
Mostrando entradas de julio 17, 2016

Vacancy: Postdoctoral Research Assistant in 19th Century History of Medicine/Science/Culture

The Diseases of Modern Life project is recruiting for a full-time Postdoctoral Research Assistant in 19th Century History of Medicine/Science/Culture from 1st October 2016 (or as soon as possible thereafter) until the end of the project in January 2019. The postholder will work under the direction of Professor Sally Shuttleworth, and will be expected to produce a monograph relating to the project research, co-edit a conference volume and present research at UK and international conferences. Candidates should have been awarded a PhD in a relevant field (such as history of medicine, or science, or literature) by the time of taking up the post. You should show outstanding academic promise, be willing to assist in the organisation of seminars, workshops and conferences, and contribute to the general running of the project. The closing date for applications is Monday 8th August 2016. For full details of the post and details of how to apply, please refer to the...

Novedad editorial: El cómic como recurso didáctico en los estudios de Medicina

Aunque todavía es una herramienta prácticamente desconocida en nuestro país, el cómic lleva años utilizándose como recurso didáctico en los estudios de Medicina más allá de nuestras fronteras. Centros de prestigio como la Universidad Johns Hopkins de Baltimore, en Estados Unidos, no sólo hace tiempo que lo utilizan en sus facultades de medicina sino que incluso organizan congresos internacionales al respecto. Por ello, la experta en comunicación y educación en salud Blanca Mayor Serrano presenta el libro El cómic como recurso didáctico en los estudios de Medicina , un manual publicado por la Fundación Dr. Antonio Esteve que busca implementar las viñetas como método docente en las facultades de medicina de las universidades españolas. Prestigiosas publicaciones, como la revista científica JAMA , han insistido en los últimos años en el interés del empleo de los cómics para facilitar la enseñanza y la atención de los pacientes. Una revisión del año 2010 publicada en el B...

Missions, museums and scientific collections: when missionaries spread the word of science

Type:  Workshop Date:  September 15, 2016 Location:  France Subject Fields:  Anthropology, Colonial and Post-Colonial History / Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Religious Studies and Theology, Social Sciences With the organization of this international workshop, we hope to gather historians, anthropologists, sociologists, philosophers and other researchers to come back on the ambiguous ties that might have brought missionaries and scientists together in the 19 th and 20 th centuries.      Missions and sciences have long been considered as irreconcilable opposites in the study of missions and sciences alike – whether we speak of natural sciences or the study of man and mankind. European missionaries often were under the suspicion of reading the world and its inhabitants with “Biblical spectacles”, which necessarily led to biased, erroneous, unscientific analyses and conclusions. Yet many ...

Scholar-in-residence program of the Deutsches Museum in Munich

Type:  Fellowship Date:  January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017 Location:  Germany Subject Fields:  History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Environmental History / Studies There are myrad opportunities at the Deutsches Museum for innovative research into scientific processes and the changing cultures of technology. Applicants are invited to base their projects on the collections of the Deutsches Museum and to cooperate closely with museum staff on site when formulating their research proposals. Projects involving innovative approaches to artefact-oriented research are especially welcome. Scholarship holders will have their own workplace with a desktop computer and telephone, and the opportunity to reside temporarily in subsidized apartments of the museum complex insofar as these are available. They will present their research projects to colleagues at the beginning of theit stay and will be expected to participate regularly in ...

Metascience new issue

 Publication of Volume 25, Issue 2 of the journal Metascience. Editors: K. Brad Wray and Luciano Bosciero http://link.springer.com/ journal/11016/25/2/page/1 In this issue: 1.       Editorial Metascience : reflections on the symposium Luciano Boschiero ,  K. Brad Wray Pages 161-162 2.       Symposium Broken structuralism Stathis Psillos Pages 163-171 3.       Symposium The physical world as a blob: Is OSR really realism? Mauro Dorato Pages 173-181 4.       Symposium Mind the Gap Elaine Landry Pages 183-188 5.       Symposium Response to my critics Steven French Pages 189-196 6.       Book Review The best, most perfect method for medicine forever Kirstin Borgerson Pages 197-200 7.       Book Review In search of organizing principles o...