
Mostrando entradas de febrero 1, 2015

Appel à communications : Histoire et philosophie des mathématiques en Méditerranée, 4-6 novembre 2015, Aix Marseille Université

Colloque international - Appel à communications Histoire et philosophie des mathématiques et des disciplines associées, en Méditerranée 4 - 6 novembre 2015 Aix Marseille Université (Site Saint Charles, Marseille) Argumentaire : Le rôle joué par la Méditerranée comme lieu d’échanges favorisant les développements scientifiques et techniques dans l’histoire, n’est plus à démontrer. Malheureusement, cette histoire peine à s’imposer dans notre monde contemporain et la contribution qui pourrait venir de chercheurs exerçant dans les pays méditerranéens trouve un obstacle dans le fait que l’histoire et la philosophie des sciences ne font pas toujours partie de leur tradition académique et donc de l’organisation de l’enseignement scientifique, dans le secondaire et à l’université, souvent trop tourné vers les techniques et les sciences appliquées. C’est pourquoi il paraît important, pour mieux comprendre la portée de ces échanges scientifiques, et approfondir la connais...

Third International Meeting of the Association for the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice

The third international meeting of the APMP will be held on November 2.-4. 2015 at the Institute Henri Poincaré in Paris, France. Invited speakers - Abel Lassalle Casanave (Brasil) - Leo Corry (Israel), To be confirmed - Silvia De Toffoli (USA) - Jeremy Gray (UK) - Paolo Mancosu (USA) Call for papers: We welcome paper proposals within the area of the philosophy of mathematical practice. A title and abstract (250- 500 words) should be sent to Jessica Carter, jessica@imada.sdu.dk before April 30, 2015. Notification will be sent out by June 15. Post-doctoral fellows and doctoral students are highly invited to send proposals. The APMP aims to foster the philosophy of mathematical practice, that is, a broad outward-looking approach to understanding mathematics that engages with mathematics in practice –including issues in history of mathematics, the applications of mathematics, cognitive science, etc. Website: http://institucional.us.es/apmp/ ...

Register for: The Total Archive, March 19/20, CRASSH Cambridge

Dear all, Registration is now open for a two-day conference at CRASSH (Cambridge): The Total Archive: Dreams of Universal Knowledge from the Encyclopaedia to Big Data . The conference takes place on March 19/20, and the programme is pasted in below. More details here:  http://www.crassh.cam.ac.uk/events/25660 Please circulate this information on your department mailing lists and to any other people/lists you think may be interested. If you have any questions please reply to me at this address, or contact CRASSH's conference manager Marie Lemaire ( ml622@cam.ac.uk ).  Many thanks, Boris — Dr Boris Jardine Munby Fellow in Bibliography, 2014/15 Cambridge University Library —   DAY 1 - Thursday 19 March 8.30-9.00 Registration 9.00-9.30 WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION Boris Jardine  (University of Cambridge) 9.30-11.00 CONSTRUCTING TOTAL ARCHIVES Joanna Radin...

Applications accepted for research support at the Osler Library

We are currently accepting applications for the Mary Louise Nickerson Fellowship in Neuro History and the  Dr. Dimitrije Pivnicki Award in Neuro-History . The  Mary Louise Nickerson Fellowship  was established by Granville H. Nickerson, MDCM, in honour of his wife, Mary Louise. It will allow a scholar to carry out research utilizing the Neuro History archival and artifact collections, the centre piece of which is the Penfield Archive in the Osler Library, and other resources available at the Osler Library, the Montreal Neurological Institute, and the McGill University Archives.  The Osler Library’s collections are listed in the  McGill Library Catalogue  and the  Osler Library Archives Collection website . Value varies depending on the project, to a maximum of $10,000.  More than one fellowship may be awarded during each fiscal year.  The fellow is required to carry out research in Montreal during the 2015-16 fiscal year (Ma...