
Mostrando entradas de octubre 30, 2016

CfP: Apuntes 80: Science, Technology, and Society in Latin America

Apuntes, Revista de Ciencias Sociales invites researchers who are studying science, technology and society in Latin America to send their contributions for its 80 th number, to be published in June 2017. It was decided to focus on this issue because social studies on science and technology (STS) have become increasingly relevant in recent years. In contrast to conventional approaches in which science and technology are investigated autonomously and in parallel, STS studies seek to generate dialogue and critical analysis about the interaction of science and society. In addition, the goal of these studies is also to understand how science affects people and how people incorporate scientific knowledge and technological innovation to pose epistemological problems and improve their quality of life. The relation between science, technology and society is problematical in and of itself and, in many cases, asymmetrical. It can lead to increasing already existing social, gend...

CfP: Oceans Past VI Conference | 16-18 May 2017 | Sesimbra, Portugal

THEME:  Historical Perspectives on the Elements and Dynamics of the Marine Socio-Ecological System      TOPICS               Historical changes in values, perceptions and governance of marine systems; Changes in human demographic, technological, economic, and cultural drivers of marine resource use; The role of gender in marine resource use and impact; Integrating population and ecological modelling into marine historical ecology; Historical case studies from Asia, Africa, and Central and South America; Historical scientific expeditions around the world.   CO-CONVENORS Peter Jones (UK) – PEJONES@tcd.ie Alison MacDiarmid (New Zealand) – alison.macdiarmid@niwa.co.nz     SCIENTIFIC STEERING COMMITTEE Henn Ojaveer (Estonia, chair) Poul Holm (Ireland) Malcolm Tull (Australia) Patricia Miloslavich (Australia) Lembi Lõugas (Estonia) Gesche Krause (Germany) Bao Maohong (China) Peter Pope (Ca...

Novedad editorial: História e Ciência: Ciência e Poder na Primeira Idade Global

Polónia, Amélia; Bracht, Fabiano; Conceição, Gisele Cristina da; Palma Monique, orgs. - História e Ciência: Ciência e Poder na Primeira Idade Global. Porto: Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Letras, 2016.  ISBN 978-989-8648-91-4 Url:  http://ler.letras.up.pt/site/d efault.aspx?qry=id022id1502&su m=sim Este livro é um dos resultados do encontro científico História e Ciência – Ciência e Poder na Primeira Idade Global. O encontro aconteceu em Maio de 2015 na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, e contou com o apoio da Reitoria da Universidade, do Curso de Doutorado em História da Faculdade de Letras e do CITCEM – Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar «Cultura, Espaço e Memória». Este livro, conta com trabalhos que possam contribuir para a compreensão dessa dimensão histórica do binómio Ciência e Poder, em particular a partir desta Primeira Idade Global, em que novas premissas, de Saber e de Pod...

Appel à communications Congrès SFHST 2017 Strasbourg

Le prochain congrès national de la SFHST aura lieu les 19, 20 et 21 avril 2017 à Strasbourg. Nous vous invitons dès à présent à soumettre un résumé pour une proposition de communication qu'elle s'inscrive dans le cadre d'un symposium (voir descriptif des symposia sur le site du congrès) ou qu'elle soit hors symposium (communication libre). Cette proposition de communication, qui comprendra un titre et un résumé de 250 mots, devra être soumise directement sur la plate-forme du congrès : http://sfhststras2017. sciencesconf.org Date limite d'envoi des résumés : 5 janvier 2017 Instructions pour le dépôt de cette proposition de communication: 1) Les personnes qui ont déjà créé un compte pour la soumission d'un symposium doivent l'utiliser de nouveau. Sinon, vous devrez le créer en cliquant sur le lien dédié : http://sfhststras2017. sciencesconf.org/user/ createaccount 2) Il y aura un m...

Science periodicals in the nineteenth and twenty-first centuries

The latest issue of Notes and Records has now been published and is free to access online. A theme issue, 'Science periodicals in the nineteenth and twenty-first centuries' guest edited by Sally Shuttleworth and Berris Charnley, it brings together "a series of papers on the rise of the science journal, while also placing such developments in the context of the challenges facing contemporary science publishing at a moment when it looks like the twenty-first century science journal, in its physical printed form, might cease to exist." It can be accessed here: http://rsnr. royalsocietypublishing.org/ content/70/4

Novedad editorial: Història de la matemàtica

Autor: Pla i Carrera, Josep Història de la matemàtica. Egipte i Mesopotàmia : resultats, textos i contextos El volum consta de dues parts: a) un corpus històric i b) traduccions al català de papirs egipcis i de tauletes mesopotàmiques que constitueixen la base del corpus. En ambdós casos les qüestions tractades s'han agrupat d'acord amb la taxonomia escolar actual: aritmètica, àlgebra, geometria i qüestions específiques. En el cas de la geometria egipcis l'èmfasi l'hem posat en l'expressió en fraccions unitàries i la divisió numèrica.~També, en la matemàtica mesopotàmica, la divisó és interessant, però l'èmfasi es troba en la resolució de les equacions de segon grau. Url:  http://publicacions.iec.cat/PopulaFitxa.do?moduleName=cataleg&subModuleName=cerca_rapida&idCatalogacio=25470 Autor:  Pla i Carrera, Josep Història de la matemàtica. Grècia I (de Tales i Pitàgores a Plató i Aristòtil) : resultats, textos i contextos ...

