
Mostrando entradas de octubre 6, 2019

Novedad editorial: Graduados en Medicina por la Universidad de Irache (1613-1769)

Autor: Fernando Serrano Larráyoz Url:  https://www.pamiela.com/index.php/ensayo/universitas/graduados-en-medicina-por-la-universidad-de-irache-1613-1769-detail La evolución histórica de la Universidad benedictina de Irache queda todavía por trazar. De hecho su progresión historiográfica es ciertamente irregular. Así, frente a trabajos rigurosos que inciden principalmente en sus orígenes, existen vacíos hasta hoy dificilmente explicables. Uno de ellos, quizás de los más importantes, es el análisis de aquellos estudiantes y graduados que pasaron por el centro universitario durante su dilatada trayectoria. Este libro pretende ser una pieza más en la reconstrucción de ese puzle que es la historia total de la Universidad de Irache, ofreciendo el repertorio de graduados, tanto hispanos como del resto de Europa, que alcanzaron los grados de bachiller, licenciado y doctor en Medicina (y Cirugía) entre los años 1613 y 1769. Ciento cincuenta y seis años de vida universi...

CfP: Drugs and Drug Market

American Journal of Qualitative Research (AJQR) is pleased to announce a special issue on “Drugs and Drug Market” to be published in Spring 2020. The objective of this issue is to understand the current illegal drug market in various countries as a reference for policy makers and academics given the fact that qualitative research can provide more insight and information, which could be helpful for understanding the structure and dynamics of the illegal drug markets. AJQR publishes purely qualitative research which includes but not limited to ethnography, interviews, content analysis, case studies, historical analysis and descriptive research. To that end, the guest editors welcome to have any manuscripts written in a variety of qualitative perspectives. We are specifically interested in having manuscripts from different countries and regions, which are coauthored by scholars and practitioners. The possible topics include, but are not limited to: New Trends in Ille...

CfP: Locating Medical Television, London 2020

Locating Medical Television. The Televisual Spaces of Medicine and Health in the 20th Century 18-20 March 2020 , Science Museum Dana Research Centre, London, UK Medical television programmes, across their history, have had specific relationships to places and spaces: On the one level, they have represented medical and health places: consulting rooms, hospitals, the home, community spaces, public health infrastructures and the rest. As television-producers have represented these places, there has been an interaction with the developing capabilities of television technologies and grammars. Moreover, producers have borrowed their imaginaries of medical and health places from other media (film, photographs, museum displays etc.) and integrated, adjusted and reformulated them into their work. But medical television has also worked spatially in the political sense of being broadcast internationally, at the national level, and locally, interacting with differing r...

Cfp: 4th International Conference on Science & Literature Girona 2020

Following the successful  three  International Conferences on Science and Literature which took place in Athens ,   Poellau   and Paris,  this Conference is the  fourth  to be organized under the aegis of the Commission on Science and Literature DHST/IUHPST. The  four th International Conference will be organized by the  Càtedra  Dr. Bofill  de  Ciències  I  Humanitat s  ( Dr Bofill  Chair  on Science and  the Humanities )   integrated at the  Universi ty of Girona  ( U dG ) with the technical support of the  Commission  on Science and Literature . As it was the case with the first t hree  Conferences, the  four th one does not have a specific theme, as its intent continues to be the creation of an open forum for all scholars interested in Science and Literature. Nevertheless, the Conference will be organized along thematic sessions .  Those proposed ...

Call for abstracts: Philosophy of Cancer Biology Workshop

The call for abstracts of the Philosophy of Cancer Biology Workshop is still open until Wednesday October 16th . The workshop takes place in Bordeaux, France on January 20th-21st 2020. The organizing committee welcomes abstracts for 20 minutes’ oral presentations on subjects that explore a problem with a conceptual, theoretical, methodological and/or philosophical approach and directly address questions relevant to cancer research . Examples of questions that this workshop will raise include: How is the complexity of cancer addressed in scientific and medical practices? What are the epistemic implications of different approaches to cancer? How are questions about the ontology of cancer related to methodological issues? To what extent are questions concerning the nature of cancer intertwined with issues concerning diagnostics and/or treatments?  How are new approaches, such as cancer genomics, organoids, and organ-on-chip technologies, influencing cancer research? The...
Until October 15th : Call for Applications : Anthropocene Campus Lisboa: Parallax : January 6-11, 2020 We welcome applications for the Anthropocene Campus Lisboa: Parallax (ACL: Parallax), taking place at Culturgest in Lisbon, Portugal, between 6 and 11 January 2020. The Campus is organised by the Portuguese research center CIUHCT and is part of the Anthropocene Curriculum initiated by the Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) , which has generated two Anthropocene Campus...

