
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 29, 2015

Open SHOT Session "Re-inventing the human scale: Science, Technology and Global Crisis"

Dear Colleagues,   We invite contributors to an open session for the SHOT Annual Meeting, 22-26 June 2016 in Singapore. To propose a paper for the panel below, please send an abstract and CV (according to SHOT’s submission requirements) to  matthias.heymann@css.au.dk   until Dec 10, 2015.   For more information on the upcoming SHOT meeting see:  http://www. historyoftechnology.org/call_ for_papers/index.html   Best wishes Matthias   Re-inventing the human scale: Science, Technology and Global Crisis Organizer: Matthias Heymann, Dania Achermann, Centre for Science Studies, Aarhus University     Many crisis phenomena, such as  global  technological risks or economic threats,  global  environmental and climate change,  global  competition about resources etc., have shaped political and scientific discourse in the postwar era. But although they have challenged local life these globa...

Susurros de divulgación. La difusión en la biblioteca Tomás Navarro Tomás

Buenos días, La difusión de los servicios, de los  fondos y de las actividades de la biblioteca Tomás Navarro Tomás ha adquirido una visibilidad destacable en los últimos años a través de su  web. Son muchas las páginas web y  los productos dedicados a difundir la colección, los fondos digitalizados,  las exposiciones, las conmemoraciones  o  algunos proyectos científicos en los que colabora  la biblioteca Tomás Navarro Tomás.  El  aumento de su actividad difusora, ha puesto de relieve la necesidad de elaborar un nuevo portal  que recoja, organice y presente esa actividad de forma más atractiva, accesible y manejable para los usuarios. Susurros de divulgación es el nuevo punto de nuestra web que facilita el acceso a todo el trabajo de difusió...

Col·lquis de la SCHCT 10 de desembre "Disciplina y moralización en la prisión femenina durante el siglo XX" Fernando Hernández UCM

CICLE: “Disciplina i conversió a la presó: una mirada històrica sobre el pres, l'espai i les relacions de poder” 2na sessió:   Disciplina y moralización en la prisión femenina durante el siglo XX A càrrec de Fernando Hernández, Grupo de Estudio sobre la Historia de la Prisión y las Instituciones Punitivas (Universidad de Castilla la Mancha).  Dijous 10 de desembre, a les 19:00 h, a l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans, sala Prat de la Riba (C/del Carme, 47, Barcelona). El proper dijous 10 de desembre, el seminari sobre Disciplina i conversió a la presó: una mirada històrica sobre el pres, l'espai i les relacions de poder continuarà amb la seg...

Histories of the Red Cross Movement: Continuity & Change

This conference acknowledges the growing number of historians and researchers working in the rapidly expanding area of the history of the international Red Cross Movement. With its origins in the mid-nineteenth century, this global humanitarian organisation includes the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) originally formed in Geneva in 1863, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) created in 1919, as well as the 189 (at last count) national Red Cross and Red Crescent societies. The conference convenors are four historians (two of whom reside in Australia and two in Britain) who share a passionate interest in the broad history of the Red Cross Movement. We decided to convene this conference because we felt that there were sufficient historians (especially early career and post-graduate students) across the world today working in the space to warrant a dedicated venue to explore a range of historical ideas and contexts across ...

Singapore Call for Papers -- Deadline Extended

Society for the History of Technology 2 December 2015 Please note that the Call for Papers deadline for the SHOT conference in Singapore has been extended, to 31 December 2015. For more information, or to submit a proposal, please visit the 2016 Call for Papers site at http://www.historyoftechnology.org/call_for_papers/index.html. The Singapore conference will be held 22-26 June 2016. Formed in 1958, SHOT is an interdisciplinary and international organization concerned not only with the history of technological devices and processes but also with technology in history, the development of technology, and its relations with society and culture --that is, the relationship of technology to politics, economics, science, the arts, and the organization of production, and with the role it plays in the differentiation of individuals in society.   Accordingly, the Program Committee invites paper and session proposals on any topic in a broadly defined history of technology, including topics t...

CFP- 7th ESHS Prague 22-24 September 2016 - session "Power and Display: Museums, Science and Politics in Southern Europe (1918-1939)"

Type: Call for Papers Subject Fields: Environmental History / Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Humanities, European History / Studies, Popular Culture Studies 7th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science (Prague: 22-24 September 2016) "Science and power, Science as power" "Power and Display: Museums, Science and Politics in Southern Europe (1918-1939)" Session organized by Elena Canadelli & Jaume Sastre-Juan The display of science and technology is never politically neutral. Museums of natural history, world’s fairs, industrial museums, ethnographic and anthropological exhibitions, or science centers have all been studied as spaces in which power relations have been constructed and negotiated. During the last decades, the politics of display has been addressed in terms of the production and reproduction of ideologies having to do, among other issues, with national and professional identities, gender, col...

Arctic and Antarctic Regions database trial now available

The Scott Polar Research Institute Library is trialling a new database that may be of interest to those of you working on histories of exploration, globalisation or environmental science. Arctic & Antarctic Regions provides records consisting of abstracts and annotations from 12 database files containing over 1.4 million records from books, dissertations, government reports, monographs, conference proceedings, scientific periodicals and theses. The database provides access to valuable research on cold regions, spanning from 1818 to the present. The trial of Arctic and Antarctic Regions database is available until 23rd December. The librarian Peter Lund, copied in, is keen to hear from users whether you find this database valuable so that he can make a decision about whether or not to subscribe. If you think the database might be relevant to your work, please have a look and let Peter know how you get on.

