1 post-doctoral and 2 PhD positions Geneva

1 post-doctoral and 2 PhD positions in the humanities and social sciences (science studies) at the University of Geneva

At the University of Geneva, Switzerland, we are building an interdisciplinary research team in the humanities and social sciences (science studies) for the new ERC/SNSF Consolidator Grant project “The Rise of the Citizen Sciences: Rethinking Public Participation in Science”, under the direction of Bruno J. Strasser. For this project, we invite applications for:

1 post-doctoral and 2 PhD positions

(up to 5 years), starting October 1, 2015.

Applicants should have a background in science and technology studies, history, sociology, anthropology, political science, media studies, or any other relevant field. The project focuses on the transformations of public participation in scientific research, especially in the experimental life sciences since the 1960s, in Europe, the United States, and Asia.

Applications will be selected with the help of the project’s advisory board (Helga Nowotny, Sheila Jasanoff, Dan Kevles, Dominique Pestre, Jakob Tanner).

All application materials must be submitted as a single pdf file, no later than June 15th, 2015, to bruno.strasser@unige.ch and include:
• letter of intent
• curriculum vitae
• writing sample
• names and emails of three persons of reference

Inquiries should be sent to: bruno.strasser@unige.ch

Prof. Bruno J. Strasser
University of Geneva
IUFE, Pavillon Mail
40, Bd du Pont-d'Arve
CH - 1211 Geneva 4
+41 22 379 07 12