
Mostrando entradas de abril 16, 2023

Estudios de Ciencia (Editorial CSIC)

La colección Estudios de Ciencia, de la Editorial CSIC, dedicada a  publicar textos originales inéditos sobre historia de la ciencia, la  medicina y la tecnología, anuncia la apertura de plazo para la recepción  de manuscritos susceptibles de publicarse a partir de finales del año 2023. Se aceptan manuscritos de historia de cualquiera de las especialidades  científicas referentes a todos los periodos históricos. Los estudios  sobre historia de las ciencias en España y en América Latina, y de  historia de la propia institución CSIC, están entre los temas de interés  cuya publicación promueve esta colección. El llamamiento se dirige, no sólo pero también, a quienes, encontrándose  en etapas profesionales y académicas tempranas, aspiren a publicar los  resultados de sus investigaciones postdoctorales así como versiones de  tesis doctorales significativamente revisadas y adaptadas al estilo y  forma de una monografía, evitando las impos...

CfP: Special Issue: Hunger and Food in the History of the Global South (long 20th century)

This special issue will be published in the journal  Estudos Históricos  (Qualis A1 / Scopus Q1) by the end of 2024.   Hunger and malnutrition have ceased to be complementary topics in history books and have become central objects of study. Changes in eating habits and the contexts surrounding them involve the correlation of numerous factors, which in recent decades have begun to attract the attention of historians and social scientists. This special issue aims to bring together articles that address the complex relationships between food, health, and environment over the last century in Latin America and the Global South. We want to focus on the processes of production, circulation, appropriation and application of knowledge and scientific instruments to understand and intervene in the problems related to these issues. From agricultural experimentation, promotion and extension to nutritional research and education and food control and assistance, various experts, institu...

CfP: Culturas Científicas 2023

Culturas Científicas: Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre Ciencia y Tecnología de la  Universidad de Santiago de Chile , y desde febrero 2023  perteneciente a DOAJ , publica investigaciones acerca de las ciencias, las técnicas, las tecnologías y sus procesos que las aborden de manera interdisciplinar y en un contexto internacional (detalles en  Enfoque y Alcance )  Les comunicamos que las fechas de envío sugeridas para las convocatorias del presente año son las siguientes:  El  30 de abril  para el N°1 a publicarse en julio 2023 El  15 de septiembre  para el N°2 a publicarse en diciembre 2023 Les pedimos estar atentos a nuestra página web y/o redes para enterarse de  posibles extensiones  y agradecemos la difusión de este mensaje entre sus colegas y alumnos(as).    Convocatoria permanente:  https://revistas. usach.cl/ojs/index.php/cultura s/convocatoria permanente    Número actual (Dic. 2022)...

CfA: "The Art of Memory and the Sciences In the Early Modern Age" - Galilaeana. Studies in Renaissance and Early Modern Science

The journal Galilaeana. Studies in Renaissance and Early Modern Science invites submissions of abstracts on THE ART OF MEMORY AND THE SCIENCES IN THE EARLY MODERN AGE. Edited by Tommaso Ghezzani (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa/Université de Genève) and Clément Poupard (Università di Torino/ École Normale Supérieure de Paris) Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 15 May 2023. The art of memory encompasses techniques for memorization that have been passed down from classical culture, particularly within the context of rhetorical training. For centuries, mnemonics were part of the trivium and only became an independent discipline during the Renaissance. This was due in part to the radical changes of the time, ranging from the invention of the printing press to the so-called Scientific Revolution, which led to an unprecedented production and dissemination of knowledge.  In his book Clavis Universalis (1960), Paolo Rossi emphasized the importance of mnemonic knowledge in the devel...

Becas María José Báguena Cervellera

La Sociedad Española de Historia de la Medicina, convoca las “Becas María José Báguena Cervellera”. Son dos becas (de 350 euros cada una), para inscripción, traslado y/o alojamiento en el curso « El lenguaje de la medicina: una historia de palabras, lenguas, textos e imágenes » de la programación de cursos de la UIMP ( https://www.uimp.es/agenda- link.html?id_actividad=65G9& anyaca=2023-24 ), que se celebrará en la sede de Santander entre los días 21 y 25 de agosto de 2023.    Estas becas están pensadas especialmente para personas graduadas universitarias, atraídas por la Historia de la Medicina/Historia de la Ciencia y la de su lenguaje y estén elaborando trabajos, como la Tesis doctoral por ejemplo, en dichos ámbitos.   Quienes estén interesados deben enviar una carta a la dirección  secretaria.sehm@ gmail.com  donde especifiquen: - formación universitaria [título(s) que posee(n), universidad y año en que se consiguieron] - currículo laboral o profesional,...

Call for Applications: 1 post-doc,ERC-CoG Mediterranean infrastructures, resources, and borders

The DEEPMED Project ( Discovering the Deep Mediterranean Environment: A History of Science and Strategy, 1860-2020   http://grupo.us.es/deepmed/  ) at the Universidad de Sevilla (Spain), funded by the European Research Commission (Consolidator Grant) is seeking:   1 Post-doc (PD2; full time; 3 years)   -         PhD (awarded by the time of appointment) in history of science and technology, STS, economic history, diplomatic history, history of law, international relations, or related fields. -         Preferably (but not exclusively) with linguistic competences relevant to the Eastern Mediterranean.   Led by PI Lino Camprubí, DEEPMED explores the  historical discovery of the 3D Mediterranean  in three different but interrelated domains: science and technology, strategy, and environment. Its main hypothesis is that the co-evolution of scientific and strategic approaches to the deep Med...