CfP: Environmental Humanites in Pre-modern Cultures

Series editors: Gillian Overing , Wake Forest University; Heide Estes , University of Cambridge and Monmouth University; Philip Slavin , University of Kent; Steven Mentz , St. John's University Publisher: Amsterdam University Press This series in environmental humanities offers approaches to medieval, early modern, and global pre-industrial cultures from interdisciplinary environmental perspectives. We invite submissions (both monographs and edited collections) in the fields of ecocriticism, specifically ecofeminism and new ecocritical analyses of under-represented literatures; queer ecologies; posthumanism; waste studies; environmental history; environmental archaeology; animal studies and zooarchaeology; landscape studies; ‘blue humanities’, and studies of environmental / natural disasters and change and their effects on pre-modern cultures. Proposals Welcome: We invite scholars at any stage of their careers to share their book proposals and draft ma...

Recurso: Biblioteca Digital de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina

Está accesible en Internet la Biblioteca Virtual, proyecto en el que, gracias a  la tecnología DIGIBIS y su programa de gestión bibliotecaria DIGIBIB , nos embarcamos hace tres años con el objetivo de difundir los fondos de la Biblioteca y del Archivo de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina, y al que se van agregando día a día más contenidos digitales. En la actualidad, consta de cerca de 1.400 títulos y más de 100.000 objetos multimedia asociados que abarcan, con preferencia, aquellas materias relacionadas de alguna manera con la historia y la práctica de la Medicina. Todo este contenido es recopilado periódicamente por el agregador nacional Hispana y, en el ámbito europeo, Europeana , donde ya asciende a más de 53 millones el número de libros,  vídeos , audios u obras de arte que se pueden consultar (y si procede: descargar) de forma libre y gratuita. Podéis visitarnos en la siguiente dirección: http://bibliotecavirtual.ranm. es Igualmente, se pueden co...

CfP: III CHAM International Conference "Oceans and Shores: Heritage, People and Environments"

The III CHAM International Conference will be held in Lisbon, 12th  to 15th July 2017, and its main theme is  "Oceans and Shores: Heritage, People and Environment" . The call for panels is now open. The deadline for proposals is 5th December . Concept Coastal seas and open oceans have always been a realm for epic adventures, for misfortunes and new discoveries, a place for the construction of stories and legends, and for the creation of myths and imaginary geographies. Home of different ecosystems and of plentiful resources, in the offshore waters of the world oceans and in the nearby shores of all continents, sources of food were found and exploited, new industries, cities and ports were established and developed, different ways of communication and transfer of people, products and knowledge were created and explored. Humans throughout time and geographies, by exploring the oceans and coastal regions, have produced new technical...

CfP: Issue on Medicine and Health (Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies - The Institute of Sociology - Romanian Academy)

Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies (published by the Institute of Sociology – Romanian Academy - and by the Romanian Association of Sociology) invites articles for a special issue which will focus on Sociology of Medicine and Health. Contribution exploring any context of health and medicine in social contexts are welcomed. The journal welcomes high-quality research and analyses from diverse theoretical and methodological a pproaches. The journal is particularly interested in new approaches of medicine, body, health and illness that have the potential to increase the body of knowledge on the subject and generate future studies. Contributions may include, but are not limited to: 1. The sociological analysis of medical organizations and institutions; 2. The production of medical knowledge and selection of methods; 3. The actions and interactions of healthcare professionals; 4. The social or cultural effects of medical practices. 5. Aspects of sociologi...

CfP: Representations of External Threats in History (Ancient World to 19th Century)

The Group of Asian and Pacific Studies , Institute of History of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), and the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Project Phil-Threats (Horizon 2020, nr. 653508) invite researchers to present papers for the international workshop “Representations of External Threats in History (Ancient World to 19 th Century)”, focusing on human threats. Challenging our traditional understanding of external threats as parts of warfare and external politics, this workshop will bring together papers which offer alternative ways to consider and analyse external threats by human agents. Instead of investigating movements of troops and diplomatic approaches, it will take a closer look at a specific set of questions: Who raised and maintained the issue as a threat and for whom (audience)? Which issues (threats) were chosen and why? What is the referent (threatened) object? Under what conditions did the representation of external threats take place and what are its...

CfP: Estimated Truths: Water, Science, and the Politics of Approximation

A workshop to be held at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin on 16-17 August 2017 Convenors:  Wilko Hardenberg (MPIWG, Berlin), Etienne Benson (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia), Giacomo Parrinello (Sciences Po, Paris) Deadline:  15 December 2016 The scientific legibility of the world is often produced through approximation in a variety of guises. Planning efforts in particular, which are often subject to pressing time and budget constraints, tend to eschew absolute truths in favor of estimated values that promise a sufficient level of precision. Water flows and levels, for instance, have often been assessed by scientists and engineers through processes of estimation, simulation, and modelling. More often than not, the construction of authoritative knowledge in the field has been based on values that were deemed to be good enough for the task at hand. The central question this workshop seeks to answer is: how have scie...

CfP: Special issue on New trends in the historiography of medicine

Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science  is pleased to announce a Call for Papers dedicated to the new trends in the historiography of medicine, which will welcome papers focusing on the new methodological approaches and objects that have been recently explored in the history of medicine, all around the world. www.historiographyofscience. org Deadline for paper submission:  July 31th ,  2017 . Publication of the issue:  December, 2017 . We are expecting to receive submissions related to the new methodological approaches and the new objects that have been recently explored in the field of the history of medicine. These submissions can either propose a kind of meta-analysis of a new field of studies in the history of medicine (such as “global health”, relation between medicine and gender or race studies, history of pharmacology, health and environment, history of medicine in Africa etc.), or propose some epistemological ana...