
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 13, 2016

Conferencia on line: "Not All Live In Bhopal: The Una(Count)able Catastrophe"

Bridget Hanna (Harvard University) "Not All Live In Bhopal: The Una(Count)able Catastrophe" 23 November 2016 16 h. INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE AND SCIENCE, UNIVERSITY OF VALENCIA Palau de Cerveró, Plaça Cisneros, 4, 46006-València Main Conference Room. ONLINE: reunion.uv.es/hcc2 RESUM: El 3 de desembre de 1984 es va produir una fuga d'isocianat de metil en una fàbrica de pesticides de la companyia nord-americana Union Carbide a la regió de Bhopal (Índia). El resultat van ser milers de morts en les primeres hores i un dels majors desastres mediambientals de la història. S'estima que van morir entre 6.000 a 8.000 persones durant les primera hores i altres 12.000 posteriorment. El nombre de persones afectades directament es calcula en més de mig milió, de les quals més 150.000 van patir greus seqüeles. La planta química va ser abandonada després de l'accident. L'autora de la presentació ha realitzat una tesi sota l...

Publicación Dossier "Humanitarismo, guerra e innovación tecnológica en España" en Manguinhos

Por si fuera de vuestro interés, os comunico la reciente publicación en la revista Historia, ciência, saúde. Manguinhos (2016, vol. 23, núm. 3, pp. 825-897) del dossier  “Humanitarismo, guerra e innovación tecnológica en España”: http://www.redalyc.org/toc.oa? id=3861&numero=46782 http://www.revistahcsm.coc. fiocruz.br/english/la- medicina-de-guerra-en-la- espana-de-lo-siglo-xix/ CONTENIDO DEL DOSSIER J. Arrizabalaga [Introducción] Humanitarismo, guerra e innovación tecnológica: el caso de Cruz Roja Española Historia, ciência, saúde. Manguinhos , 2016, 36, 3 (julio/setiembre): 825-827 http://www.redalyc.org/ articulo.oa?id=386146782014 J. Carlos García Reyes y Jon Arrizabalaga Comunicación científica e innovación tecnológica en la primera Cruz Roja (1863-1876) Historia, ciência, saúde. Manguinhos , 2016, 36, 3 (julio/setiembre): 847-865 http://www.redalyc.org/ articulo.oa?id=386146782016 Jon Arrizabalaga y J. Carlos García-Reyes Innovac...

CfP: Symposium on the doctor-patient relationship

Doctor-doctor: Global and historical perspectives on the doctor-patient relationship An interdisciplinary symposium, 24 March 2017, University of Oxford https://doctorpatient2017. wordpress.com/ Call for Papers “Two distinct and separate parties interact with one another – not one mind (the physician’s), not one body (the patient’s), but two minds and two bodies.” – Jay Katz,  The Silent World of Doctor and Patient  (1984) The doctor-patient relationship is the primary way that we experience medicine: we go to the doctor when we are sick, think we may be sick, or are scared of becoming sick. Healthcare is constructed around encounters between practitioners and patients, and the relationship between them is integral to how medicine is practised, experienced, and represented around the world. It may be paternalistic or a partnership of equals, underpinned by acts of care and compassion or negligence and abuse. In a one-day symposium on Frida...

IsisCB Cumulative - Open Access to History of Science Bibliography, 1913-1975

A new open access reference resource was released this month: IsisCB Cumulative , a digitized version of the Isis Cumulative Bibliography of the History of Science , spanning sixty years from 1913 to 1975. The full text is available as seven large HTML files corresponding to the seven volumes of the Isis Cumulative Bibliography covering that period. IsisCB Cumulative is a companion to IsisCB Explore , a research tool launched last year that includes data from the Isis Bibliographies from 1974 to the present. IsisCB Cumulative is the result of two years of effort that included scanning, transcribing, and encoding 5000 pages of text. The files contain nearly 154,000 citation records to works in the history of science, all of which are classified by historians of science and subject bibliographers. These include citations to about 83,000 articles, 44,000 books, 20,000 reviews, and 6,000 chapters. The current release of these volumes as individual HTML files is meant to pr...

CfP: Topoi Special Issue on Mind and Brain

Topoi invites submissions for a special issue on the study of mind and brain in connection with themes explored in the work of Daniel Dennett and Nicholas Humphrey. In March 2016, New College of the Humanities (NCH) hosted the NCH Mind and Brain Conference on the philosophy of psychology and cognitive science. Our keynote speakers were Professors Daniel Dennett and Nicholas Humphrey, who have both won the Mind and Brain Prize recognising ‘outstanding achievement... in the field of cognitive science’. Building on this conference, the special issue will include contributions from Professors Dennett and Humphrey. We invite submission of papers engaging any area of cognitive science on which the invited contributors have worked. Suitable topics include but are not limited to: Affect Blindsight and vision Consciousness Evolution and psychology Free will Imagination Information Intentionality Perception Philosophy of AI Psychological disorders R...

