
Mostrando entradas de junio 27, 2010

PhD studentship in Bielefeld: public health education at the German Hygiene Museum

Ausschreibung eines Promotionsstipendiums im Rahmen des VW-Projekts „Erkenne Dich selbst!“.Visuelle Gesundheitsaufklärung mit Wissensobjekten aus dem Deutschen Hygiene- Museum Dresden im 20. Jahrhundert Das Deutsche Hygiene-Museum Dresden stellt zum 1. Oktober 2010 ein Promotionsstipendium mit dreijähriger Laufzeit für das oben genannte, gemeinsam mit dem Institut für Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung der Universität Bielefeld und dem Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte in Berlin durchgeführten Projekt zur Verfügung. Der/Die Stipendiat/in soll den Schwerpunkt seiner/ihrer Dissertation dabei entweder auf die Geschichte der Lehrmittelproduktion oder der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit des Museums legen. Erwünscht ist die Bewerbung von Absolventen und Absolventinnen einschlägiger Magister-, Master- oder Diplomstudiengänge mit einem nachweisbaren Interesse, sich auf dem Gebiet der Wissenschafts-, Kultur-, Medien-, Bildungs- oder Sozialgeschichte weiter qualifizieren zu wollen. Die...

CfP reminder: Global Dimensions of European Knowledge, 1450-1700, London, June 2011

CALL FOR PAPERS REMINDER (deadline 31 July 2010) The Global Dimensions of European Knowledge, 1450-1700 Birkbeck, University of London, 24-5 June, 2011. An international conference organized with support from The Leverhulme Trust, the Society for Renaissance Studies and Birkbeck, University of London Confirmed speakers KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Professor Felipe Fernández-Armesto (Notre Dame), Professor Pamela Smith (Columbia), Dr Joan-Pau Rubiés (London School of Economics) PLENARY SPEAKERS: Professor Ricardo Padrón (Virginia), Professor Nicolás Wey- Gómez (Brown/Caltech), Dr Michiel van Groesen (Amsterdam) AFTERWORD: Professor Peter Burke (Cambridge) The period 1450-1700 saw the expansion of European seaborne reconnaissance of Africa, Asia, the Americas and Oceania, which would lead to long-distance European empires in these regions. It also witnessed changes in European knowledge-making practices that heralded what is often termed the Scientific Revolution. This conference will investigat...

Monográfico sobre la circulación del conocimiento

Queridos amigos, La revista Memoria y Sociedad, editada por el Departamento de Historia de la Universidad Javeriana en Bogotá, Colombia, está estrenando su página web. En la sección de números atrasados, encontrarán el monográfico titulado ‘La circulación del conocimiento y las redes del poder. En la búsqueda de nuevas perspectivas historiográficas sobre la ciencia’, editado por nosotros dos.   Les pasamos aquí el link a la revista, y esperamos que encuentren los artículos interesantes. Un abrazo, Stefan Pohl y Matiana González Silva http://memoriaysociedad.javeriana.edu.co/

“The State of Children. Politics and Policies of Childhood in Global Perspective”

CALL FOR PAPERS “The State of Children. Politics and Policies of Childhood in Global Perspective” Society for the History of Children and Youth Sixth biennial conference June 23–25 2011 Teachers College and Columbia University, New York, The Society for the History of Children and Youth is an international scholarly organization founded in 2001 and committed to the historical study of children and childhood. The organization supports research about childhood, youth cultures, and the experience of young people across diverse times and places and fosters study across disciplinary and methodological boundaries. We welcome papers that deal with the history of children and youth from all periods of time. We encourage historical papers and sessions drawing upon comparative and interdisciplinary perspectives such as demography, ethnography, institutional approaches, legal studies, media studies, psychology, etc. The conference organization committee prefers proposals for complete sessi...

Open Postdoc or PhD position in Philosophy of Contemporary Science in Practice, Aarhus University, Denmark

The Department of Science Studies, Aarhus University ( http://www.ivs.au.dk/index.jsp ) invites applications for a position as postdoc (1½-2 years) or PhD-student (3 years) to commence during fall 2010. The successful candidate will work as part of the project “ Philosophy of Contemporary Science in Practice ” that investigates the development of contemporary science with a particular focus on disciplinary structures and changes in practices. Applicants are encouraged to contact Hanne Andersen at hanne.andersen@ivs.au.dk prior to submitting their application to get further information on the project and discuss ideas for their individual subproject. Applications for the postdoc position must be made electronically. A link to the full announcement with details on salary and the application procedure can be found at http://science.au.dk/en/positions-and-fellowships/academic-positions/ Requirements: PhD in philosophy of science or history of science, experience with combining philo...

