
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 22, 2013

Society for Neuroscience Research Fellowship at UCLA

Society for Neuroscience Research Fellowship at UCLA. One-year fellowship, with a possible 2nd-year extension supported by the Department of Neurobiology, to research and write history of the Society for Neuroscience (founded 1969) and its role in the development of the field of neuroscience in the late 20th century. Fellow will be expected to research and write a publishable historical essay within one year on the early history of the society, with likely opportunities to develop other publications, to help design and write content for a website and to assist in grant writing. The Society for Neuroscience (SfN) is the foremost scientific organization dedicated to the study and promotion of Neuroscience. Since its creation in 1969, the SfN and its members have played a major role in shaping our scientific and cultural knowledge of how the brain and nervous system work, in forging a disciplinary identity for the neurosciences, and in helping to promote effective national neuros

Conference announcement: Printing mathematics in the early modern world

Printing mathematics in the early modern world Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 December 2013 (note new dates): 10am–5pm All Souls College, Oxford The early modern period saw the printing, in large numbers, of mathematical tables, primers, textbooks and practical manuals, as well as the incorporation of mathematical notation into a wide range of works on other subjects. Algebraic notation, diagrams and even printed mathematical instruments all raised unusual problems for print. The development of appropriate layouts and conventions, the establishment of workable print-shop procedures, and the detection and management of error all required distinctive solutions where the printing of mathematics was concerned. Those problems and their solutions are the subject of this two-day workshop, to be held in All Souls College, Oxford. A limited number of places are available for observers. The cost will be £20, and will cover attendance at the conference sessions, with tea and coffee. Un

La salud internacional y la Guerra Fría. Erradicación de la malaria en México, 1956-1971

http://www.historicas.unam.mx/publicaciones/catalogo/ficha.jsp?id=596 La salud internacional y la Guerra Fría Erradicación de la malaria en México, 1956-1971 Marcos Cueto ISBN 978-607-02-3501-6 México, 2013 Resumen El pasado de la erradicación de la malaria demuestra que la inversión más importante de un país pobre en salud pública no está en la tecnología médica sino en la construcción de capacidades humanas que puedan responder a una variedad de situaciones adversas. Así pues, la erradicación de la enfermedad es un tema de salud pública que está a debate y sus resultados han sido mixtos, con el caso de la viruela como el único exitoso a escala mundial, hasta ahora. El autor del libro analiza el desarrollo de la campaña de erradicación del paludismo en México en el marco de la Guerra Fría para hacer una propuesta de salud pública flexible, integral y a largo plazo que permita superar la cultura de la sobrevivencia. Supone la adopción de un patrón cultural y sanitari

IHPST September Newsletter

Dear Colleagues, The September IHPST newsletter is now available on the web at: http://ihpst.net/newsletters / CONTENTS: 1.         Science & Education Journal, Volume 22 Number 9 (two thematic issues) 2.         Science & Education Journal, Report (a) Rationale and Purpose of the Journal (b) Journal on the Web         (c) Manuscript Submissions (d) Copyediting Assistance Required for Manuscripts from Non-Anglo Authors (e) Article Downloads (f) Thematic Issues (g) Journal Reviewing 3.         Journal Thematic Issue, Call for Papers, Philosophy of Science Education: Issues and Possibilities 4.         The 2 nd Asian Regional IHPST Conference, December 4 –7,   2014, Taipei, Taiwan 5.         First European Autumn School on History of Science and Education: Sources and Resources for Educational Purposes in the Era of Internet, Barcelona, 14 – 16 November 2013 6.         European Society of Hist

Race in biology and anthropology: free special issue of STUDIES IN HPS C

A special issue of eight articles from STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF BIOLOGICAL AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES on race in biology and anthropology is now available for free downloading at the journal's website: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/studies-in-history-and-philosophy-of-science-part-c-studies-in-history-and-philosophy-of-biological-and-biomedical-sciences/ In the main journal, articles from the current (September 2013) issue connected with this theme include: * A four-article special section edited by Quayshawn Spencer on whether there's a "space for race" in evolutionary biology after the mid-twentieth-century modern synthesis, with contributions from Lisa Gannett, Alan Templeton and Massimo Pigliucci * A critical exchange between Adam Hochman and Neven Sesardic on what has and hasn't been established about race and genetics * An essay review by Petter Hellström of a recent book on the use of genomics to reconstruct the history of w