
Mostrando entradas de mayo 2, 2010

Union in Separation – Trading Diasporas in the Eastern Mediterranean (1200-1700)

Union in Separation – Trading Diasporas in the Eastern Mediterranean (1200-1700) International Conference, Heidelberg, 17-19 February 2011 Call for Papers “Union in Separation” is a three-day international conference hosted by the Transcultural Studies Programme at the University of Heidelberg. The conference focuses on transcultural diasporic communities in the medieval and early modern Mediterranean with specific respect to their role in trade between perceived separate cultural areas. The term “transculturality” tends to be used to designate the hybrid character of modern-day societies and to ultimately argue that separate cultural units (defined as the sum of elements that characterise the aggregate identity of a society) do not exist. However, regardless of whether it is possible to speak of separate ‘cultures’, the construct continues to persist in people’s minds. These mindsets, their creation and their impact on societies is what historians are now investigating. T...

Call for papers: Physik im Kalten Krieg

Call for papers: Physik im Kalten Krieg Veranstalter: Fachverband Geschichte der Physik der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft e.V. Datum, Ort: 14.03.2011-15.03.2011, Dresden Deadline: 31.10.2010 Der Kalte Krieg ist in den letzten Jahren in den Fokus von Historikern und Politikwissenschaftlern gerückt. Angesichts der zentralen Rolle der physikalischen Wissenschaften in Ost und West scheint es angebracht, sich auch aus der Sicht der Physik- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte diesem Phänomen zu nähern. Die Geschichte der Wissenschaften im Kalten Krieg ist bislang überwiegend unter dem Aspekt behandelt worden, wie Ideologie und Politik die Entwicklung der Wissenschaften beeinflusst und deformiert oder wie diese Lebensläufe zerstört und Biographien behindert haben. Untersucht wurde auch, wie sich Wissenschaftler in Organisationen wie der Pugwash-Bewegung für die Überwindung der Barrieren des Kalten Kriegs und der Block-Konfrontation einsetzten. Damit beschränkten sich die ...

Conference booking open now for the SSHM 2010 Conference, Durham, 8-11 July 2010.

Conference booking open now for the SSHM 2010 Conference, Durham, 8-11 July 2010. Conference booking for the 40 Years Society for the Social History of Medicine - Conference 2010: "Knowledge, Ethics and Representations of Medicine and Health: Historical Perspectives" is open now. The conference takes place at Durham and Newcastle (UK), 8-11 July 2010 and is organised by the Northern Centre for the History of Medicine (NCHM) and sponsored by the Wellcome Trust, London and the Society for the Social History of Medicine (SSHM). The conference programme features 150 papers and 4 keynote speeches by medical historians from around the world. For further information and the provisional conference programme, please visit our webpage at: http://www.nchm.ac.uk/SSHM.html The conference package includes: - Accommodation in Durham University on a bed and breakfast basis for 4 nights from Wednesday 7th July 2010.  Rooms are available with either en-suite or shared facilities.  P...

Número reciente del Newsletter História da Ciencia

Está disponible el número 19 (año III, 30 de abril de 2010) del Newsletter História da Ciencia de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Sao Paulo. Para recibir el Boletín es necesario enviar un e-mail a la siguiente dirección: poshciencia@pucsp.br con el asunto: QUERO RECEBER O HCNEWS.

Exposición Digital: "Libros de Astronomía"

Todavía puede ser visitada la exposición digital "Libros de Astronomía", organizada por la Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla y la Biblioteca José María Lafragua. La dirección es http://www.lafragua.buap.mx/astronomia/

Processo Seletivo Mestrado e Doutorado em História da Ciencia

Estao abertas as inscriçoes para o processo seletivo - Semestre de 2010 - Mestrado e Doutorado do Programa de Estudos Pos Graduados em História da Ciencia - PUC/SP. Para maiores informaçoes acesse o site: http://www.pucsp.br/pos

AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award at Science Museum London and School of Geography, University of Nottingham

AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award at Science Museum London and School of Geography, University of Nottingham AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award PhD Studentship School of Geography, University of Nottingham and the Science Museum ‘British Small Craft’: the cultural geographies of mid twentieth century technology and display Supervisors: Prof David Matless and Prof Mike Heffernan (University of Nottingha m), Dr Tim Boon and David Rooney (Science Museum) The University of Nottingham ’s School Of Geography, in collaboration with The Science Museum London, is seeking to award a fully-funded PhD studentship from October 2010. The studentship, which will support three years of full-time study, is funded through the Arts and Humanities Research Council Collaborative Doctoral Awards Scheme. The studentship available is for a doctoral research project on ‘British Small Craft’: the cultural geographies of mid twentieth century technology and display . The project will investigate...

New issue of HoST

 New issue of HoST - Journal of History of Science and Technology, is available to view: http://johost.eu/ As you know, HoST is an open access journal published in Lisbon. HoST – Journal of History of Science and Technology Vol. 3. Editorial: The Fascistization of Science Tiago Saraiva Articles Autarky and Lebensraum Thomas Wieland Laboratories and Landscapes Tiago Saraiva Fascist Autarky and the Italian Scientists Roberto Maiocchi Scientific life under the Portuguese dictatorial regime (1929-1954) Júlia Gaspar, Maria do Mar Gago, Ana Simões “Ideologically-Correct” Science Mark Walker Reviews O Passado das Ciências como História Ana Simões A History of Natural Philosophy Luís Miguel Carolino The History of the Theory of Structures. From Arch Analysis to Computational Mechanics Marta Macedo
Lo Studio Firmano e l’Università degli Studi di Macerata   invitano a partecipare alla XXXVIII Tornata degli Studi Storici dell’Arte Medica e della Scienza Congresso Internazionale LA FORMAZIONE DEL MEDICO   IN ETA’ MODERNA (SECOLI XVI – XVIII) Fermo, Palazzo dei Priori, Sala dei Ritratti, 20-22 maggio 2010 Sabato 22 maggio 2010, ore 9.30 Tavola Rotonda sul tema “ La storia della medicina nella formazione del medico ieri e oggi: esperienze e prospettive di una professione ” (Per la Tavola Rotonda si è in attesa di ECM ) Il Congresso organizzato dallo Studio Firmano in collaborazione con l’Università degli Studi di Macerata concentra l’attenzione su un   capitolo della storia della medicina, sino ad ora forse non adeguatamente indagato   sul piano scientifico come la storia della formazione del medico in età moderna. L’approccio scientifico è interdisciplinare e prevede il contributo di studiosi provenienti da ambiti di ricerca dive...

How Maps Restrict and Control (Univ. of Chicago Press e-book downloads)

On May 3 only get the just-released No Dig, No Fly, No Go by Mark Monmonier. http://www.press.uchicago.edu/ebooks/free_ebook.html Some maps help us find our way; others restrict where we go and what we do. This restrictive cartography has boomed in recent decades as governments seek regulate activities as diverse as hiking, building a residence, opening a store, locating a chemical plant, or painting your house anything but regulation colors. It is this aspect of mappingits power to prohibitthat celebrated geographer Mark Monmonier tackles in his new book No Dig, No Fly, No Go. Get your free e-book edition ( http://www.press.uchicago.edu/ebooks/free_ebook.html ) of No Dig, No Fly, No Go: How Maps Restrict and Control only on Monday, May 3rd! Mark Monmonier is distinguished professor of geography at Syracuse Universitys Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs and the author of many books about mapping and geography, including the cartographic classic How to Lie with Map...