Call for Papers: Body and Mind in the History of Medicine and Health

Call for Papers: Body and Mind in the History of Medicine and Health European Association for the History of Medicine and Health (EAHMH) 2011 Bi-annual Conference Co-organized by the Descartes Centre for the History and Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities and by the University Medical Centre Utrecht Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1-4 September 2011 Deadline for proposals: 1 December 2010 Confirmed keynote speakers include: Floris Cohen, Jacalyn Duffin and Annemarie Mol   The EAHMH invites submissions for its bi-annual meeting, to be held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1-4 September 2011. In the city whose name is closely linked to René Descartes, the Association welcomes abstracts on the general theme ‘Body and Mind in the History of Medicine and Health’. This theme encompasses research in any area where body and mind (and their interaction) were pivotal subjects in the creation of concepts, practices and institutions and in the lived experience of health and disease. P...

REMINDER -- Leeds: Intellectual Property and the Biosciences, 7-8 July 2010

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND THE BIOSCIENCES White Rose IPBio Symposium and Summer School Devonshire Hall, University of Leeds, 7-8 July 2010 With the recent overturning by a US court of patents on genes associated with breast cancer, questions about the role of intellectual property in the biological sciences are high on the agenda.  This meeting, comprising a one-day symposium and a half-day summer school, and bringing together international experts in law, science policy, history, philosophy, sociology and other disciplines, will aim to clarify key issues and explore ways forward. SYMPOSIUM The symposium will take place on Wednesday 7 July 2010 and will run from 9am to 6pm as follows: 09.00-09.20 Registration 09.20-09.30 Introduction by Gregory Radick (Centre for History and Philosophy of Science, Leeds) 09.30-10.15 Robert Cook-Deegan (Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy, Duke): "Gene Patents and Policy: The Neverending Story" 10.15-11.00 Daniel Kevles (Histo...


Das Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte schreibt das Lorenz-Krüger-Postdoc-Stipendium für 2010/2012 mit der Laufzeit vom 1.Oktober 2010 bis zum 30. September 2012 aus.  Das Stipendium ist nach dem verstorbenen Professor Lorenz Krüger aus Göttingen benannt, dessen Werk der Verbindung von Philosophie und Geschichte der Wissenschaft gewidmet war. Es soll ein Projekt gefördert werden, in dem wissenschaftshistorische und philosophiehistorische oder wissenschaftshistorische und wissenschaftstheoretische Forschungen miteinander verknüpft werden. Es wird erwartet, dass das Projekt am Institut in Berlin durchgeführt wird und sich auf Projekte der Abteilung 1 (Mentale Modelle in der Geschichte der Mechanik, Geschichte der Quantentheorie, Globalisierung des Wissens und historische Epistemologie des Raums ( http://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/de/forschung/projects/department1 ) bezieht. Das Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte ist ein internationales und interdisziplin...

3 Research Fellowships / Scholarships 2011 (MPI History of Science Berlin)

3 Research Fellowships / Scholarships 2011 (MPI History of Science Berlin ) The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin , Independent Research Group III (Veronika Lipphardt), announces Research Fellowships 2011 (1) short-term scholarships for senior fellows (2 to 8 weeks) (2) short-term postdoctoral scholarships with a duration (4 weeks to 3 months) (3) short-term scholarships for doctoral students (3 months to 6 months) starting date in 2011. Deadline for submission is July 25th 2010 . The fellowship is awarded in conjunction with the research project "Historicizing Knowledge about Human Biological Diversity in the 20th Century". For further information about the group see www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/en/research/projects/NWGLipphardt   for a long version of this announcement see www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/en/news/jobs.html   Kontakt: Veronika Lipphardt Boltzmannstr. 22, 14195 Berlin officelipphardt@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de URL: http://www.mpiwg-berlin.m...

