
XV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Historia de las Ciencias y de las Técnicas Gijón, 18-21 de junio de 2025

La Sociedad Española de Historia de las Ciencias y de las Técnicas ha escogido la ciudad de Gijón (Asturias) para celebrar entre el 18 y el 21 de junio de 2025 su décimo quinto congreso, en colaboración con la asociación INCUNA (Industria, Cultura, Naturaleza), de la misma ciudad, que se viene dedicando desde 1999 al estudio y promoción del patrimonio industrial de Asturias, y que celebrará simultáneamente sus XXVII Jornadas Internacionales. Las sesiones del congreso tendrán lugar en las instalaciones de la Universidad Laboral de Gijón. Con este encuentro se invita a mostrar la diversidad y vitalidad de las investigaciones sobre historia de las ciencias y de las técnicas en el seno de la sociedad española. Se desea focalizar la atención a los estudios sobre ciencia y género para ayudar a visibilizar el papel de las mujeres en el desenvolvimiento de los conocimientos científico-técnicos; estimular la presentación de experiencias que conecten la historia de las ciencias y las técnicas co

CfP: Sexual Health: Past, Present and Future

In July 2025, the project team for Histories of Sexual Health in Britain are hosting a multidisciplinary workshop exploring the UK’s sexual health across different geographical regions and time periods. The prevention, treatment and control of sexually transmissible infections, including HIV, has a complex history. It has been the catalyst for significant developments in medicine and public health. But it has also been an uncomfortable subject, existing on the margins of respectability and for many decades occupying a grey area between quackery and reputable medicine. Sexual health was bound up with fears of social disorder, at times seen as a ‘racial poison’ and a threat to colonial, state and military power. It was used as an excuse to experiment on vulnerable people, impose draconian legislation and persecute minoritised and marginalised communities. Yet even with such a turbulent history, it is no exaggeration to say that sexual health now faces one of its greatest crises. Rates o

CfA: Workshop on Scientific Pluralism, Epistemic Diversity, and Progress in Science Wuppertal

Workshop Date: 27.03. – 28.03.2025 Location: University of Wupppertal Bergische Universität Wuppertal Glanzstoffhaus, 6th Floor Kasinostraße 19 – 21 42103 Wuppertal Germany Submission Deadline: 15.11.2024 Notification of Acceptance: 15.12.2024 The idea that science should converge on a single, ultimate truth has become contested as the dominant view in the academic world; scientific pluralism has gained wide acceptance. However, these discussions have become so rich and entangled that now we can speak of a confusing “plurality of [scientific] pluralisms” (Wylie 2015). The overall goal of this workshop is to examine and clarify different ideas of scientific pluralism. While proponents of scientific pluralism argue that pluralism offers a range of epistemic benefits which are conducive to scientific progress (Chang, 2012, 2022), pluralism not only comes with benefits but also with costs (e.g., Lari and Mäki 2024). This raises the question of the conditions under which pluralism contribut

V Congreso Iberoamericano de Filosofía de la Ciencia y la tecnología (llamada a la participación)

Del 12 al 16 de mayo de 2025 en Santo Domingo (República Dominicana) se celebrará el V Congreso Iberoamericano de Filosofía de la Ciencia y la tecnología. https://sites.google.com/uasd.edu.do/v-congresofilosofia/inicio El Congreso tendrá como tema general reflexionar desde la filosofía de la ciencia y la tecnología sobre el desarrollo y el impacto global y local de las inteligencias artificiales en lo social, cultural, educativo, político, económico y medio ambiente. El evento abarcará las siguientes secciones generales temáticas: 1. Ciencia, tecnología y sociedad 2. Filosofía general de la ciencia 3. Historia de la ciencia 4. Historia de la tecnología 5. Estudios filosóficos de las ciencias particulares 6. Filosofía Cibernética e inteligencias artificiales NUEVO PLAZO: Hasta el 30 de noviembre de 2024 Propuesta para ponencias o comunicaciones En el formulario deberá incluir una propuesta de no más de 1000 palabras. Deberá incluir el título, sección del congreso o grupo de trabajo, t

6è lliurament de la 4ª edició de “FEM ciència?: Història Ambiental”

