
Mostrando entradas de mayo 20, 2012

Periodismo médico en la Región de Murcia

Estimados compañeros: Nuestro grupo está embarcado en la recuperación y análisis del periodismo médico en la Región de Murcia. Con ese objetivo estamos intentando localizar los fondos existentes de las revistas que se publicaron en Murcia durante el primer tercio del siglo XX. Concretamente en la actualidad nos estamos ocupando de Murcia Médica , Levante Médico y Revista de Tisiología y Especialidades . De las dos primeras hemos conseguido localizar la mayor parte de los ejemplares, pero de la última, publicada posiblemente entre 1919 (el primer número localizado es el de enero del año IV, de 1922) y 1927 (el último número que conocemos es de 1927). Agradeceríamos cualquier información sobre fondos existentes de cualquiera de las revistas, especialmente de la última mencionada. -- José Miguel Sáez Gómez Secretario de la Facultad de Medicina Profesor Titular de Historia de la Medicina Departamento de Ciencias Sociosanitarias Universidad de Murcia Campus de Espinardo Apd...

Dissertation Reviews: New reviews online

Dear colleagues, New reviews posted this month on Dissertation Reviews (Science Studies and Medical Anthropology): - BORIS JARDINE, "Scientific Moderns", reviewed by Melinda Baldwin - RAUL NECOCHEA LOPEZ, "A History of the Medical Control of Fertility in Peru, 1895-1976", reviewed by Jason Glenn - BRENDAN CLARKE, "Causality in Medicine with Particular Reference to the Viral Causation of Cancers", reviewed by Raffaella Campaner - ANDREW MAMO, "Post-Industrial Engineering: Computer Science and the Organization of White-Collar Work, 1945-1975", reviewed by Shreeharsh Kelkar Please visit us at www.dissertationreviews.org To contribute a review, or to have your dissertation reviewed, please email dissertationreviews@gmail.com With best wishes, Leon Rocha (University of Cambridge) Tom Mullaney (Stanford University) -- Dr Leon Antonio Rocha Research Fellow, Emmanuel College Department of History and Ph...

Registration now open: Making human heredity: populations and publichealth in the postwar era

Invitation to register for the workshop: ' Making human heredity: populations and public health in the postwar era ', at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, 28th-30th June 2012.   The postwar study of human heredity was shaped by an array of fields engaged with the study of human populations, including cytogenetics, physical anthropology, epidemiology, public health and demography. This workshop will address the continuities in population thinking across these fields, and the shared practices, institutional structures and analytical and organisational technologies that constituted postwar human heredity.  The workshop aims to bring into view how human populations were shaped through sampling protocols and technologies of data organization. It will emphasize the roles of international organizations, such as the World Health Organization, in promoting and coordinating collection practices across different disciplines and countries. It...

Conference: Bioeconomies of Reproduction. Bielefeld, Germany, 13-16 June

Bioeconomies of Reproduction Historical and Anthropological Analyses of a Relational Structure, 1750-2010 Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) – Bielefeld It will be the explicit aim of the conference to shed light on the entangled genealogies of »reproduction« and »economy«, including the scientific and cultural practices through which both concepts have in often complicated and non-linear ways been aligned and separated since around 1750. Instead of addressing historical developments of the concepts of reproduction and economy separately, the conference will examine them from the perspective of a »relational history«. The analytic goal is to reconstruct the processes of purification and hybridization, the mobilities and interrelationships, that helped »reproduction« and »economy« to co-evolve. Working from case studies in economic history, social/cultural anthropology, medical history and the history of sciences the conference will reflect on the fate of reprod...