The Stimulated Body and the Arts: The Nervous System and Nervousness in the History of Aesthetics

The Stimulated Body and the Arts: The Nervous System and Nervousness in the History of Aesthetics Dr James Kennaway Centre for the History of Medicine Durham University Durham 17.02.2011-18.02.2011, Durham University , UK , Hatfield College Deadline: 31.07.2010 This conference will discuss the history of the relationship between aesthetics and medical understandings of the body. Today’s vogue for neurological accounts of artistic emotions has a long pedigree. Since G.S. Rousseau’s pioneering work underlined the importance of models of the nervous system in eighteenth-century aesthetics, the examination of physiological explanations in aesthetics has become a highly productive field of interdisciplinary research. Drawing on this background, the conference aims to illuminate the influence that different medical models of physiology and the nervous system have had on theories of aesthetic experience. How have aesthetic concepts (for instance, imagination or genius) be grounded m...

Postdoctoral fellowship at the Center for History of Science, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Dear all, The Centre for History of Science (CEHIC) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona is willing to support an application for a Postdoc stay at the center (PhD completed later than 1 January 2000), to be financed by the Mobility programme of the Spanish Ministerio de Educación (“Modalidad B. Estancias de jóvenes doctores extranjeros en universidades públicas y centros de investigación españoles”). Call and forms to be found at: http://www.educacion.es/educacion/universidades/convocatorias/titulados-doctores-profesores/estancias-profesores-extranjeros-centros-espanoles/modalidad-b.html Knowledge of Spanish is naturally required in order to navigate the call and fill in the application, which has to be submitted by the centre. The centre can only submit one application and may have to choose amongst potential applicants. The project to be developed should relate to one of the ongoing projects at the Centre, among them: Science and the public (Dr Agustí Nieto-Galan); P...

CFP: Workshop “Work – Bodies – Efficiency: new perspectives in historical workplace studies”

CFP: Workshop “Work – Bodies – Efficiency: new perspectives in historical workplace studies” 24 – 25 February 2011, Ruhr-University Bochum , Germany Deadline: 18 October 2010 The process of industrialization caused a deep transformation of workplace configurations, which is characterized by increasing mechanization and the rationalization of workflow. At the same time the sociality of work fundamentally changed as workers` interactions with their industrial environment were being redefined: formal and informal work practices were constantly adjusted to new technical and organizational innovations of the workplace. This workshop will focus on industrial workplace environment, analyzing its spatial, ecological and technical order. The workshop will explore in what way changes in workplace environment influenced the social control of workers and their bodies. Participants will discuss the formation of a biopolitical dispositive in the industrial workplace, which manifested itself i...

Último número de la revista Bitácora-e.

Estimados colegas, un nuevo número de Bitácora-e está en la calle del ciperespacio, los invitamos a visitar en el siguiente lugar del portal saber de la ULA: http://www.saber.ula.ve/handle/123456789/31264 Abajo el índice del número. Saludos, Yajaira Freites y Humberto Ruiz Calderón Bitácora-e. Revista Electrónica Latinoamericana de Estudios Sociales, Históricos y Culturales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología Número 1 - 2010 Enero - Junio 2010 TABLA DE CONTENIDO   1.. Presentación.   Imaginarios sociales, conflictos internacionales y pioneros latinoamericanos en el desarrollo científico y tecnológico.   Ruiz Calderón, Humberto   2.. Aplicaçao do meta-codigo relevancia/opacidade na analise andro- centrada/gino-centrada da atividade tecnocientífica.   Aplicación del metacódigo relevancia/opacidad en el análisis androcentrada/ginocentrada de la actividad tecnocientífica.   Coca, Juan R.; Valero Matas, Jesus y Pintos, Juan Luis   3.. Las ciencias ag...

Recordatorio: Fecha límite para propuestas de simposia XII COMHCY

Estimados miembros de la SMHCT y colegas ceromayistas: Por este medio les recordamos que el próximo 4 de julio de 2010 es la fecha límite para el envío de las propuestas tanto de simposio como de ponencia libre para participar en el XII Congreso Mexicano de Historia de la Ciencia y la Tecnología (24-27 de noviembre 2010, Zacatecas, Zac.). La dirección a la que deberán enviar sus propuestas es: ilm.smhct@gmail.com Las lineamientos pueden ser consultados en la convocatoria, publicada en la página de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia de la Ciencia y de la Tecnología: www.smhct.org Asimsimo les recordamos que el costo de inscripción para ponentes será de $1300 ANTES DEL 17 DE OCTUBRE DE 2010. Estudiantes y acompañantes: $500. El costo de inscripción para ponentes que deseen hacer su pago in situ durante la realización del Congreso, será de $ 1500. Estudiantes y acompañantes: $600. El formato de inscripción y las formas de pago pueden ser obtenidos en la siguiente dirección electrón...