Medical History - January 2018 Issue Out Now

The new issue of Medical History (Volume 62 / Issue 1, January 2017) is out now. The issue features the following articles:

*Exhibiting Good Health: Public Health Exhibitions in London, 1948–71 (Alex Mold)

*Healing a Sick World: Psychiatric Medicine and the Atomic Age (Ran Zwigenberg)

*Boyish Mannerisms and Womanly Coquetry: Patients with the Diagnosis of Transvestitismus in the Helsinki Psychiatric Clinic in Finland, 1954–68 (Katariina Parhi)

*Lechebnaia pedagogika: The Concept and Practice of Therapy in Russian Defectology, c. 1880–1936 (Andy Byford)

*Finding a Space for Women: The British Medical Association and Women Doctors in Australia, 1880–1939 (Louella McCarthy)

*‘From Defensive Paranoia to …Openness to Outside Scrutiny’: Prison Medical Officers in England and Wales, 1979–86 (Nicholas Duvall)

Further information is available via Medical History's website: