
Mostrando entradas de octubre 6, 2013

Visiting Fellowships: John Rylands Research Institute, University of Manchester

If you are planning to work on material within the University of Manchester’s Special Collections, you may be interested in a new Visiting Fellowship scheme at the John Rylands Research Institute. More here: http://www.library.manchester.ac.uk/jrri/opportunities/ Warning: tight deadline! -- Dr Carsten Timmermann Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine Faculty of Life Sciences The University of Manchester, Simon Building, Room 2.36 Manchester M13 9PL, United Kingdom Phone +44-(0)161-275 7950  Fax +44-(0)161-275 5699 http://www.manchester.ac.uk/research/carsten.timmermann/ http://www.manchester.ac.uk/chstm Tweeting as @ctimmermann New book: A History of Lung Cancer

Publish versus unpublished: The role of science journal publishing in priority disputes, c.1850–c.1950

  6 th International Conference of European Society of History of Science, Lisbon, Portugal, 4–6 September 2014 Session on: Publish versus unpublished: The role of science journal publishing in priority disputes, c. 1850– c. 1950 Session Abstract The focus in this session is on late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century examples of claims to priority and on the role of the published record in these disputes. Historians of science have considered the reasons why one individual is credited with a discovery over another. We know that scientific disputes were often determined less by the actual timescale of events (who did what first) and more by the proof individuals possessed of their pioneering work, namely in the form of the published record. For example, in the discovery of Neptune in 1846, Cambridge astronomers lost out to their German contemporaries. Smith (1989) has shown that the former’s claims to be the first observers of the planet were dispu...


XII CONGRESO SEHCYT Escuela de Ingeniería Minera e Industrial de Almadén (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha) 9-12 septiembre 2014 XII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Historia de las Ciencias y de las Técnicas III Encuentro Internacional Europeo-Americano PRIMERA CIRCULAR ÁREAS TEMÁTICAS 1.       Ciencia y consolidación del Patrimonio: documentos, instrumentos, edificios. 2.       Intercambio y transferencia de Ciencia y Tecnología entre España e Iberoamérica. 3.       Patrimonio Industrial y Desarrollo Regional. 4.       Historia de  las Ciencias. 5.       Industrialización, conmemoraciones y efemérides. 6.       Temas libres. SIMPOSIOS Sobre temas monográficos y a propuesta de dos organizadores-ponentes, con un mínimo de cinco participantes (organizad...