Folklore and Folktales

Type: Call for Papers
Date: June 1, 2016
Location: New Hampshire, United States
Subject Fields: Cultural History / Studies, Ethnic History / Studies, Literature, Oral History, Popular Culture Studies

Sessions on Folklore and Folktales for the NEPCA conference at Keene State, New Hampshire (Oct. 21 and 22). This area explores the area of folkloric practices, including art, literature, knowledge and practices, as well as the fields that fall under and emerged out of folktales, including myths, legends, fairy tales and fables. Papers may be drawn from past instances as well as present practices – both foreign and domestic. Research may also look at modern reconfigurations of folklore and folktales, such as pilgrimage practices at Graceland, modern fairy tale retellings, new urban legends, etc.  500 word proposals should be submitted via the NEPCA link below by June 1, 2016
Contact Info: 
Area chair: Lisa LeBlanc