Kairos. Journal of Philosophy & Science

A Kairos. Journal of Philosophy & Science (publicada pela De Gruyter) tem o prazer de anunciar a publicação do seu novo número 16 , acessível em : http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/kjps.2016.15.issue-1/issue-files/kjps.2016.15.issue-1.xml. Artigos Alexey Trotsak, “’Kingdom of Ends’ as Economic Model: Whether Transition is Possible?” José Félix Costa, “A Física da Terminação” Dossier : ‘On the Euclidian Geometry ’ / ‘ Sobre a Geometria Euclidiana’ Presentation of the Dossier “On the Euclidian Geometry” William de Siqueira Piauí, “ Nota Introdutória sobre a Vida, a Obra e o Comentário de Marino” Marino, “Comentário ao livro Dados de Euclides” (tradução e notas de Húdson Canuto, Juliana Cecci Silva e William de Siqueira Piauí) Javier Echeverría e Mary Sol de Mora, “Leibniz crítico de Euclides. El método del Analysis Situs ” Daniele Molinini, “The Epistemological Import of Euclidean Diagrams (in a non-Euclidean world)”

CfP: 2nd Oxford International Philosophy and Psychiatry Conference

Mind, Value and Mental Health: 2nd International Conference in Philosophy and Psychiatry 15 July 2017: St Hilda’s College, University of Oxford We are seeking papers for up to three available spaces at the Philosophy and Psychiatry International Conference. We welcome submissions from current graduate students or early career researchers who have completed their doctorate within the past four years. Each speaker will have a maximum of twenty minutes to present their paper followed by ten minutes of discussion time. Abstracts may be on any topic within the philosophy of mental health and mental illness. Papers that draw on clinical and/or personal experience, as well as submissions of a purely theoretical nature, are welcome. If you wish to submit a paper to the conference, please send a title and 300 word abstract prepared for anonymised refereeing, alongside your name, institutional affiliation and a copy of your CV, to Annelies Lawson ( annelies.lawson@philosophy. o...

CfP: Literatures of Madness: Disability Studies and Mental Health

We are seeking essay proposals for a peer-reviewed edited volume, Literatures of Madness: Disability Studies and Mental Health, which will be submitted to the Literary Disability Studies book series at Palgrave Macmillan ( http://www.palgrave.com/us/series/14821 ). The volume will collect disability studies essays that focus on mental health, madness, and addiction in literary texts. Papers that engage with the place of psychiatric disability within the larger field of disability studies are especially welcome. Topics may include, but are certainly not limited, to the following: Intersections of addiction/psychiatric disability and race, class, gender, and queer identity in literature Autobiography, authority, and mental illness Disability and madness post-Foucault Neurodiversity and psychiatric disability Feminist and queer disability studies of psychiatric disability and addiction in literature Cross-cultural perspectives on mental illness and disability Madness ...

CfP: International Congress on Wax Modelling, Madrid, UCM

Abstract Submission Oral communications and posters may report any issue about: 1. History 2. Collections 3. Museology and Documentation 4. Sculpture (materials and techniques / procedures) 5. Restoration & Conservation (analysis, diagnosis and intervention). The Deadline for abstract submission is March 25, 2017. Abstracts must be sent to the Congress E-mail, to: waxmodelling@ucm.es as pdf files attached to an e-mail message. Registration of one of the contributing authors is required for an abstract to be accepted. Each registered author may only present one Abstract. Each Abstract Submission Form must be sent together with the Registration Form of the presenting author and a copy of the bank transfer payment. Authors can request poster or oral presentations, but the final format will be decided by the Scientific Committee. Oral communications should be prepared as Microsoft PowerPoint (ppt) files (version 2003 or later). Presentation time will be 15 minut...

CfP: The Relational Turn in Sociology: Implications for the Study of Society, Culture, and Persons

"Stan Rzeczy" (State of Affairs), an interdisciplinary academic journal published by the Institute of Sociology of the University of Warsaw, invites proposals for a special international issue focused on the relational turn in sociology . The aim of this special issue is to reflect upon the innovative potential of contemporary relational theorizing of society, culture, and persons and to go beyond superficial statements on relational sociology by addressing these issues through in-depth investigations. We invite authors to take on problems of relational sociology by discussing its main assumptions, by conceptual clarifications, by re-articulating the concepts pertinent to understanding social phenomena in relational terms, and by empirical studies guided by methodological rules of relational analysis. Full text of the call for papers can be found at :   http://www.stanrzeczy.edu.pl/dla-autorow/cfp-the-relational-turn-in-soci... Please submit your propo...

