
Mostrando entradas de mayo 3, 2015

PhD Studentship in Naval/Technological History - University of Strathclyde

Recent breakthroughs in hypersonic technology stand to usher in a world of ultra-rapid global air travel and cheap access to space. They will also enable a new type of weapons system that will give the nations that wield it a global military reach that will be more deadly, more accurate, swifter, and definitely cheaper than that provided by the nuclear weapons of old. Several nations around the world are striving to be the first to field these new weapons. In order to influence future national defence policy, we need to understand better the interrelationships between the political, military and industrial terms of the equation, thus to understand how future interventions might either accelerate or retard the proliferation of such weapons. The engineering perspective suggests several systemic parallels within the history of the development and proliferation of various armaments, particularly those that were viewed at the time as endowing their parent nations with potentially dispr...

COLÓQUIO DIAITA – PATRIMÓNIO ALIMENTAR Funchal, 14 e 15 de Maio de 2015

Call for Papers O Projecto DIAITA (FCT 2417, CAPES 10396/13-0 e F.C.G.) tem por objectivo geral promover, numa perspectiva interdisciplinar, o estudo da história e da cultura da alimentação, enquanto elemento identitário de enorme relevância, desde a Antiguidade Clássica até aos nossos dias. O DIAITA é constituído por uma vasta equipa de investigadores oriundos do espaço da lusofonia, especialistas das mais diversas áreas de saber: Estudos Clássicos, História, Arqueologia, Linguística, Nutrição, Gastronomia, Antropologia, Comunicação e Media, Medicina e Botânica. As instituições nacionais e estrangeiras envolvidas são tanto universidades (Coimbra, Lisboa, Nova de Lisboa, Minho, Porto, Madeira, Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Federal Fulminense, Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Universidade de São Paulo, Centro Universitário Senac- SP, Estadual de Campinas, Pontifícia do Paraná-Curitiba, Federal de Minas Gerais), como museus (Nacional de Arqueologia, Nacional de Arte Antiga, Monográfico ...

Convocatoria de becas JAE de introducción a la investigación en el CSIC para estudiantes de posgrado

MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA Y COMPETITIVIDAD Becas • Resolución de 20 de abril de 2015, de la Presidencia de la Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, por la que se convocan becas de introducción a la investigación para estudiantes de posgrado, en el marco del Programa "Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios". o PDF (BOE-A-2015-4995 - 6 págs. - 178 KB) http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2015/05/05/pdfs/BOE-A-2015-4995.pdf

Job opportunity: lecturer in museum studies

Lecturer in Museum Studies (0.5 FTE) Science Communication Unit, Imperial College London We are looking for a part-time lecturer to join Imperial’s Science Communication Unit to teach the museum and exhibition modules offered to our Science Communication MSc students. Further details and a link to the job description and person specification can be found here: http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/ALB180/lecturer-in-museum-studies/ Closing date: 28th May 2015 For an informal discussion about the post, please contact the Director of the Science Communication Unit, Stephen Webster stephen.webster@imperial.ac.uk .

1 post-doctoral and 2 PhD positions Geneva

1 post-doctoral and 2 PhD positions in the humanities and social sciences (science studies) at the University of Geneva At the University of Geneva, Switzerland, we are building an interdisciplinary research team in the humanities and social sciences (science studies) for the new ERC/SNSF Consolidator Grant project “ The Rise of the Citizen Sciences: Rethinking Public Participation in Science ”, under the direction of Bruno J. Strasser. For this project, we invite applications for: 1 post-doctoral and 2 PhD positions (up to 5 years), starting October 1, 2015. Applicants should have a background in  science and technology studies, history, sociology, anthropology, political science, media studies, or any other relevant field . The project focuses on the transformations of public participation in scientific research, especially in the experimental life sciences since the 1960s, in Europe, the United States, and Asia. Applications will be ...


LIVING IN A TOXIC WORLD  (1800-2000):  EXPERTS, ACTIVISM, INDUSTRY AND REGULATION 8th  EUROPEAN SPRING SCHOOL ON HISTORY OF SCIENCE AND POPULARIZATION Last days for Registration May 8, 2015: Deadline for registration   Maó (Menorca), 14-16 May 2015 Organized by: José Ramón Bertomeu Sánchez and Ximo Guillem-Llobat Programme and details: < http://blogs.iec.cat/schct/activitats-2/escola-de-primavera/8th-european-spring-school/ > Full PDF programme already available: < http://www.uv.es/bertomeu/8Springschool/8thSPRINGSCHOOLLIVINGINATOXICWORLD.pdf > As in previous years, the School is structured in four key-note lectures and a research workshop. The common topics are the mentioned issues regarding the regulation and risk management of toxics from the perspective of different actors (industry, government, experts, activists, stakeholders, patients, etc.) during the last two centuries (1800-2000). The keynote lectures will be deliv...