CfA: History of the Philosophy of Pregnancy

We invite authors to submit abstracts of approximately 500 words for a conference entitled “History of the Philosophy of Pregnancy,” hosted by the Philosophy Department of the University of Dayton, as part of its Richard R. Baker colloquia series (Dayton, OH, USA). The conference will be held on October 6-7 th , 2023. The conference is open for in-person and virtual presentations. Please see below for details.  Keynote Speaker: Dr. Sara Brill (Fairfield University) Our conference is motivated by the dearth of historical scholarship on the philosophy of pregnancy. Historical scholarship on reproduction tends to focus on the conception and development of the embryo  -- 'generation' and 'embryology' -- treating the developing organism as an independent entity. As a consequence, pregnancy is written out of the causal story. The goal of this conference is to recover a history of the philosophy of pregnancy and bring the work and experiences of the pregnant individual into...

CfP: Translating Knowledge: From Theory to Praxis

Translating Knowledge:  From Theory to Praxis, June 2-3, 2023 Sociology and Social Anthropology Graduate Conference, Central European University, Vienna Submission Deadline:  April 30, 2023 Keynote speakers: John Clarke , Emeritus Professor of Social Policy, The Open University, UK Shahram Khosravi , Professor of Anthropology, Stockholm University, Sweden  Translating academic knowledge into social praxis has always been a central question for critical theory. This is particularly true in an age of polycrisis. Neoliberal globalization has intensified the exploitation of natural resources, the financialization of social reproduction, and the precarization of labor. Climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, and housing precarity yield a unique moment that urges us to consider how to bridge the gap between academic and practical knowledge. Moreover, the rise of chauvinist discourses and authoritarian political regimes around the world, often accompanied by outright ...

Call for Manifestations of Interest - MSCA University of Verona

Prof. Massimiliano Badino (Department of Human Sciences, University of Verona) encourages young and promising scholars to present expressions of interest to apply jointly with E.Th.o.S. Research Center ( https://sites.dsu.univr.it/ ethos/ ) for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships ( MSCA 2023 Call ). A former MSCA grantee and mentor of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellows, prof. Badino heads the E.Th.o.S. Research Center (Ethics and Technology of the Self), which is dedicated to a multidisciplinary analysis of the philosophical, cognitive, social, and cultural impact of new technology, in particular Artificial Intelligence. The Center is a vibrant and dynamic research environment and gathers experts from the philosophy of science, logic, moral philosophy, psychology, neurosciences, the history of science, and computer science. The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action is a funding scheme that supports researchers’ mobility. Postdoctoral Fellowships may last 24-36 months, involving a res...

CfP: Vagueness in Sciences - 15th May

The submission of articles for the special issue of the journal Lato Sensu dedicated to Vagueness in Sciences is now open.  We remind you that we accept contributions associated with all types of science, and that there are no strict guidelines regarding the size of the articles submitted. The objective of this special issue is to open up the reflection on the notion of vagueness from the prism of the philosophy of science, with the aim of questioning the meaning of this notion in different fields of scientific research. The call is open to all contributions (in French or in English) on this theme. You can submit directly via the dedicated platform here:  https://ojs.uclouvain.be/ index.php/latosensu/about/ submissions   Here are some examples of possible questions (non-exhaustive list): 1. What does vagueness mean in different areas of research? Should we consider it as something multidimensional? Is it present in all areas? If so, in what ways? Does vagueness favour cer...

Open access book: Bloomsbury Scientists: Science and Art in the Wake of Darwin

Science and Art in the Wake of Darwin Michael Boulter Free download:  https://bit.ly/ 40xc130 Bloomsbury Scientists  is the story of the network of scientists and artists living in a square mile of London before and after the First World War. This inspired group of men and women viewed creativity and freedom as the driving force behind nature, and each strove to understand this in their own inventive way. Their collective energy changed the social m ood of the era and brought a new synthesis of knowledge to ideas in science and art. Class barriers were threatened as power shifted from the landed oligarchy to those with talent and the will to make a difference. A time of unexpected opportunities, from the new disciplines of Genetics and Ecology to Post-Impressionism and beyond, Michael Boulter seamlessly weaves together the stories originating from Bloomsbury’s laboratories, libraries and studios. He narrates the breakthroughs of scientists such as Ray Lankester and Marie Stope...

Call for Proposals: Global Legacies of Anti-Nuclear Activism

International Conference at the  University of California, Santa Barbara  on April 11-13, 2024 Conveners:   Martin Klimke  (New York University Abu Dhabi) and  Amanda M. Nichols  (University of California, Santa Barbara) ABOUT The detrimental effects of carbon-based fuel sources, including and especially their contribution to anthropogenic climate change, has motivated scientists to develop alternative renewable energy solutions. Among those, nuclear power has been the most highly contested because of the associated risks to the health and stability of ecological systems. Many scientists argue that a carbon-neutral energy future is not feasible without the continued development of nuclear power technologies. Anti-nuclear activists, however, have long argued that the potential associated dangers to the health and stability of ecological systems make nuclear power an unnecessarily risky response to the global energy crisis. They have expressed conce...

Kranzberg Dissertation Fellowship (History of Technology)

The call for applications for the 2023 Kranzberg Dissertation Fellowship, run by the Society for the History of Technology is now open. The $4,000 Fellowship is awarded annually to a doctoral student engaged in the preparation of a dissertation on the history of technology, broadly defined.   For more information see:  https://www. historyoftechnology.org/about- us/awards-prizes-and-grants/ the-kranzberg-fellowship/   Deadline for applications is 30 April 2023.