Casebooks Project Release 12
The Casebooks Project: http://www.
Release12 includes:
a repository of our data on GitHub,
bringing the number of edited cases to 73,362 (they will become
accessible through the main site once we’ve linked them to other
documentation about the exhibition ‘CASEBOOKS: Six contemporary artists and an extraordinary medical archive’, including a 9 minute film by Huw Wahl, a downloadable book about our work with artists and other material and press;
a new ‘Meet the patients’ page by Boyd Brogan, setting out case histories and contextual information about the Egerton sisters.
Our activities continue to be documented on our News and events page. Note especially an interview for Tonic, Vice magazine’s website and digital video channel about health, and the debut of Nyamyam’s ‘Astrologaster, a comedy written in the stars’,
a video game about Simon Forman and his patients for which the
Casebooks team has acted as historical consultants. Follow their
development @doctorforman.