CFP: WSECS Annual Meeting, Feb. 17-18, 2017, UCSB
Type: Call for Papers
Date: October 1, 2016
Location: California, United States
Subject Fields: Art,
Art History & Visual Studies, Environmental History / Studies,
European History / Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and
Technology, Literature
Western Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Annual Meeting:
Feb. 17-18, 2017, UCSB
Proposals due: Oct. 1, 2016
We invite submissions from all disciplines for the 2017 WSECS Annual
Meeting on the theme of “Eighteenth-Century Science(s).” We are
interested in papers that address aspects of the formation, development,
and representation of the natural, social, experimental, and other
sciences in the long eighteenth century, the relationships between
literature and science, and the intersections of contemporary scientific
methods and humanistic study. Jonathan Kramnick, Maynard Mack Professor
of English at Yale University, will provide the keynote talk.
Possible topics could include:
• Eighteenth-century scientific practices and disciplines
• Literature and science
• Enlightenment science fiction
• Eighteenth-century responses to the sciences, including criticism and satire
• The environment and ecocriticism
• Theory of mind and cognitive approaches to literary studies
• Sense and sensation
• The history of the scientific book
• The role of social, transportation, and communication networks in transmitting science
program committee will cluster proposals into panels of 3-4 papers with
a Q&A session. We also welcome proposals for pre-formed panels. As
always, we will consider papers on any topic. Day 1 of the meeting will
overlap with a separate conference on Jean-Jacques Rousseau to be held
at UCSB; papers connecting the two themes are also solicited.
of 250-300 words for 15- to 20-minute papers or full panels are due
Oct. 1, 2016. Please include contact information, institutional
affiliation, the title of your paper(s), and any audio/visual needs.
Send submissions to both Dr. Rachael Scarborough King ( and Dr. Renan Larue ( For more information, visit
Contact Info:
Dr. Rachael Scarborough King, Assistant Professor of English, UCSB