
Mostrando entradas de julio 24, 2011

Conference Programme - After 1918: History and Politics of Influenza in the 20th and 21st Centuries

After 1918: History and politics of influenza in the 20th and 21st centuries Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique, Rennes, France 24-26 August 2011 Organised by: Prof. Patrick Zylberman Chair of the History of Health Science Ehesp - Department of Social and Behavioral Health Sciences and Dr. Michael Bresalier Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine University of Manchester Website: http://www.ehesp.fr/2011/06/21/apres-1918-histoire-et-politique-de-la-grippe-aux-xxe-et-xxie-siecles-24-26-aout-2011-2/ Programme                             9:00-9:30 – Registration 9:30-10:00 – Conference Introduction 10:00-11:30 – Pandemic Memories •         Chair: Patrick Zylberman (EHESP) •         Nancy K. Bristow (University of Puget Sound) Forgetting and Remember...

Approaches to Ancient Medicine

Approaches to Ancient Medicine supported by the Wellcome Trust and the Classical Association University of Exeter 22 – 23 August, 2011 Registration is now open at http://centres.exeter.ac.uk/medhist/conferences/approaches_to_ancient_medicine/index.shtml CONFERENCE PROGRAMME The Centre for Medical History, University of Exeter DAY 1: Monday 22nd August 2011 12.00 – 13.00 Lunch and registration Xfi Centre, Streatham Campus Conference Presentations: Xfi Lecture Theatre Session 1 - Hippocrates 13.00 – 13.30 Andreas Serafim (University College, London) Stasis as disease in the human body and the body politic. 13.30 – 14.00 Chiara Thumiger (von Humboldt University) Some remarks on mental insanity in the medical texts. 14.00 – 14.30 Roberto Lo Presti (von Humboldt University) "For sleep is in some way an epileptic fit” (Somn.Vig. 3, 457 a9-10): the association of sleep with epilepsy between Aristotle, Aristotelianism, and the medical tradition" ...

Antikythera exhibition in Paris

Antikythera exhibition in Paris Dear colleagues, We are delighted to announce that the "Antikythera Mechanism" exhibition has moved to Paris, at the Musée des Arts et Métiers. A model of the Antikythera Mechanism, built by the Aristotle University in Greece, together with 17th and 18th centuries astronomical clocks, and the modern mechanism of a watch inspired by the Antikythera Mechanism and designed by Hublot, will be on display. A film in 3D created by the Swiss film-maker Philippe Nicolet will narrate the story of the Antikythera Mechanism. A 2D version of this film can be watched here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpLcnAIpVRA The History, Philosophy and Didactics of Science and Technology Programme

Paranoia and Pain: Embodied in Psychology, Literature, and Bioscience

University of Liverpool, 2-4 April 2012 Organising Chair: Dr Maryam Farahani (School of English) Organising Board: Dr Neville Cobbe (School of Biological Sciences) Dr Maryam Farahani (School of English) Dr Ian Schermbrucker (School of Psychology) Conference Chair: Dr Nick Davis (School of English) Keynote Speakers: Professor Christopher Eccleston (Centre for Pain Research, University of Bath, England) Dr Emma Mason (English and Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick, England) Dr David Miller (English Literature, University of Stirling, Scotland) Professor Andrej Stancak (School of Psychology, University of Liverpool, England) Dr Anna Szczepan-Wojnarska (Cardinal Wyszynski University of Warsaw, Poland) Paranoia and Pain: Embodied in Psychology, Literature, and Bioscience How is paranoia related to pain? How is pain expressed with/without paranoia? How are these two terms exposed in various contexts? How does our understanding of the psychophysiology of pain interrel...

Coloquio Internacional sobre Historia de la traducción en Hispanoamérica (13-14 oct, Barcelona)

El coloquio internacional sobre Historia de la traducción en Hispanoamérica tiene por objeto estudiar los problemas que han planteado la mediación lingüística y los contactos culturales dentro de este territorio, prestando atención a los diferentes traductores, mediadores y agentes de la traducción y al resultado de su intervención, lo que incluye a la recepción de que han sido objeto las traducciones. También se analizarán las posibles formulaciones y consideraciones sobre la labor traductora. Todo ello con la finalidad de lograr un aparato crítico más sofisticado y que permita conocer mejor cuál ha sido la función que ha cumplido la traducción en el desarrollo de la propia literatura hispanoamericana y en el establecimiento de contactos con otras literaturas. Este coloquio, que prestará  atención preferente, aunque no exclusiva, a la traducción literaria, se enmarca en las actividades desarrolladas por los Proyectos de Investigación coordinados bajo el título genérico de Hacia u...

Medicine and Literature Conference 2011 - Reminder

CONTAGIONISM AND CONTAGIOUS DISEASES IN MEDICINE AND LITERATURE BETWEEN 1880 and 1933. 25 - 27 August 2011, The Northern Centre for the History of Medicine, Newcastle University. Registration is still open for this Wellcome funded international conference, bringing together scholars working on the interface of medicine and literature to discuss the theme of contagionism and contagious diseases between 1880 and 1933. Organised by Dr Thomas Rütten (Northern Centre for the History of Medicine, Newcastle University) and Dr Martina King (Institut für Deutsche Philologie, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich and School of Modern Languages and Cultures, Glasgow University). The Conference will address three main themes: * Construction of Key Diseases The way in which infectious diseases are caught in medical, philosophical and literary discourses around 1900. * Infection as Metaphor The development, around 1900, of 'infection' and 'contamination' into powerful metapho...