En aquesta entrevista parlarem amb Maria Antònia sobre l’activisme i l’art en els conflictes ambientals, l’estètica ambiental decolonial i l’ecocrítica. Maria Antònia Martí Escayol és llicenciada en història per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), on també va realitzar un màster en estudis especialitzats en història econòmica. És doctora en història moderna per la UAB. Les seves línies d’investigació exploren la història ambiental i textos i narratives ambientals. Ha estat professora a la Truman State University, Estats Units, i la Sophia University, Japó. És escriptora d’obres com Oro, piojos y ovejas: Imaginar la justicia ambiental (2023), El llibre de les fonts: Aigua, clima i societat a la Barcelona del segle XVII (2022) i Ecología Política. Cuadernos del debate internacional (2019). També ha traduït gran part de l’obra de Margaret Cavendish (1623-1673) com El món lluminós i altres textos (2023) i La Academia Femenina/ El Convento del Placer (2022); i la coneguda obra de Ca

CfP: Workshop Contested Industrialization of Food Systems in the Unequal Anthropocene

Contested Industrialization of Food Systems in the Unequal Anthropocene: Critical Histories of Agriculture- and Food-Affiliated Industries from a Global Perspective (1945-present) International workshop, May 15-16, 2025 Location: Utrecht University, the Netherlands Organizers: dr. Floor Haalboom (Erasmus University Medical Center/Utrecht University), Amber Striekwold MA (Utrecht University), Anna Teijeiro Fokkema MA (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) This workshop aims to bring together historians working on food systems during a time of unprecedented global ecological crises. Accelerating after 1945, food and agriculture-affiliated industries became dominant players in the global food system. Rooted in colonialist relations and with growing economic and political power, they came to have a significant share in global environmental damage. Still, the social, environmental, and health impacts of these industries were contested from the start. Problematically, these historical processes are

CfP: Mid-term Workshop in Distrust in Science Reframed

Distrust in Science Reframed: Understanding and Countering Anti-scientific Behavior. Philosophy Section of the Department of Humanities, University of Pavia. January 24-25, 2025 Call for papers Maintaining and increasing public trust in science has arguably never been more difficult a challenge for experts and institutions than today. Climate change denialism, vaccine hesitancy, and populist politics are prominent contexts where anti-expertise sentiments spread and lead people to take worrisome decisions. But is “distrust in science” a credible global explanation of why people engage in anti-scientific behavior? Recent work in social science and psychology started to challenge this prominent narrative. As such, the phenomenon needs a more nuanced explanation that the worn-out label “distrust in science” cannot provide. This Workshop provides a philosophical contribution to this multi-disciplinary endeavor by pursuing a twofold objective: namely, to offer a comprehensive framework of

Funded PhD position in philosophy of science, University of Geneva

The Department of Philosophy, University of Geneva, is seeking applications for a funded PhD position in philosophy of science. A high level of proficiency in French is a firm requirement, as candidates will be expected to teach undergraduate classes from the beginning.  For full consideration, applications should be sent until 30 November 2024. For more information see  https://www.unige.ch/ lettres/philo/actualites/job- offers-postes-pourvoir

The University of Vienna is seeking to fill a predoc-position

The working group history of science at the University of Vienna is seeking to fill a predoc-position, 75%, for the duration of four years. The dissertation will be supervised by Anna Echterhölter. Candidates ideally specialise in political epistemology, for instance the history of data or epistemic decolonisation. They will teach 1,5 courses per term at the Department of History, as well as with the new MA Epistemologies of Science and Technology jointly with STS and the Department of Philosophy. Applications should reach us no later than November 15th, 2024. Feel free to circulate the information about the position: ENG: https://jobs.univie.ac.at/job/University-assistant-predoctoral-1/1109285401/ DT: https://jobs.univie.ac.at/job/Universit%C3%A4tsassistentin-Praedoc/1109285301/ For our activities in Vienna: https://fsp-wissenschaftsgeschichte.univie.ac.at/

CfP: 14th International Conference on the History of Chemistry

Every other year the EuChemS Working Party on the History of Chemistry (WPHC) organizes an international conference on the history of chemistry, open to colleagues from all over the world. The general aim of the conferences organised by the WPHC is to facilitate communication between historically interested chemists, museum curators, science educators and historians of chemistry, and to gather the community on a regular basis. The 14th International Conference on the History of Chemistry (14 ICHC) will take place from 11 to 14 of June, 2025 in Valencia, Spain, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. URL:  https://esdeveniments.uv.es/116631/detail/14th-international-conference-on-the-history-of-chemistry-14ichc.html The 14 ICHC will be hosted by the Lopez Piñero Inter-University Institute - University of Valencia , an academic institution which supports research projects and outreach activities on historical and social studies on medicine, technology, science and the environment. The