CfP: Historical moments in PUS: highlighting the value of historical enquiry for the development of the scholarship in and about science communication and the public understanding of science
The journal Public Understanding of Science runs a
new rubric, Historical Moments in PUS, of which the last item, by Dr
Hsiang-Fu Huang, has just appeared. See here: 2016/11/the-role-of- popularizers-in-vulcan.html and here: content/early/2016/10/10/ 0963662516679045.full.pdf+html
The rubric is meant to highlight the scholarly
value of an historical approach to the study of the communication of the
sciences and of the public understandings of science, two fields of
scholarship which may sometime suffer from a slight
lack in historical awareness. As such, this rubric is an ideal place
for historians of science and technology, as well as science studies
scholars, particularly those interested in the history of the public
cultures of science, to draw the attention to salient
features of their research, past and present.
A typical piece for this rubric is between 1500 and
2000 words and is published alongside a shorter version in the form of a
blog post. So please feel free to get in touch with me (
if you would like to offer a contribution. I’d be happy to discuss. More detailed guidelines are available on demand.