L'editorial de la universitat de Chicago ofereix 1 descàrrega mensual gratis del seu catàleg de llibres digitals - previ registre - visualitzable amb Adobe Digital Editions, que es pot descarregar a la seva pàgina web també. Aquest mes: "No Dig, No Fly, No Go: How Maps Restrict and Control" de Mark Monmonier, que s'acaba de publicar (Maig 2010). http://www.press.uchicago.edu/ebooks/free_ebook.html

Michigan State University - Lyman Briggs School of Science -VisitingInstructor, History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science (HPS)

Michigan State University - Lyman Briggs School of Science - Visiting Instructor, History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science (HPS) Lyman Briggs College—an undergraduate, residential, liberal arts, science program at Michigan State University—invites applications for a visiting instructor. Candidates must be committed to undergraduate teaching, and should hold a M.S. with a specialization in the history, philosophy, and/or sociology of science or technology, or a closely related field. Having a PhD is preferred. The successful candidate will teach a total of five courses: two or three sections of our first-year introduction to history, philosophy and sociology of science (HPS) course, and three or two upper-division HPS courses. Salary is commensurate with experience. Applications must be submitted through Academic Jobs Online, at https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo, and should include a cover letter, CV, teaching portfolio, and three letters of recommendation (submitted directly to...

New MA in History of Science, Medicine, Environment and Technology

The School of History, University of Kent, is pleased to announce a new taught MA in History of Science, Medicine, Environment and Technology. This will run alongside our established and successful taught MSc in Science, Communication and Society. The MA teaches the collective history of medicine, science, environment and technology, offering modules which combine these with imperial, ethical and military approaches. The MSc combines perspectives on science and medicine from history and other humanities with practical and vocational study. Either programme can lead on to PhD level postgraduate research, for which the School of History currently has a generous scholarship scheme. For more information visit http://www.kent.ac.uk/history/ Dr Charlotte Sleigh School of History University of Kent

Architectural Study Tour of Lisbon and Environs

The European Architectural History Network is offering an architectural study tour of Lisbon and environs from 21 through 24 June 2010 with the option to extend the tour to Évora on 25 June. There will be opportunities to meet with local architects and architectural historians. The cost of the tour is 100 euros. For details, please see the full description of the tour at www.eahn2010.org/EAHN%20LISBON%20TOUR.pdf . Please contact Carmen Popescu at crmv@noos.fr to register for the tour. The tour is being offered in conjunction with and following the First International Conference of the EAHN, 17-20 June 2010 in Guimarães, Portugal (www.eahn2010.org). Conference registration is NOT required for the Lisbon tour. EAHN Office c/o RMIT TU Delft P.O. box 5043 2600 GA Delft The Netherlands office@eahn.org European Architectural History Network http://www.eahn.org/ Email: crmv@noos.fr Visit the website at http://www.eahn2010.org/EAHN%20LISBON%20TOUR.pdf

Atlantic History Seminar: Justice: Europe in America

Atlantic History Seminar: Justice: Europe in America, APPLICATIONS DUE 5/3/2010 (Tomorrow!) Applications are invited for participation in the Seminar, to meet for approximately ten days at Harvard University in early August 2010. Participants, for whom travel and accommodation will be provided, must be recent recipients of the Ph.D. or its equivalent or advanced doctoral students. Members of the Seminar will be drawn from the universities of Latin America, Western Europe, and Africa, to be joined by U.S. and Canadian scholars for presentation and discussion of work in progress on the theme of the Seminar and exchange of views with senior scholars. The theme of this year’s Seminar is the transfer of European law and ideas of justice – Spanish, Portuguese, English, Dutch, and French – to the Western Hemisphere: how European legalities were promulgated abroad, how they were adapted to local circumstances and to alien people who had their own traditions of justice, and how, if a...

Conf: Medical Imaging and Philosophy, Ulm (Germany), 21-22 May

1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MEDICAL IMAGING AND PHILOSOPHY: CHALLENGES, REFLECTIONS AND ACTIONS   _____ May 21st/22nd Host: Institute for the History, Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine, Ulm University Centre Medicine and Society, Ulm University Location: Villa Eberhardt Ulm University Heidenheimer Straße 80 D-89075 Ulm Germany Contact: Sebastian Keßler Centre Medicine and Society Universität Ulm Frauensteige 6 (Michelsberg) D-89075 Ulm Tel.: +49 731 500 39915 Email: sebastian.kessler@uni-ulm.de URL: http://www.uni-ulm.de/med/med-medgeschichte/oeffentliche-veranstaltungen/tagungen.html   _____ Announcement: Imaging plays a prominent role in contemporary medical research and practice. This conference focusses on three related aspects of imaging the human body, demonstrating a range of cultural, historical and scientific concerns: * Scientific representations * Ontologies * Ethics It is the aim of the conference ...