Yale One-Year-Renewable Lecturer Position

Yale University is advertising a fall 2017 position in the history of science, medicine, and public health for a non-tenure track lecturer.  PhD in hand in any area of the history of science, medicine, technology, or public health . An initial one-year appointment, with possibility for renewal. Preference will be given to candidates who have experience both with in-classroom teaching and with one-on-one advising. The lecturer’s teaching load will consist of two courses per semester, plus one additional course-equivalent each term advising seniors working on self-designed research projects. Appointment begins August 1, 2017. Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications. Yale University is an Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer. Yale values diversity among its faculty, students, and staff and especially encourages applications from women, underrepresented minorities, persons with disabilities, and pro...

Papers for Science and Literature Commission Symposium, Rio 2017

We would like  to remind you our symposium in the 25th International Congress of History of Science and Technology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 23 to 29 July 2017. If you are interested to participate in it please submit your abstracts until   20th November 2017  directly to   gvlahakis@yahoo.com  and after their approval they will be uploaded to the relevant webpage of the Congress. On behalf of the Science and Literature Commision IUPST/DHST

Volumes of Isis and Osiris available

Some volumes of Isis and Osiris are available shipped free of charge from Trondheim (due to acute lack of storage): Isis volumes for the years 2004-2015 (i.e. 12x4 issues), and the Osiris volumes 14, 17 and 21-30. Some issues may have the occasional pencilmark, but are otherwise in very good condition. Will prefer takers interested in the whole lot. Please contact Mentz Indergaard at mi@ntnu.no  

ALHHS 2016-17 Call for Publication Awards Nominations

ALHHS 2016-17 Call for Publication Awards Nominations The Archivists and Librarians in the History of Health Sciences (ALHHS) is currently seeking nominations for its three Publication Awards. Nominations can be from one of three categories: ·          Monographs published by academic or trade publishers. ·          Articles published in journals, trade or private periodicals of recognized standing. ·          Online resources produced predominantly by ALHHS members. All nominations must meet the following criteria: ·          Published within 3 years of the award date. ·          Author(s) must be ALHHS member(s) in good standing. ·          The nominated monograph, article, or electronic resource is related to the history...

William Bynum Essay Prize (Medical History)

The William Bynum Prize will be awarded to the author of an original essay on any theme relating to the history of medicine and its related sciences. This international competition is open to doctoral students and early post-doctoral researchers (candidates who have completed their PhDs not longer than 3 years before submission of the entry). The Prize’s awarding committee will be chaired by Professor Bynum himself, supported by the editor and members of the editorial advisory board of the journal Medical History. The Prize is generously supported by Cambridge University Press, publishers of Medical History. The Prize is coordinated by Medical History's editorial office which resides within the Centre for Global Health Histories, Department of History, University of York. All enquiries regarding the competition should be directed to the editor of Medical History, Professor Sanjoy Bhattacharya, Director of ...

CfP: Alcohol and Drugs History Conference, Utrecht 2017

Drinking and Drug Policies in History: Contextualizing Causes and Consequences Call for papers  Alcohol and Drugs History Society  conference, 22-25 June 2017, Utrecht University, The Netherlands.  The twentieth century dawned with an unparalleled drive to regulate the production, distribution, and consumption of alcohol and other psychoactive substances. Many countries have developed their own specific historical trajectories of substance regulation, consumption, and user cultures.  This regulatory drive continued into the 21 st century, where today we live once more in a period of decisive regulatory changes and discussion. For instance as can be seen in the submission of national regulations in Europe to EU directives. On the other hand, the ‘war on drugs’ is now more contested than ever before.   Global discussions have intensified concerning the consequences, feasibility, and desirability of drug prohibition. Moreover, the rise of virtual ...

Exhibitions on Mathematics and Architecture at the Edward Worth Library, Dublin.

The Edward Worth Library, Dublin, has launched two new online exhibitions which you might find of interest: ‘Mathematics at the Worth Library’: www.mathematics. edwardworthlibrary.ie/ ‘Architecture at the Worth Library:’: www.architecture. edwardworthlibrary.ie/

PhD Fellowship in Philosophy of Biology at KU Leuven

PhD Fellowship in Philosophy of Biology at KU Leuven We invite applications for a full-time PhD position in the philosophy of biology. Applicants should have a background in the philosophy of biology and be prepared to begin advanced work in the field. The PhD student will join the Ramsey Lab philosophy of biology research group. Before applying, the applicant should carefully examine the research group website to look for areas of overlapping interest:  http://www. theramseylab.org The Ramsey Lab is a highly collaborative, interdisciplinary research group. Members pursue a mixture of shared and individual research projects. Projects have ranged from deeply historical philosophy of biology, to conceptual analysis, to work at the intersection of contemporary science and philosophy (including projects on the nature and evolution of the moral emotions), to work combining philosophy of science and the digital humanities. Recent products include the book  Chance i...