The Byrne-Bussey Marconi Fellowship at the Bodleian Libraries

The Bodleian Libraries are now accepting applications for Visiting Fellowships to be taken up during academic year 2016-17. Fellowships support periods of research in the Special Collections of the Bodleian Libraries. Fellows are hosted in the Visiting Scholars’ Centre at the Weston Library, where they join a lively research environment.    Details of the fellowship terms and application process can be found on our Fellowships webpage: http://www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/csb/fellowships. A list of current Visiting Fellows and Affiliated Scholars in academic year 2015-16 can be found here. Of particular interest is the following Fellowship: -          Byrne-Bussey Marconi Fellowship in the History of Science & Communications Applications for these Fellowships should be made by the deadline of 9.00am, Monday, 14 December 2015. For further information, please e-mail Dr Michelle Chew at: fellowships@bodleian.ox.ac.uk. Dr Alexandra Franklin...

Fellowship opportunity-deadline (Dec. 31) approaches

The Reynolds-Finley Associates, in conjunction with the Historical Collections (HC) unit of UAB Libraries, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), are pleased to announce the availability of short-term awards of up to $2,500 to individual researchers studying one or more aspects of the history of the health sciences during the 2016 calendar year. Intended to support research using the HC unit as a historical resource, the fellowship requires the on-site use of at least one of the unit’s three components, which are the Alabama Museum of the Health Sciences, Reynolds-Finley Historical Library and UAB Archives. For details go to: http://www.uab.edu/reynolds/fellow

SHOT Dibner Award for Excellence in Museum Exhibits DEADLINE 15 December 2015

The Dibner Award for Excellence in Museum Exhibits was established in 1985, through the generosity of Bern Dibner, to recognize excellence in museums and museum exhibits that interpret the history of technology, industry, and engineering to the general public. Winning exhibits, in addition to being well designed and produced, should raise pertinent historical issues. Artifacts and images should be used in a manner that interests, teaches, and stimulates both the general public and historians. The award consists of a plaque and up to $1,000 to cover expenses for a member of the design team to accept the award at the SHOT awards banquet. Exhibits are eligible for this award if they have been open to the public for no more than 24 months before the deadline for nominations. The Society especially encourages nominations from local and regional historical societies. Virtual exhibits are not eligible for the award . Anyone, including the institution or individual responsible for its creation...

Call for Papers: The power of the historiography of science (ESHS Prague, Sept. 2016)

The power of the historiography of science Organized by Zhihui CHEN (SAW, Paris 7 Diderot, France), Jiří Hudeček (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic) and Martina R. Schneider (SAW, Paris 7 Diderot, France; University of Mainz, Germany)  It is well known that history of science played and continues to play an important role in the processes of nation building. For example, histories of the sciences in Germany were published exactly at the time when the German nation state came into being. However, there are also various other ways how state and history of science interact with each other. This is illustrated by the fact that the history of the mathematical sciences was part of the topics to be studied for a state examination to become civil servant in late imperial China for a short period of time.  This is likewise illustrated by how in the context of the professionalization of the history of science in Republican and People’s Republican eras of China, the history of m...

CFP for SHOT Open Session - Singapore, June 2016

Open Session: “Histories, Poverties, Technologies” The Special Interest Group on Exploring Diversity in Technology's History (EDITH) proposes an Open Session panel exploring the relationships between technology and poverty for the upcoming Society for the History of Technology Annual Meeting in Singapore (22-26 June 2016). Narratives in the history of technology are often built on armatures of progress and situated among historical actors who, if they happen not to eat well and sleep comfortably, are likely engaged in heroic tales of exploration and innovation. In such narratives innovative technologies, invariably modern, new, sophisticated, or scientific, enable heroism and progress. Technology is a terrain of many meanings implicated in the multitude of human experiences not only through its innovation but also through use, consumption, production, and as a producer.  Yet when technology enters these fields of exploration, the consuming and producing historical acto...


IHMC2 - BOLETÍN DE NOTICIAS INSTITUT D'HISTÒRIA DE LA MEDICINA I DE LA CIÈNCIA LOPEZ PIÑERO SEMANA 30 NOVIEMBRE - 6 DICIEMBRE 2015 SEMINARIOS Miércoles 2 de diciembre. Hora: 16h. Ciclo: "Los derechos sobre la propiedad intelectual en ciencia i tecnología" Mesa redonda del ciclo: ¿El conocimiento en venta? Una visión transversal de la propiedad intelectual en la ciencia.  Lugar: Sala de conferencias, Palacio de Cerveró, plaza Cisneros, 4. 46003 Valencia. Miercoles 4 de noviembre. Hora: 16h. Ciclo: "Los derechos sobre la propiedad intelectual en ciencia i tecnología" Dominic Berry (University of Edinburgh) Scientific innovation in IP: the challenges of agroecology and synthetic biology in the UK. Lugar: Sala de conferencias, Palacio de Cerveró, plaza Cisneros, 4. 46003 Valencia. CINE Jueves 3 de diciembre. Hora: 18h Cine: Ágora (Alejandro Amenábar, 2009) .  Ciclo Medicina y Ciencia. Lugar: Sala de conferencias, Palacio de Cerveró, plaza Ci...