Lisa Jardine Grant of the Royal Society - history of science travel grant

The Lisa Jardine Grant of the Royal Society is designed to offer the opportunity for early career scholars to exploit history of science collections, including the Royal Society’s own, in support of their research in the field of intellectual history.  (closing deadline Weds 2 March 2022, 3pm).

Full details here:

The grant is available to support travel for PhD students and early career researchers in history of science, and other interdisciplinary studies combining humanities and the natural sciences.

The scheme offers funding for:

  • Extended research trips for UK and overseas-based researchers to use the Royal Society’s own rich historical collections (up to £8,000 available for travel and subsistence costs depending on destination and length of research, 1 - 3 months (£2,000 international travel, £2,000/month subsistence)).
  • UK based students wishing to travel overseas to carry out short, exploratory archival research trips (up to £2,000 available for trips up to 1 month)
  • International travel and expenses for UK based students to attend conferences and networking or training events (up to £2,000 available for trips up to 1 month)

The grant is open to researchers based in cultural organisations such as museums and archives as well as universities. Full details and eligibility conditions are available online

Please note: all refrences must be completed before the submission deadline of 2nd March.

Please do pass on this information to any students or researchers based at your organisations who may be interested. And please feel free to get in touch if you have questions about the grant scheme.