
Mostrando entradas de octubre 21, 2018

Nuevo libro de acceso directo

Url:  https://www.openbookpublishers.com/product/800 In 1865, British polymath Francis Galton published his initial thoughts about the scientific field that would become ‘eugenics.’ The same year, Russian physician Vasilii Florinskii addressed similar issues in a sizeable treatise, entitled Human Perfection and Degeneration . Initially unheralded, Florinskii’s book would go on to have a remarkable afterlife in twentieth- and twenty-first-century Russia. In this lucid and insightful work, Nikolai Krementsov argues that the concept of eugenics brings together ideas, values, practices, and fears energised by a focus on the future. It has proven so seductive to different groups over time because it provides a way to grapple with fundamental existential questions of human nature and destiny. With and Without Galton develops this argument by tracing the life-story of Florinskii’s monograph from its uncelebrated arrival amid the Russian empire’s Grea...

Funded PhD Studentships in Medical History/Humanities at Newcastle University

Newcastle University hosts a flourishing multidisciplinary medical humanities research network, involving participants from History; English Literature; Fine Arts; Creative Arts; Modern Languages; Archaeology; Classics; Music Studies; Media, Culture and Heritage; Sociology; Health and Society; Medical Education; Bioethics, and Marketing and Business. We have collaborators in the University’s Library and Special Collections, which contains a rich array of source materials that could be used for medical humanities research . We are pleased to announce that the AHRC Northern Bridge Consortium for Doctoral Training Partnership (NBCDTP) annual studentship competition has launched ( http://www.northernbridge.ac. uk/ ), and invite individuals interested in pursuing medical humanities doctoral research at Newcastle to consider applying for funding under this scheme. The NBCDTP provides tuition fees and £14,777 per annum funding for 42 months. Award-holders may extend ...

CfP: Retuning cognition with a pair of rocks: Culture, evolution, technology

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS Interest in cultural evolution is growing exponentially, but the literature on the evolution of technology and its developmental and evolutionary impacts on cognition is not yet sufficiently connected with research on cultural evolution. This is crucial because cognition is not just a transmitted tool: at least sometimes changes in cognition transform the worldview, capacities, and motivations of the agent, making new adaptive radiations possible, and sometimes this is a direct response to the evolution or co-evolution of technology. So, how does technology affect the nature, properties, and capacities of cognition? We can very quickly point to computers and the internet, but that would not analyze this relationship. Technology is not just a product of cognition, to be transmitted and elaborated through cultural means. It may also be a cognitive amplifier, yet still, a wholly external tool, such as pen and paper, which provides a larger worki...

CfP: Social Technologies and Global Knowledge Economies, 1750-1850

Workshop CFP: Social Technologies and Global Knowledge Economies, 1750-1850 https://www.uni-goettingen.de/ de/595535.html 4th to 6th April 2019, Lichtenberg-Kolleg, Goettingen Conveners: Rachel Koroloff, Laura Nicolì, Joanna Wharton and Dominik Hünniger The remarkable density of connections that characterized knowledge production between 1750 and 1850 has long figured in definitions of the "rise of modernity." The commerce of ideas through correspondence networks and print as well as manuscript circulation in salons, learned societies and other institutions, has been celebrated as foundational to modernity's more conspicuous highlights, from the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment to the political articulation of universal human rights. Indeed, the circulation of "useful knowledge" – or, in today’s phraseology, the knowledge economy – remains integral to the modern concept of progress, formulated and adopted during the brief perio...

CfP: Scientiae: Early Modern Knowledge

Queen’s University, Belfast, 12-15 June 2019. Scientiae is an international research group that investigates the variety of ways people of the Renaissance and early modern periods understood the world and implication this knowledge held for them. This is the period that saw the development of academic disciplines, but the formation of these disciplines was an interdisciplinary process that drew upon developments in many other fields of scholarly endeavour, including Biblical exegesis, art theory, history and literary humanism, as well as natural philosophy, alchemy, occult practices, and trade knowledge. Scientiae 2019 will the group’s eighth conference, and will feature plenary addresses by Ingrid Rowland (Notre Dame/Rome) and Rob Iliffe (Oxford), as well as plenary panels led by Subha Mukherji (Cambridge), and Marco Sgarbi, Pietro Daniel Omodeo, and Craig Martin (Venice). Proposals are invited individual papers, complete panels, workshops and seminars on an...

History of Science Source Book Call for Contributions

We are asking for: Sources and explanatory text for a history of science sourcebook that focuses on women in science (broadly construed) from a global perspective, from antiquity to the present day.   Aims: Our sourcebook is designed to complement the teaching of undergraduate history of science courses, by providing sources that reveal women’s involvement in knowledge production from around the world. Our ambition is to contribute to liberating the curriculum within the history of science, by giving voice to underrepresented actors, and by providing sources that go beyond traditional textual accounts, alongside brief explanatory notes.   Details: Possible sources might include letters, instruments, weapons, artwork, poetry, textiles, recipes, diary entries, and scrapbooks amongst many others. We particularly welcome new translations and transcriptions.  We welcome submissions under, but not limited to, the following themes: Material...

CfP: The Changing Role of Consultants in Industry, 1850-2000

Workshop at the Maison Française d’Oxford, 2-10 Norham Road, Oxford OX2 6SE, United Kingdom.   10-11 May 2019 Submission deadline for proposals: 7 December 2018 While historians have explored the role of R&D in industrial progress, consultants as a specialist professional group are largely neglected. With few exceptions, only passing reference is made to their background and training, the circumstances of their engagement, the nature of the work and its success.  Outside business consultancy, there has been little exploration of the range of consultancy work across different sectors of industry and within different time periods. Yet it is clear that consultants were often a key resource in knowledge management for firms, especially in emerging sectors making the transition from craft-based traditions to use of scientific knowledge. As the modern corporation arose during the late 19th century, firms faced a growing problem of managing knowledge. They set up in-hous...

Seminari on line: "El pasado incómodo: ¿Cómo abordar ahora la violencia franquista?"

INSTITUT D'HISTÒRIA DE LA MEDICINA I DE LA CIÈNCIA LOPEZ PIÑERO Dimecres, 24 d’octubre.  18 h. Títol: "El pasado incómodo: ¿Cómo abordar ahora la violencia franquista?" La dictadura franquista va construir un sistema complet de repressió i anihilació selectiva de l'enemic pensat amb antelació a l'esclat de la guerra civil i sostingut al llarg de quaranta anys. Va ser un complex projecte imposat mitjançant un terror públic i sanguinari encara que no arribarà a constituir un pla d'anihilació total del rival polític. Al llarg de la dictadura s'aprecien canvis significatius, tant legals com a formals, que van contemplar un inicial esbós de sistema repressiu en massa que, per diferents motius interns i externs, s'abandonaria gradualment fins a esgotar la seua longeva existència, amb demostracions i parenceries de violència que il·lustren un procés repressor amb moltes facetes. Manuel Ortiz Heras és Catedràtic d'Història Contempor...

Professorship for Philosophy at Bergische Universität Wuppertal

The Interdisciplinary Centre for Science and Technology Research (IZWT) is seeking a  University Professor for Philosophy Pay scale group: W 2 State Remuneration Act (LBesG) NRW (pursuant to section 36 Higher Education Act (HG) NRW) to start on 01.04.2020 or earlier. The professorship is located in the field of Philosophy and autonomously covers the entire systematic and historic breadth of the subject. The position focuses on the philosophy of science and logic. The holder of this position is expected to have a double qualification in this field and to be able to develop the existing research and teaching profile for the philosophy of the exact sciences or the philosophy of mathematics in a competent manner. The teaching duties associated with the professorship include the provision of a compulsory introduction to logic for students. The tasks associated with the professorship include active engagement in the IZWT, in particular the abilit...

CfP: 1 and 2 April 2019, Antiquarian ‘Science’ in the Scholarly Society, Society of Antiquaries, London

1 and 2 April 2019 , Antiquarian ‘Science’ in the Scholarly Society Society of Antiquaries of London. Workshop two of the AHRC International Networking Grant: Collective Wisdom: Collecting in the early modern academy ( https://collectivewisdom. uoregon.edu ) led by A.M. Roos and Vera Keller.   We will explore how ‘antiquarian science’ informed collecting in the early modern scholarly academy, as many members of these societies like astronomer Martin Folkes (1690-1754) also were connoisseurs and antiquaries. Folkes was Newton’s protégé, President of both the Royal Society and Society of Antiquaries of London, and he even tried to unite the two societies as they had many common members and goals.  In this workshop we will ask:   What was the relationship between archaeological fieldwork or antiquarianism and learned travel or the Grand Tour? What does collecting on tour say about the manner and scale of personal and institutional contacts betwe...

History of Science, Technology, and Medicine Fellowships

THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND MEDICINE AT THE HUNTINGTON LIBRARY The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens is a collections-based research and educational institution serving scholars and the general public. Each year, The Huntington provides 1,700 scholars with access to world-class collections and awards $1.85 million in fellowships to scholars for advanced humanities research. FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Applications for the 2019-2020 fellowship year are due NOVEMBER 15, 2018. For more information, please visit huntington.org/research . THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY The Dibner Program in the History of Science invites applications for research fellowships. Post-docs and faculty members are eligible for both long-term awards (9 months in residence) and short-term awards (up to 5 months in residence). Ph.D. candidates are warmly encouraged to apply for short-term awards. The Eleanor Searle Visiting Professorship in ...

CfP: BSHM Research in Progress

The British Society for the History of Mathematics will be holding 'Research in Progress', its annual meeting for research students, at The Queen's College, Oxford, on Saturday 23rd February 2019.  The day provides an opportunity for early-career scholars in the history of mathematics to showcase their current research, and will conclude this year with a keynote lecture by Professor Niccolò Guicciardini (Bergamo). A very small number of places remain available in the programme for short talks of around 20 minutes each (followed by time for questions).  Research students who are interested in offering a presentation are invited to send a proposed title and abstract to Christopher Hollings < christopher.hollings@maths.ox .ac.uk > by 23rd November 2018.  The organisers will be in touch shortly thereafter with a decision. Registration costs will be waived for speakers, but unfortunately we are unable to provide travel or accommodation expenses. The day...