
Mostrando entradas de mayo 30, 2021

4º Encuentro Luso-Brasileño de Historia de la Medicina Tropical y 2º Simposio Nacional de Historia de las Enfermedades y Artes Curar

4º Encuentro Luso-Brasileño de Historia de la Medicina Tropical y 2º Simposio Nacional de Historia de las Enfermedades y Artes Curar, organizados por el Departamento de Medicina Preventiva de la Universidad de São Paulo; por el Centro Interuniversitario de Historia de la Ciencia y la Tecnología (CIUCHT), Universidad de Lisboa y Universidad Nueva de Lisboa, y por la Casa de Oswaldo Cruz / Fundación Oswaldo Cruz (Río de Janeiro), se llevará a cabo en São Paulo, Brasil, entre los días 21 y 24 de junio de 2021, en formato virtual. Página: https://www.congressosaopaulo2021-4elbhmt-2snhdac.com/4elbhmt-2snhdac?lang=es  Conferencias plenarias: https://www.congressosaopaulo2021-4elbhmt-2snhdac.com/programa%C3%A7%C3%A3o?lang=es Simposios temáticos: https://www.congressosaopaulo2021-4elbhmt-2snhdac.com/simp%C3%B3sios-tem%C3%A1ticos?lang=es

CfP: Cultural & Technological Transfers in Global and Comparative Perspectives, 18th — 20th Centuries

European University at Saint-Petersburg, November 1–2, 2021 In recent years “transfer” has gradually evolved into an umbrella term in the humanities and social sciences. In their works scholars describe or analyze “cultural transfer” (Espagne 2013, Middell 2020), “technology transfer” (Hughes, & Pinch, 1987), etc. The increase of scholarly interest in transfers, in turn, has led to an expansion of research in the fields of technological, political and economic history. But this has also led to the fact that instances of transfers have become divided into narrow cases. For example, economic and technological transfers are studied separately within the fields of economic history and history of technologies, respectively (Davids, 2016). Authors who tackle the issues of cultural transfer also work in different disciplinary subfields: literary studies (Lüsebrink 2008, Roland 2016), translation studies (Göpferich 2007, Roig-Sanz & Meylaerts 2018), cultural history (Espagne 2013, Mi...

CfP: IV Encuentro Internacional sobre literatura y ciencia

Url:  http://dipc.ehu.es/mestizajes/Proyectos/Conferencias/Conferencia%202021/Presentacion/Workshop/Call%20for%20Papers/Call_for_Papers.html Está abierta la convocatoria para recibir propuestas de comunicaciones orales en torno a la belleza, la percepción estética y su relevancia en el Arte, la Literatura y la Ciencia. Las ponencias presentadas para su valoración deberán mostrar una clara voluntad de cruce transdisciplinar. Las propuestas de comunicaciones orales deberán presentarse antes del 30 de septiembre de 2021 por correo electrónico a la dirección resumen@mestizajes.es. En el asunto deberá constar “Mestizajes 2020” y el apellido del remitente. Las ponencias se podrán dictar en castellano, euskera o inglés. Los resúmenes deberán presentarse en el idioma de la ponencia y en inglés. No habrá servicio de traducción durante el encuentro

CfP: Watching Covid - The Pandemic on Screen

Watching Covid - The Pandemic on Screen The Covid-19 pandemic has been a boon and a burden for television. Stay-at-home and self-isolation orders collectively banned entire swathes of the population to their sofas, who then turned to television and the internet for both news and entertainment. Streaming services saw an increase in subscriptions, which remained high even after lockdown measures were lifted. At the same time, the pandemic forced the television industry to delay, suspend, or even cancel productions of many TV programs altogether. When it became clear that the virus was an obstinate presence, television writers and producers faced the decision of whether or how to incorporate this new reality into their storylines. This decision has often constituted a dilemma in understanding what audiences want, and how to confront the challenges Covid-19 brought in an increasingly politicized environment. Audience-reliant day- and night-time television grappled with empty studios and ...

CfP: Amsterdam Symposium on the History of Food

Call for Papers for the next Amsterdam Symposium on the History of Food, 11-12 Februari 2022. The theme is  Food and the Environment: The Dynamic Relationship Between Food Practices and Nature .    Ever since hunters and gatherers made the switch to sedentary forms of farming some 13,000 years ago, the way people produce and consume food has profoundly shaped the world in which we live. Although the idea of the ‘environment’ – which we now use to describe the scale and scope of this human impact on the planet – is a relatively modern concept, historians, archaeologists and ecologists have carefully traced the continual interconnectedness of food and the environment. Indeed, changes in dietary patterns have been intrinsically linked to climate change and demographics throughout history, and the question of how to feed a growing population has been at the centre of major developments in food production innovations from the Neolithic Revolution onwards. Th...

CfP: Storying climes of the Himalaya, Andes, and Arctic: Anthropogenic water bodies, multispecies vulnerability, and sustainable living

9-15 October 2021 | Online In partnership with   My Climate Risk, a lighthouse activity of World Climate Research Programme (WCRP).  Co-hosted by   Royal Thimphu College (Royal University of Bhutan) and Yunnan University Url:  https://www.icimod.org/event/storying-climes-of-the-himalaya-andes-and-a... Context and conceptual arc The Himalaya, the Andes, and the Arctic/tundra play a critical role in the hydrological cycle of the earth with their waters (in both solid and liquid forms), and in shaping multispecies habitats and cultural heritages within the biospheres fed by their waters. At the same time, they are experiencing new risks and degradation due to global climate change, such as melting ice, species extinction, and radical transformations of ecosystems and livelihoods. As a global outreach effort of the Himalayan University Consortium (HUC) for comparative studies of climate change in the earth’s altitudinal and latitudinal highlands, this workshop in...

Three-year PhD position: The Dry Antibiotic Pipeline and the Global Policy Laboratory (1980-2010)

Three-year   PhD   position at the Université de Strasbourg with the international project:   How did the Antibiotic Pipeline Run Dry? People, Infrastructures and Politics of Antibiotic Drug Development 1970-2010 [DryAP] . The application deadline is 18 June 2021, 17:00p.m. (CEST). The contract will begin in September 2021. We are looking for a PhD candidate to study the history of antibiotic regulation at the international level between circa 1980 and 2010. Located in Strasbourg, the PhD project aims to study how the post-1945 antibiotic success story has been transformed into a narrative of innovation scarcity, orchestrated at an international stage. The PhD project will aim to understand how the narrative of a decline in innovation, research and development of new antibiotics, along with a growing concern about antimicrobial resistance, has arisen internationally. How has this narrative been played out by the many actors involved in the international regulation of...

Position for postdoc researcher 12 months | ERC ALFA project

ALFA   is an ERC funded project (2017-2022, 60 month, Consolidator grant 2016 agreement 723085) dedicated to the study of Alfonsine astronomy which flourished in Europe from the second half of the 13th to the mid-16th century.  Employing approaches from the history of astronomy, history of mathematics, and history of manuscript cultures to study astronomical tables, instruments, theoretical and mathematical texts,  ALFA ’s main objectives are to:  ● Retrace the development of the corpus of Alfonsine texts from its origin in the second half of the 13th century in Toledo, Spain to the end of the 15th century by following, on the manuscript level, the milieus producing and using these codices;  ● Analyse Alfonsine astronomers’ practices, their relations to mathematics, to the natural world, to proofs and justification, and their intellectual and social contexts and audiences;  ● Build a narrative showing how astronomers in different milieus with diverse practi...