
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 26, 2010

Free Wellcome Library workshops

Dear All, The new autumn programme of workshops at the Wellcome Library for the history of medicine can be found on the Library website at:   http://library.wellcome.ac.uk/workshops The workshops provide introductions to research and information resources at the Library. The programme includes:         - thematic workshops such as Plants and Medicine, Medicine and Literature and the History of Medicine;         - training on specific resources such as PubMed Central, and Nineteenth Century Newspapers Online;         - and introductions to the Archives & Manuscripts Collection, the Wellcome Images database, and genealogical research resources at the library. All workshops are free and available members of the library (library membership is free and open to all). To book a place on any of the workshops, please use the online booking facilit...

CFP: 80th Anglo-American Conference 2011: Health in History

80th Anglo-American Conference 2011: Health in History http://www.history.ac.uk/events/event/1861 29 June 2011 - 1 July 2011 The history of medicine and of human society of sickness and health is an ever widening window through which the present can view the past. The study of the ways in which societies over time and at war and in peace have defined and treated their ‘sick’, the changing content and status of medical expertise and ethics, and those episodic moments when the globe has been transformed by epidemic, panic and panacea is now an integral part of mainstream history. Yet the field of medical history has changed and is changing rapidly. Moreover, the medical humanities are now critically placed in most cultures at the meeting point of research and social policy. The conference website will go live on 1st September 2010. Registrations will open on 1st March 2011, with early bird discounts available. Brunei Gallery, School of Oriental and African Studies Thornhaug...

AD HOC - History of Chemistry

Dear all AD HOC is a history of chemistry reading group, based in Cambridge and London. While our main focus is historical, we also consider the philosophical, sociological, public and educational dimensions of chemistry. Over the past years our meetings have been attended by a variety of scholars, ranging from advanced undergraduates to teaching staff in both science studies and chemistry, and often attracting visitors from other parts of the UK and abroad. The themes for this term are: Cambridge: 'Alchemy vs. Chemistry' (four meetings, Wednesdays from 5pm-6.30pm at HPS) Programme at http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/adhoc/cambridge.html London: 'Sites of Eighteenth-Century Chemistry' (monthly, Tuesdays from 6 pm-7.30 pm at UCL) Programme at http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/adhoc/london.html Both series are generously sponsored by the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (SHAC), and travel bursaries are available for students who wish to attend meeting...

Remedios y enfermedades. La sanidad en Canarias (siglos XVI-XIX)

ARCHIVO HISTÓRICO PROVINCIAL DE SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE. Remedios y enfermedades. La sanidad en Canarias (siglos XVI-XIX) . Introducción, comentarios y notas de Justo Hernández. La Laguna, Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes del Gobierno de Canarias, 2010. ISBN: 978-84-7947-528-4. P.V.P.: 18 €. El arvicho histórico provincial de Santa Cruz de Tenerife está llevando a cabo una encomiable tarea con el fin de editar una selección de sus documentos más importantes. En este caso, lo ha hecho con una significativa serie de textos sobre medicina y farmacia allí conservados, cuya transcripción ha sido introducida, comentada y anotada por Justo Hernández, historiador de la medicina de la Universidad de La Laguna. Dicho estudio revela, en líneas generales, que el nivel de la sanidad canaria durante esos siglos, tanto en el campo administrativo (regulación de las profesiones sanitarias, intervenciones fiscalizadoras del Protomedicato de Castilla, control sanitario de los barcos...

Skin conference - Birmingham

Dear All, This is just a reminder that there is one month left to register for the Skin Conference the History of Medicine Unit at Birmingham is hosting. Please use the link below to check out all details of the Conference including the programme and registration details. http://www.haps.bham.ac.uk/Events/skin-conference.shtml Hope to see you there. Mrs Kiran Hallan History of Medicine Unit Secretary School of Health and Population Sciences College of Medical and Dental Sciences University of Birmingham 90 Vincent Drive Room 130 Edgbaston Birmingham B15 2TT UK Tel: 0121 415 8174 www.medicine.bham.ac.uk/histmed