Call for Panel Participants: Science, Religion and Public Policy
Professor Arthur Petersen
(UCL/Editor of Zygon) is seeking participants to participate in a panel on
science, religion and public policy at the forthcoming International Network
for the Study of Science and Belief in Society Conference in Birmingham from 4-6
July, 2019.
Contributions are sought on
the topic of “science, religion, and public policy”: within science and
religion (and as a subset, within the social scientific study of science and
religion) there is a small but increasingly salient body of academic work on
science, religion, and public policy—work that, on the one hand, addresses
areas of public policy connected with the domain of science, technology, and
engineering, and, on the other hand, deploys empirical study of the role of
worldviews and religion in these policy settings. Examples of policy areas are
flood-risk management, climate change mitigation and adaptation, biotechnology,
and many more.
The full call for papers for
the conference that the panel will feature at can be read here: https:// engage/events/call-for-papers- international-network-for-the- study-of-science-and-belief- in-society-annual-conference/