Call fo Abstracts: BSHS PG Conference 2020

Centre for History and Philosophy of Science, University of Leeds, 1 – 3 April 2020 The call for abstracts for the 2020 British Society for the History of Science Postgraduate conference is now open. The event will be held by the Centre for History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) at the University of Leeds from Wednesday 1 April to Friday 3 April 2020. We welcome papers from graduate students working in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine or in disciplines whose work touches on any area of HSTM. Papers should be approximately 20 minutes long (up to 20 minutes) with 10 minutes for discussion. Joint submissions for three-person panels are also welcome. We invite you to submit an abstract of up to 250 words with your name, affiliation and contact details. For joint submissions, we require that an additional 100-word panel abstract be submitted. Applications should be sent to the organising committee at bshspg2020@gmail.com . The deadline for applica...

CfP: Fourth International Conference on the History of Physics

Url:  http://hop2020.iopconfs.org/Home This conference is the fourth in the series following the first three, which were held at Trinity College, Cambridge UK in 2014, Pöllau, Austria in 2016 and San Sebastian, Spain in 2018. It will be the first to be formally overseen by an International Advisory Committee which is recognised by the Institute of Physics and the European Physical Society.* The aim is to bring together physicists interested in the history of their subject and professional historians of science in the belief that proponents of the two disciplines, with their different perceptions and methodologies, can benefit from interaction and discourse.  Student attendance and participation will be encouraged in the firm belief that a study of the history of the subject can inspire future generations by informing them about the lives and work of great scientists, and also facilitate a better understanding of topics that present conceptual problems ...

CfP: Dutch Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy VII

The Dutch Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy brings together advanced graduate students and established scholars from all over the world to discuss the latest work in early modern philosophy, broadly conceived. Building on the success of the previous 2014–2019 editions, the seminar offers workshop-style collaborations in order to stimulate scholarly exchange. The seminar hosts 10 papers selected through the call for papers, and 2 lectures by the keynote speakers. The language of presentation and discussion is English. Keynote speakers Professor Jennifer Marusic (Brandeis University)   Professor Paolo Pecere (Roma Tre University) Call for papers We welcome talks on any topic related to early modern philosophy, broadly understood (roughly the period 1500–1800 CE). We are especially interested in presentations that discuss philosophical issues or works that have received less sustained scholarly attention, including, but not limited to: non-canonical authors and t...

Annals of Science Call for Editor

Taylor & Francis is looking to recruit an Editor for Annals of Science (co-editorship applications will also be considered). Annals of Science , launched in 1936, publishes work on the history of science, technology and medicine, covering developments from classical antiquity to the late 20th century. We are now seeking an outstanding academic researcher(s) or practitioner(s) with an international reputation for research excellence, a passion for communication, and ideally prior experience of editing a scientific journal. She or he will have the opportunity to work with Taylor & Francis to help shape the future direction of Annals of Science by identifying strategies to enhance its quality and reputation. Working collaboratively with the Editorial Board and the Publisher, the successful candidate(s) will continue Annals of Science’s long tradition of publishing works on the history of science, technology and medicine. The full call and list of responsibiliti...

Assistant professor (tenure-track) or associate professor (tenured) in the history and philosophy of the mathematical sciences at Aarhus University in Denmark

See here for more details: https://philjobs.org/job/show/ 13794 . The d eadline for applicati ns is December 2, 2019. Philos-L "The Liverpool List" is run by the Department of Philosophy, University of Liverpool https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/ philosophy/philos-l/ Messages to the list are archived at http://listserv.liv.ac.uk/ archives/philos-l.html . Recent posts can also be read in a Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/ PhilosL/