representations’. A selection of researchers and artists will be invited to participate in panels, in which their 20-minute papers and creative work will be discussed. Participants should currently be undertaking a PhD. When submitting a proposal for a paper presentation or a work of art, please make sure to include a short biography.  Participants are invited to critically explore and reflect on cultural artefacts and practices that project, trace, or confront these processes through the concept, genre, or medium of landscape. By seeking to gather an interdisciplinary and intercultural selection of academic papers and works of art, we aim to encourage an open dialogue among a unique mix of artists and researchers. Please find attached a more detailed conference description, or consult the webs...

Call for BJPS Book Reviewers

The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science is looking for book reviewers Due to the pressure of space in the BJPS, the Editors have decided that they will no longer publish book reviews in print. Instead, the BJPS will publish its reviews on the soon-to-be-launched BJPS Review of Books website. The BJPS Review of Books will continue the work of the Journal, publishing reviews of books that are directly relevant to current debates within the philosophy of science. Reviews will be online only, but will be securely archived via LSE Research Online, searchable via google scholar, and completely open access.  If you are interested in reviewing for us, please email Dr Elizabeth Hannon < bjps@leeds.ac.uk > with the title of the book you would like to review and some information about yourself. Books published before 2015 will not be reviewed and please do not send book reviews. Publication o...

Philosophy & Biology seminar: Videos of the talks available online

Videos of the Philosophy & Biology seminar , held in Bordeaux, France, are available here: http://www.canal-u.tv/ producteurs/universite_de_ bordeaux/conferences/ philosophie_et_biologie Speakers : – October 6th, 2015: Ken Gemes (Birkbeck, University of London), Nietzsche’s Notion of Health. – November 10th, 2015: Thomas Polger (Department of Philosophy, University of Cincinnati, USA & IdEx Visiting Scholar at Université Bordeaux-Montaigne), Birds, and Bees, and Primates, Oh My! A Defense of the Sparse Theory of Multiple Realization (For the video, please contact Thomas Pradeu). – January 12th, 2016: Sven Saupe (UMR5095, IBGC, CNRS & Université de Bordeaux) & Mathieu Paoletti (UMR5095, IBGC, CNRS & Université de Bordeaux), Self and nonself in fungi. – March 15th, 2016: Alain Blanchard (Microbiologie, UMR INRA 1332 Biologie du Fruit et Pathologie, Bordeaux), From the question “what is life?” to the building of minimal cells. – M...

New York Academy of Medicine Library accepting applications for 2017 History of Medicine Fellowships

Type: Fellowship Date: August 26, 2016 Location: New York, United States Subject Fields: History of Science, Medicine, and Technology Applications for The New York Academy of Medicine Library’s two one-month residential fellowships, the Paul Klemperer Fellowship in the History of Medicine and the Audrey and William H. Helfand Fellowship in the History of Medicine and Public Health are being accepted through late August for fellowships that may be used at any time during 2017.  For information and current application forms, please visit the Library Fellowships page .

Jobs: four part-time Teaching Fellowships for 2016-17

UCL Department of Science and Technology Studies announces four part-time Teaching Fellowships for 2016-17 academic session. These fellowships are in the following areas of specialisation: -philosophy of science -history of medicine -science journalism and filmmaking -sociology of science Deadlines for application are in early July. Details: www.ucl.ac.uk/sts/vacancies Applicants are welcome to propose themselves for more than one of these posts; however, separate applications are required. Contact details are available in the job particulars.

CfA: Bucharest Colloquium in Early Modern Science

Call for applications BUCHAREST COLLOQUIUM IN EARLY MODERN SCIENCE From Natural History to Science: the Emergence of Experimental Philosophy 24-26 October 2016   Invited speakers: Iordan Avramov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), Andreas Blanck (University of Paderborn & Bard College, Berlin), Arianna Borrelli (Technical University Berlin), Florike Egmont (Leiden University), Mordechai Feingold (California Institute of Technology), Raphaele Garrod (University of Cambridge), Friedrich Steinle (Technical University Berlin) . The sixth edition of the Bucharest Colloquium in Early Modern Science aims to bring together an interdisciplinary group of historians and philosophers interested in the interplay between theory and experimental practices in the 16 th –18 th centuries, with a special focus on the emergence of experimental philosophy. We invite papers on the history of natural history, early modern experimental practices and forms of experimental methodology...

Traducción de: L'Église et la science. Histoire d'un malentendu

La Iglesia y la Ciencia. Historia de un malentendido Autor: George Minois. Tras un largo periodo de desconfianza debido al origen pagano de la ciencia, a partir de san Agustín la Iglesia acaba por adoptar la ciencia como rama auxiliar de la teología, asumiendo esta, de hecho, una cosmovisión y una razón de ser impuesta por los teólogos. Las tentativas medievales de construir una ciencia independiente no sobreviven a los censores y los grandes visionarios de los siglos XV y XVI, tolerados en algún momento, son víctimas de la reacción postridentina. Sólo las matemáticas, por su carácter de pensamiento abstracto, continúan su camino al margen de todo esto, hasta que finalmente también les tocó su turno, pues en ellas se apoyaron Copérnico y la ciencia mecanicista para decir que la Tierra gira sobre sí misma. La actitud de la Iglesia hacia la ciencia sigue siendo aún hoy objeto de numerosas controversias. Desde san Pablo, entre las dos vías de acceso a la verdad –la...

CFP - Gravity: Its History and Philosophy

32 nd  Boulder Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science   Gravity: Its History and Philosophy   University of Colorado at Boulder Oct. 28 -30, 2016 Invited speakers Peter Saulson, Syracuse University, LIGO Michel Janssen, University of Minnesota Peter Bender, JILA, University of Colorado The conference topic is gravity from antiquity to the present. Historical and philosophical papers on both theory and experiment are welcome. Deadline for Submission: August 1, 2016 Acceptances will be available by September 1, 2016 Extended abstracts (1000 words)  should be sent to  Allan.Franklin@colorado.edu