4 Marie Curie PhD studentships available under the ENGLOBE (Enlightenment & Global History) programme.

I'd like to draw list-members attention to the 14 Marie Curie PhD
studentships available under the ENGLOBE (Enlightenment & Global
History) programme.

Details are available at

Dissertation topics should be situated in one of the following four
thematic areas:

    * Comparative history and transfers of knowledge and sciences (e.g.
European and extra-European knowledge transfer processes;
transformations of knowledge societies in history; definition of truth
criteria in different societies since the 18th Century; media and forms
of knowledge; intercultural modes of thought).

    * Comparative patterns of perception (e.g. comparative forms of
perception of "otherness"; construction of cultural and religious spaces
and frontiers; colonial discourses within Europe; images and stereotype
production; anthropology and race theories since the Enlightenment;
Literature as a source in Global History).

    * Values in hybrid cultural spaces (e.g. different forms of
modernizations; hybrid cultural spaces within Europe; conceptions of
Orientalism and Occidentalism; Europe-transcending conceptions in Global
History; Gender aspects in the Philosophy of History; art and
architecture as sources in Global History).

    * Extra-European and European approaches to the key concept
"evolution" (e.g. models, levels, and dimensions of evolution; influence
of Enlightenment ideas on independence movements in extra-European
societies; criticisms of colonial structures within the Enlightenment).

Queries should all go through the Project Manager, Prof. Dr.
Iwan-Michelangelo D'Aprile (Potsdam), E-Mail: daprile@uni-potsdam.de.
Closing date is 15 Dec 2009.
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