Call for papers: Fifty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the RSA (RenaissanceSociety of America, 24-26 March, 2011),"Representations of the New Science"

“Representations of the New Science” The Fifty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the RSA (Renaissance Society of America) Montreal, Quebec Canada 24-26 March, 2011 Montreal 2011 Conference Resources Conference Submissions The conference paper/panel/roundtable submission module is now open. The submission deadline is 23 May 2010. http://www.rsa.org/meetings/conference_start.php   Annual Conference Submission There are new options this year. Please read all available options and choose the appropriate link. All submissions for RSA Montreal 2011 must be completed by 23 May, 2010. Have you already submitted something for Montreal 2011, but want to make changes? http://www.rsa.org/meetings/conference_edit_start.php   Please consider http://www.rsa.org/meetings/cfp_viewlist.php before submitting an individual paper. Available Submission Options Call for Papers -- use this module if you are looking for papers with which to assemble a panel. Calls for papers ar...


XXX CONVEGNO ANNUALE SISFA Dal 30 giugno al 3 luglio 2010 la Società Italiana degli Storici della Fisica e dell'Astronomia (SISFA) organizzerà il suo XXX Convegno Annuale ad Urbino. I lavori inizieranno mercoledì 30 giugno alle ore 10.00 (iscrizioni alle ore 9.30), per permettere a tutti i convegnisti di raggiungere comodamente Urbino. Durante il Convegno si svolgerà l’Assemblea annuale della SISFA. INFORMAZIONI GENERALI L’associazione La S.I.S.F.A. si propone come finalità la promozione degli studi sulla Storia della Fisica e dell'Astronomia. Essa, inoltre, opera affinché vengano riconosciute, anche nel campo della didattica e della ricerca universitaria, la specificità e la rilevanza di tali studi. La Sede del Convegno La sede del convegno è locata nel centro storico di Urbino, presso il Gabinetto di Fisica: Museo urbinate della Scienza e della Tecnica dell’Università degli Studi di Urbino, Piazza della Repubblica, Collegio Raffaello, Sala Multimediale degl...

A Gendered Perspective for Ottoman Urban History

Women and the City, Women in the City: A Gendered Perspective for Ottoman Urban History 27 - 28 May 2010, Berlin Venue: Ballhaus Naunynstraße (Naunynstraße 27, 10997 Berlin) Convened by Nazan Maksudyan (Fellow of EUME 2009/2010) Regarding the traditional and well-established gendered participation and representation in the public sphere, urban history, in parallel with many other subfields of history, might tend to focus more on his story rather than her stories. However, growing and expanding scholarship on the history of women of the last few decades demonstrated the importance of recognizing the agency of women, and thus, the necessity of introducing their roles as relevant into the larger picture. Historians started to acknowledge women as manipulating, if not shaping, urban space. Women did more than react to alterations in urban space: They actively participated in changing the map of the city and in redefining its essence. It is true that diverse groups of ...

CFP: Health Activism in the 20th Century: A History of Medicine Symposium at Yale University

Call for Papers: Health Activism in the Twentieth Century: A History of Medicine Symposium at Yale University October 22-23 2010  The Section for the History of Medicine at Yale University and the  Department of History at the University of Manitoba invite scholars to  participate in a symposium on health activism in the twentieth century  with particular attention to issues of race, gender, sexual orientation  and disability. The symposium will be held at Yale. Papers are welcomed  dealing with this topic in any country. This small symposium will  consist of three moderated panel sessions where the majority of the  audience will be presenters. Potential participants must submit an  abstract of 300 words by May 15, 2010.  We especially invite papers focused on:  • Health workers and patients as political agents  • Fundraising and models of “charity” in health activism  • Inequality and discriminatio...